东莞的红色景点 东莞的红色景点英语介绍

导读:东莞的红色景点 东莞的红色景点英语介绍 1. 东莞的红色景点英语介绍 2. 红色景点 英语 3. 东莞红色历史英语 4. 东莞景点英文介绍 5. 东莞红色故事简短英文 6. 红色东莞的英文 7. 用英语介绍红色东莞 8. 东莞红色景点有哪些 9. 红色东莞用英语怎么说 10. 红色东莞英文

1. 东莞的红色景点英语介绍

There are many tasty traditional snacks in Guangdong.

  Shrimp Dumpling is one of my favorite. It is a exquisite mini dumpling with fresh shrimp in it.

  Egg tart is a popular snack in Guangdong. People usually have it on morning tea time. The inside of the pie is made of eggs while the outside is made of baked flour. So it tastes both tender and crisp.

  Both of the snacks above are extremely delicious and popular.

2. 红色景点 英语

红色的英文是:red 读音:英 [red] 美 [red] adj. 红色的 n. 红色 词汇搭配:

1、~+名词:red hat 红帽子

2、~+介词:red in the face 面红耳赤

3、动词+~:go into the red 出现赤字,亏本

4、形容词+~:bright red 鲜红 常见句型: 1、用作定语~+ n. She has a red hat. 她有一顶红帽子。 2、用作表语S+be+~ The sky is red when the sun rises. 太阳升起时,红霞满天。 3、用作宾语补足语S+V+O+~ My mother is dying the old curtain red. 我妈妈正把旧窗帘染成红色。 4、用作名词 (n.) Red, yellow, blue, green and purple, etc. are colours. 红、黄、蓝、绿和紫等等都是颜色。

3. 东莞红色历史英语

Shui Lian Mountain Happy World

Dongguan Shuilianshan Happy World is located in the Nancheng Shuilianshan Forest Park, one of the six forest parks in Dongguan city, with a total area of about 150,000 square meters

With a capital of more than 80 million yuan, it is a motorized amusement park, water park, sea world, ice and snow world, science fiction park and celebrity wax museum 6

Theme - based dynamic, entertainment, leisure place.

4. 东莞景点英文介绍

Today,the clock,sun,Qian San,a teacher tolead the class to a Buddism godness Guanyin Mountain dream coast springouting.

Dream coast some project:" haunted house"" roller coaster"," the wheel"," happy"," fly high"," the waves roll","lovers" speed" ,the kite craft"," deluxe double turn horse' ," children climbingcar"," children bouncing car"," children pirate ship"," children flying chair" .... .AndFujian's first introduction of audiovisualscene interactive television.

We camehere to play the first project is a hauntedhouse,behind girls screaming,a " hauntedhouse" this name,make people tremblewith fear in one's boots.A door,a skull infront,reentry goes a bit,the flashing bluelight,came the voice of terror,l went to theintermediate step by step,l think theghost will only around.

Suddenly,a coveredwith greenish,unkempt skeleton in frontof me to and fro,students screamed,lsaid:" there is nothing to be afraid of,"thank the world pushed me to say:" yougo," I also fear,pretend to say was crowded,muster the confidence to goforward.

Look carefully,the original is afake skull,it was a false alarm,but thedummy occasionally issued one or twosound screams,or make students screamreverberated through the entire house,iswith one's hair standing on end.

Finally,lclosed my eyes forward,finally came out.At this point,l am not afraid he bragged that not a bit.

When we play themost happily when it began to rain,just atthe moment everyone assembled,we goton the bus,the bus to school.

5. 东莞红色故事简短英文


赤岗社区地处东莞市虎门镇东北面,在S368省道广深珠高速公路入口处,交通十分便利。面积7.6平方公里。由新村、南社、东北、南坊 西坊五个居民小组组成。

6. 红色东莞的英文

拼写:r-e-d,red,音标:[red] ,按音标读。 过去式 redded 过去分词 redded 现在分词 redding 比较级 redder 最高级 reddest 短语: Red Wine [食品] 红葡萄酒 ; 红酒 ; 干红葡萄酒 ; 酒红色 Red star 红星 ; 红色五角星 ; 贝尔格莱德红星 ; 红星队 Red dot 红点设计大奖 ; 红点 ; 德国红点 ; 红点设计奖 双语例句:

1、Her eyes red from crying, the child said she was sorry for what she had done.

2、Austin, essentially, reaps the benefits of being a deep blue, Democratic island in a red-state sea.

3、William Botkin hopes to generate word-of-mouth on a smaller scale for Red Fox Salsa Co.

7. 用英语介绍红色东莞

Dongguan is carrying out civilization construction in the new era , based on the "five color flower plan".

We will promote the promotion of "red" theory, "orange" care and care, "green" ecological civilization, "purple" cultural and sports arts, "blue" law popularization and popular science and other resources to empower the grass-roots, strengthen the three-level linkage between cities, towns and villages, integrate the position resources of various departments into the scope of civilization practice, and help the grass-roots civilization practice work more vivid and colorful.

Through persistent efforts, we will contribute to the development of spiritual civilization in the whole province and the whole country.

8. 东莞红色景点有哪些













  虎英郊野公园与御景湾酒店、峰景高尔夫球场连成一片,位于东城,公园占地面积1 50多公顷,其中水面面积约20公顷,有虎英阁、雕塑园、清幽峡、湖中鸟、天然泳场等景点。这里湖光山色,绿意盎然,风景优美。以“叠翠”命名,寓意拥山抱水、景中有景、景外有景、层层叠叠、苍翠欲滴、生机勃勃。






  长安莲花山风景区连绵十余公里,其主峰海拔513米,三峰列峙,如莲花半开。长安镇莲花山连绵十余公里, 其主峰海拔513米,四峰列峙,如莲花半开。山区主体植被覆盖率达90%,山上林木苍翠,流水潺潺,鸟语花香,四季如春;山麓地带银湖如缎,草坡绸织,湖光山色,环境幽静,人文荟萃。风景区凸现莲文化与佛教文化,有莲花湖、莲花溪、莲花圣寺、莲花峰、鹭鸟天堂五大景观区,景点四十余处。


  美丽的东江流经石龙金沙湾,形成一河三埠的自然景观。这里江面开阔,水势浩荡, 是举办东莞市龙舟竞渡的最佳场所。每到春暖花开时节,金沙湾花团锦簇,色彩斑斓,椰林茂盛,柳绿堤红,连绵十里的杜鹃花长廊,数十万株杜鹃花姹紫嫣红,竞相怒放。

9. 红色东莞用英语怎么说


10. 红色东莞英文



英 [rɛd]

美 [rɛd]



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