布拉格景点英文介绍 布拉格著名景点英文介绍

导读:布拉格景点英文介绍 布拉格著名景点英文介绍 1. 布拉格著名景点英文介绍 2. 布拉格著名景点英文介绍带翻译 3. 布拉格著名景点英文介绍图片 4. 香格里拉景点英文介绍 5. 布拉格的风景英语介绍 6. 布达拉宫英文风景介绍 7. 拉萨景点英文介绍 8. 布拉格旅游景点介绍词 9. 布拉格十大著名景点 10. 拉萨著名景点英文

1. 布拉格著名景点英文介绍

它来自于一个电影的台词乌龙。在美剧《斯巴达克斯:血与沙》中,有人说到了捷克斯洛伐克这个国家,结果台词打字员乌龙翻译成了“jack slowfuck”,原本捷克斯洛伐克的英文应该是Czechoslovakia


2. 布拉格著名景点英文介绍带翻译




3. 布拉格著名景点英文介绍图片



1925年3月12日,孙中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安葬在钟山的遗愿,灵柩暂停放在北京香山碧云寺内, 并决定在南京钟山修建他的陵墓。自1926年春动工,至1929年夏建成 。







攀登如此多的石阶极为艰难 ,但当大家走完这段长距离陡峻的石阶以后,一定会悟出<<总理遗嘱>>中有关的嘱咐:“革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力”的含义。台阶用苏州花岗石砌成。








Sun Yat-sen was China's great statesman Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased gradually from south to north along the axis, the whole building complex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.

March 12, 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, in accordance with the wishes of his lifetime buried in Zhongshan. Biyunsi suspended on the coffins, 86, and decided to build his tomb in Nanjing Zhongshan. Since the spring of 1926 to start the summer of 1929 to build.

Sun Yat-sen sit north to south, covering an area of 800 million square meters, of which the Great Hall of the festival palace-building simulation, have three arches. doorway inscribed with "nation, civil rights, and the people's" banners. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, festival halls placed marble Zuoxiang, Dr. Sun Yat-sen wall engraved with the text of a handwritten "principles for national reconstruction".

Its main structures : the arch, coins, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, and the tomb of the Great Hall and other ceremonies. From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green delivered acrylic blankets on the "freedom bell." Foot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is the steeple bell, semilunar Place bell roof arcs, top of the tomb and the tomb of the hemispherical dome roof, as the first round bell pendulum slip. Place the tripod southern Taiwan (now the images of Dr. Sun Yat-sen) to the clock bell in New York, the "ting" is the ancient symbol of power. The clock is therefore with the whole "to arouse the people to build in" with the United States. Sun images of heroic vitality, the gesture seems to swing between the destiny of the speech was delivered.

Chungshan is the original greet bier Road, is Dr. Sun Yat-sen when the coffins through the south. Nanjing is the first asphalt road, started in 1926, completed in 1929. At that time, the preparatory office of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's funeral affairs program designed to recruit tomb. .

The results, the design architect Lv direct "Liberty Bell" type design won first prize. Lv also been hired to direct the grave of Chief Architect. This set of construction, type combination, use of color, material handling performance and detail, we have achieved very good results, color harmony. thereby enhancing the solemn atmosphere.

Entrance to the grave of a tall granite arch, a handwritten Dr. Sun Yat-sen the "fraternity" two Rongji. In such a landmark building is used to singing the praises of the main functions. "Fraternity" revealed word of Dr. Sun Yat-sen are broad-minded and lofty ideals. After the arch is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide oval. Behavior Mausoleum doors, it's a light blue glazed tile roofs, doors places on the works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen "commerce" four characters.

Here the use of the color blue glazed tile has a certain meaning that the color blue symbol of the heavens : the color blue, glazed tiles containing Whether it is realized. Dr. Sun Yat-sen so as to show the breadth of the country and the people in mind. Choice for further progress. The steles piece about 6 meters high on the words "Republic of China on June 1 1929 Chinese Kuomintang funeral here, Mr. Prime Minister Sun," a unique golden characters. From the festival reached a landmark court began, a total of 392 stone steps grade eight platform.

Climbing the stairs so many extremely difficult, but when you finish this long after the steepest stairs. will realize "the" premier wills "," the exhortation : "The revolution has yet to succeed, keep on working hard," meaning. Level with the granite blocks in Suzhou

The platform has a maximum two-table, after the festival Hall. China is a columnar table markers, signs in the Great Hall of this festival. Festival Hall has three arches, the sub-book "nation", "human rights" and "people" from the amount. Here is the festival palace-style Great Hall of imitation. Sun Festival Hall doorway engraved with a handwritten "world justice," The characters struggle to express the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hall has marble Zuoxiang, 4.6 meters high, realistic, Portland is world famous sculptor Paul sinus Karpinski masterpiece. Block things around as a reflection of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds of arms. Festival Hall Wall things handwritten marble engraved with the posthumous work of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "principles for national reconstruction" and Mr.hu others write "the" premier wills ",".

Here, we will not see the Sun Yat-sen to overthrow the feudal monarchy immortal donated 2,000 years of history and hard struggle, I also see the Sun as the Chinese independent, strong and grand plans for the founding ideas. Yet Hall after two heavy, made of either copper front door, door frames through black marble blocks. Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten on the "noble spirit that will never perish" banners.

Dual fan brass door for independence, on the eastern gate "Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Tomb" stone. Comes round tomb, 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters high. Central is a long hole, lying on top of the white marble like Dr. Sun Yat-sen, He visited the site may lie around like the white marble railing overlooking the casket, as this system moves by the Czech sculptor high body image creation very realistic.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's remains buried below. Grave 4 meters in diameter and five meters deep, external reinforced concrete sealing. After the liberation of Nanjing, Liu Bocheng, as mayor, specially shipped in from Hunan 20000 Pine and Chinese parasol trees were planted here.

30 years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum constant exploration of new renovation, the entire garden area of more than 3,000 hectares. Around the graveyard, full of dynamism and attractive. Sun Yat-sen was a great revolutionary forerunner Dr. Sun Yat-sen's tomb, located in the south of Nanjing Zijinshan Maoshan China. tomb building, a magnificent and majestic. The visit to Nanjing, the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionaries of the cemetery. Although Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, but his noble spirit that will never perish, and the world will never have to admire.

Sun Yat-sen's fusion of Eastern and Western architectural styles, was the situation with various Zhongshan majestic arch, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, Festival Hall and tomb large green and the sky through a broad level, even as a whole, is very solemn and majestic both profound meaning Also it is very solemn and majestic, more grand finale, the design was very successful. So as the "first modern Chinese architectural history of the Mausoleum."

4. 香格里拉景点英文介绍

香格里拉 [xiāng gé lǐ lā ]位于云南省西北部。为“香格里拉”旅游线路的腹地。从大理沿滇藏公路北行315公里,可达迪庆藏族自治州首府中甸县城中心镇,距昆明659公里,乘飞机50分钟可达。迪庆,藏语意为“吉祥如意的地方”。由于地处青藏高原东南边缘、横断山脉南段北端,“三江并流”之腹地,形成独特的融雪山、峡谷、草原、高山湖泊、原始森林和民族风情为一体的景观,为多功能的旅游风景名胜区。景区内雪峰连绵,云南省最高峰卡格博峰等巍峨壮丽、仅中甸县境内,海拔4000米以上的雪山就达470座峡谷纵横深切,最著名的有金沙江虎跳峡、澜沧江峡谷等大峡谷,再有辽阔的高山草原牧场、莽莽的原始森林以及星罗棋布的高山湖泊,使迪庆的自然景观神奇险峻而又清幽灵秀。香格里拉藏语意为“心中的日月”,英文SHANGRI-LA的汉语音译,英语发音则源于香格里拉的腹地的藏语方言。

5. 布拉格的风景英语介绍


6. 布达拉宫英文风景介绍






7. 拉萨景点英文介绍

The Tibetan antelopes live in family group, the normal size of a Tibetan antelops is with body length 120-130 cm, shoulder height 80-100 cm, tail length 18-30 cm and weight 25-35 kg. They are mainly distributed over Qinghai Province, Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China. The life span of a Tibetan antelope is probably 10-15 years.这些介绍应该够了,而且语 比较简单,顺附中文对照如下:藏羚羊是群居动物,一头藏羚羊的常规大小为--身长120-130厘米,高80-100厘米,尾长18-30厘米,重约25-35公斤。他们主要分布在中国的青海、西藏和新疆,其寿命在10至15年。

8. 布拉格旅游景点介绍词

一般去10天左右就差不多了,人均的旅行费用大概是15000-20000元之间差不多 如果要去的话,在“聆途假期”公主号里面可以获取捷克的非常全面的旅游攻略。 网红景点、美食攻略、住宿建议、购物注意事项、出行前的准备等等都有。(ps:回复国家关键词,就能拿到)

9. 布拉格十大著名景点

1、查理士桥:从旧城广场沿着查理街(karlova ulice)走向查理士桥,这段狭窄蜿蜒的街道却聚集了许多旧城的精华,也是当时加冕御道的一部份,许多以往文艺复兴和哥德式建筑的房舍,目前都改为商店,在逛街购物之余,不要忘了注意一下墙上的浮雕、壁饰,可能会有意外的收获。譬如22号上方的新艺术雕塑-被玫瑰围绕的女神,18号金蛇之屋的咖啡店,以及3号金井之屋雄伟的巴洛克墙壁雕刻。

2、国家博物馆:国家博物馆(narodni muzeum)矗立在瓦次拉夫广场一端,1890年完成的新文艺复兴式建筑是此区相当明显的地标。国家博物馆最主要收藏是捷克古代历史文物,其中又以矿石类的古物为最,其他还有考古、人类学、博物学等,入口门旁的雕像就是历史和博物学之神。 国家博物馆内部的大理石装饰,与各种历史壁画,让博物馆更加蓬荜生辉,特别是博物馆内的主要入口大厅,相当具有特色。

3、圣维塔大教堂:圣维塔大教堂(katedrala sv. vita)是布拉格城堡最重要的地标,除了丰富的建筑特色外,也是布拉格城堡王室加冕与辞世后长眠之所。


4、布拉格城堡:布拉格城堡位于伏尔塔瓦河的丘陵上,已有1000多年历史,60多年来历届总统办公室均设在堡内,所以又称「总统府」,城堡包括以下部分。 布拉格城堡画廊新近重新整建完毕的布拉格城堡画廊(obrazarna prazskeho hradu)必须另外付费才可进入,其内收藏了许多古典绘画,最早从16世纪开始,而以16到18世纪绘画为主,涵括了义大利、德国、荷兰等各国艺术家作品,共有4,000馀幅。


5、旧皇宫旧皇宫(stary kralovsky palac)是以往波西米亚国王的住所,历任在位者对不同部份进行修缮。整个皇宫建筑大致分为3层,入口一进去是挑高的维拉迪斯拉夫大厅,也是整个皇宫的重心,往上层的新领地大厅有许多早期书记的图像;下层有哥德式的查理四世宫殿,和仿罗马式宫殿大厅,大多数的房间在西元1541年的大火中受到毁坏,因此部份是后来重建的遗迹。

圣乔治教堂圣维塔大教堂(bazilika sv. jiri)后方有双塔的红色教堂就是圣乔治教堂,圣乔治教堂是捷克保存最好的仿罗马式建筑,920年完成后扩大修建多次,最近一次是在19世纪末20世纪初,教堂的基石和两个尖塔从10世纪一直保存至今。 一旁的圣乔治女修道院是波西米亚第一个女修道院,曾在18世纪被拆除改建为军营,现在为国家艺廊,收藏14至17世纪的捷克艺术作品,包括哥德艺术、文艺复兴和巴洛克等不同时期的绘画作 品。

6、火药塔这里的火药塔(prasna vez-mihulka)与旧城广场的火药塔一样,原本都是作为守城护卫的要塞,后来则为存放火药之用。16世纪时,国王让术士居住于此研究炼铅成金之术,18世纪后改为圣维塔大教堂储藏圣器的地方,现在则是展出中古艺术、天文学和炼金术文物的博物馆。

7、黄金巷:黄金巷(zlata ulicka)是布拉格古堡最着名的景点之一,观光客的拥挤程度与查理大桥不相上下, 黄金巷在圣乔治教堂与玩具博物馆之间,拐进一条小巷后到了这个小屋林立的黄金巷,宛如童话故事内的小巧房舍,是布拉格最诗情画意的街道。

黄金巷原本是仆人工匠居住之处,后来因为聚集不少为国王炼金的术士,因而有此名称,然而在19世纪之后,逐渐变成贫民窟。 20世纪中期重新规划,将原本的房舍改为小店家,现在每家商店内可看到不同种类的纪念品和手工艺品,例如16号的木制玩具、20号的锡制布拉格小士兵、21号的手绘衣服,19号的外观最有看头,是花木扶疏的可爱花园小屋。

8、旧城广场:旧城广场(staromestske namesti),被称为布拉格心脏。这里是布拉格的中央地带,铺满石版的道路,聚集了许多的观光客。站在广场中央,目光可及范围有如一套完整的建筑教材:巴洛可、洛可可、罗马、哥德式建筑等,与周围各种粉色系房屋相互辉映。


10. 拉萨著名景点英文

Tibet" in the history of not only the general public, and even specializes in Tibetan studies scholars can not be more clear explanation.

At present some say, there are still many problems. This is due to the history of Tibetan,Chinese,Mongolian, Manchu on the part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the geographical name of the Tibetan people, said many changes have taken place, and the history of the name of the cross and influence each other, has led to the Tibet and the Tibetan people to call its meaning is still more complicated.


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