柏林的景点英文 你去过柏林吗的英文

导读:柏林的景点英文 你去过柏林吗的英文 1. 你去过柏林吗的英文 2. 你去过柏林吗的英文怎么说 3. 你什么时候去柏林下周的英文 4. 你去过柏林吗英语 5. 在柏林英文 6. 你去过柏林吗的英文翻译 7. 柏林著名景点的英文 8. 都柏林的英语

1. 你去过柏林吗的英文











10.PortugalLisbonPortuguese(葡萄牙里斯本葡萄牙语) 很高兴为你解答。

2. 你去过柏林吗的英文怎么说

柏林英文介绍如下,希望您满意:Berlin is the capital city of Germany and one of the 16 states of Germany. With a population of 3.4 million people,and it is Germany's largest city and is the second most populous city proper and the seventh most populous urban area in the European Union. Located in northeastern Germany on the River Spree, it is the center of the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region, which has about 4½ million residents from over 180 nations. Due to its location in the European Plain, Berlin is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. Around one third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers and lakes.
First documented in the 13th century, Berlin became the capital of the Kingdom of Prussia (1701–1918), theGerman Empire (1871–1918), the Weimar Republic (1919–33) and the Third Reich (1933–45).[10] Berlin in the 1920s was the third largest municipality in the world. After World War II, the city, along with the German state, was divided - into East Berlin — capital of the German Democratic Republic, colloquially identified in English as East Germany — and West Berlin, a political exclave (surrounded by the Berlin Wall from 1961 to 1989) and a de facto (although not de jure) state of the Federal Republic of Germany, known colloquially in English as West Germany from 1949 to 1990. Following German reunification in 1990, the city was once more designated as the capital of all Germany.
Berlin is a world city of culture, politics, media, and science, hosting 147 foreign embassies.Its economy is primarily based on high-tech industries and the service sector, encompassing a diverse range of creative industries, research facilities, media corporations, and convention venues. Berlin also serves as a continental hub for air and rail transport and is a popular tourist destination. Significant industries include IT, pharmaceuticals, biomedical engineering, biotechnology, electronics, traffic engineering, and renewable energy.
Berlin is home to renowned universities, research institutes, orchestras, museums, and celebrities and is host to many sporting events.Its urban setting and historical legacy have made it a popular location for international film productions.The city is well known for its festivals, diverse architecture, nightlife, contemporary arts, public transportation networks, and an extremely high quality of living.

3. 你什么时候去柏林下周的英文



英 ['dʒɜ:mənɪ] 美 [ˈdʒəməni]


1、Last month he signed a new non-aggression pact with Germany


2、The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium, Spain, and Germany.




Previously, she was the FT's Taipei correspondent and world news editor at Financial Times Deutschland.





英 [ˈdʒɜ:mən] 美 [ˈdʒɜ:rmən]

adj. 德国的;德国人/语的;德国文化的


The Upper House of the German parliament is to meet today in Berlin.



英 [dʒɜ:ˈmænɪk] 美 [dʒɜ:rˈmænɪk]



She had an almost Germanic regard for order.


4. 你去过柏林吗英语

德国:Germany ['dʒɜːmənɪ] 名词


Germany borders on France.德国与法国接壤。

The new Nazism is resurging in some places in Germany.新纳粹主义正在德国的一些地方复活。

The news aroused much fear in Germany. 这消息在德国引起很大恐慌。

It is manufactured in Germany.这是德国制造的。

All but one of the deaths and the majority of those infected have been in Germany.但除一人以外的所有死亡案例,以及大多数感染病例都发生在德国。

德国人:German ['dʒɜːmən] 名词


Americans of German extraction德国血统的美国人

He is German.他是德国人。

But I remember an anecdote I once heard from one of my German friends. Shortly after theunification, an Ossie and a Weissie meet in Berlin.但我记得从一个德国朋友那里听来的这样一件轶事:统一后不久,一个东德人与一个西德人在柏林相遇。

What then happens if that German citizen travels to Spain? 那如果这个德国人到西班牙旅游了怎么办?

Mere hatred of everything German, instead of the particular ideas which now dominate theGermans is, moreover, very dangerous, because it blinds those who indulge in it against a realthreat.再者,如果仇恨德国人的一切,而不仇恨如今支配德国人的那种特定观念,那是非常危险的,因为它使那些沉溺之中的人看不到真正的威胁。

5. 在柏林英文


Germany:n.德国 扩展资料

  It's all Germanic government prose to the life.


  English belongs to the Germanic group of languages.


  Someone ( especially a German) who speaks a Germanic language.


6. 你去过柏林吗的英文翻译

剧院现称 Konzerthaus Berlin,直译就是 Concert Hall Berlin。

宫廷剧院是其旧称 Königliches Schauspielhaus 的翻译,英语应该是 Royal Theater。

7. 柏林著名景点的英文

New York City 纽约Los Angeles 洛杉矶Chicago 芝加哥Tokyo 东京Hong Kong 香港Seoul 首尔Shanghai 上海Singapore 新加坡Moscow 莫斯科Madrid 马德里Barcelona 巴塞罗那Rome 罗马Milan 米兰Lisbon 里斯本London 伦敦Paris 巴黎Vienna 维也纳Berlin 柏林Birmingham 伯明翰Sydney 悉尼Melbourne 墨尔本Auckland 奥克兰Cairo 开罗Alexandria 亚历山大São Paulo 圣保罗Buenos Aires 布宜洛斯艾利斯Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢Santiago 圣地亚哥Brasilia 巴西利亚Johannesburg 约翰尼斯堡Cape Town 开普敦Mumbai 孟买Delhi 德里Kolkata 加尔各答Dhaka 达卡

8. 都柏林的英语

北爱尔兰拼音:[běi ài ěr lán]北爱尔兰(爱尔兰语:Tuaisceart Éireann;英语:Northern Ireland),是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的政治实体之一,位于爱尔兰岛东北部,首府是贝尔法斯特。地形中间低平,周围多山。主要河流有班恩河。上游的内伊湖,面积 396 平方千米,是英国最大的湖泊,属冰蚀湖。属温带海洋性气候。爱尔兰人属于凯尔特人,是欧洲大陆第一代居民的子嗣,爱尔兰 和国始于1922年的爱尔兰自由邦,结束了大英帝国的殖民统治,独立战争后签订了英爱条约,爱尔兰独立,但东北方的的领土选择继续留在英国境内,形成了现在的北爱尔兰。


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