巴黎铁塔景点英文介绍 - 关于巴黎铁塔的英语介绍

导读:巴黎铁塔景点英文介绍 - 关于巴黎铁塔的英语介绍 1. 关于巴黎铁塔的英语介绍 2. 英文介绍巴黎铁塔 3. 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔英语介绍 4. 巴黎铁塔的英语怎么说 5. 用英语介绍巴黎铁塔 6. 法国巴黎铁塔英文介绍

1. 关于巴黎铁塔的英语介绍

Eiffel Tower : The Eiffel Tower was the winning entry in a competition for a ‘centerpiece’ for the Paris Exposition of 1889. The design by an engineer named Gustav Eiffel was selected from over three hundred entries for its striking design and for its economical structure which displayed the French prowess in metal construction.

2. 英文介绍巴黎铁塔



3. 巴黎埃菲尔铁塔英语介绍


The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.It's the symbol of


will miss the chance to visit it when he arrives in Paris.It's 300.51 meters in


is made of iron and it is about 700 tons in weight.There're 1665 steps to the


took 300 workers 2 years to complete


was finished in 1889.It's a famous architecture in the world.

4. 巴黎铁塔的英语怎么说


5. 用英语介绍巴黎铁塔

The height of the Eiffel Tower, is the distance between you and me.


The Eiffel Tower, we smile


Standing on the Eiffel Tower, at its height, the memory of my happiness.


Color pencil drawing of you my Paris tower


6. 法国巴黎铁塔英文介绍

Fun Facts about the Eiffel Tower 关于埃菲尔铁塔的趣闻 La Tour Eiffel à Paris – The Eiffel Tower in Paris is a magical name that describes a sight that everyone hopes they will see one day. What would Paris be like without the Eiffel Tower? Well, Paris had already proved its charm to the world before the tower was even built with many amazing monuments: the Louvre, the Arc de Triomphe and Notre-Dame. Now the Eiffel Tower surpasses them all in height and can be seen from each of these three buildings from a different, interesting, angle. The iron tower still remains one of the most visited monuments in the whole world and it certainly deserves to be talked about on our French Moments’ pages! 拉图尔艾菲尔à巴黎–埃菲尔铁塔在巴黎是一个神奇的名字,描述的是每个人都希望自己有一天会看到的景象。

没有埃菲 尔铁塔,巴黎会是什么样的呢?好了,巴黎已经向世界证明了它有许多惊人的古迹的魅力:卢浮宫,凯旋门和巴黎圣母院。现在的埃菲尔铁塔超过他们所有的 高度,可以看到从不同的,有趣的角度观赏这三个建筑物。铁塔仍然是世界上最多人参观过的古迹之一,它确实法国值得我们去讨论地方!


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