
French scenic spot introduction Champs Elysees (Ave des Champs-Elysees) east west the harmonysquare to the star type square, the span approximately 1,800 meters,the street widely is in dire straits 120 meters, is crosses Paris alsomost has the characteristic, one of liveliest streets. In the Frenchthe fragrant pavilion Li shed is the countryside paradise meaning.In the past, here once was a stretch of low-lying moist open area.When 17th century Louis 14 reigned, once in here afforestation, causedit to become feeds specially the forbidden area which the palacearistocrat amused. In afterwards, the chart forced the park thingspool thread to extend to the west, has completed the nearly 1kilometer long avenue in here. Later will add the expansion. In 1709only then named it as Champs Elysees. South of the avenue north movestowards prosperous cloth Wan Jiewei, divides into the style differentthing two sections. The lonesome and quiet east section has manifestedthe rural scenery, the long approximately 700 meters, a row of platoonChinese parasol tree green desire drop, 街心花园 clamps in WanMucong appear and disappear from time to time. East the end star typesquare central has palatial is grand, 遐迩闻名 the Arc DeTriomphe. Nearby the avenue has the bourbon palace, Masurium De theLin elegant cathedral. In here also has the chart to force scenic spothistorical site and so on the park, Louvre, municipal governmentbuilding and Elysee Palace. West the section chief more than 1,100rice, west the end harmony square is Paris's another transportationimportant location. France's some significant holidays - - on July 14National Day the formation for review and inspection, the new yearhave a party all holds on this famous street.The Paris harmony square (Place de la Concorde in Paris) is locatednorth shore the Paris town center, Seine, is in the French most famoussquare and the world one of most beautiful squares. The squarebeginning constructed in 1757, was in the basis famous architect cardcloth Egypt your design constructs.Because the square center once modelled has Louis 15 to ride thepicture, in 1763 once named the Louis 15 squares. The GreatRevolution time changes name as the revolutionary square. In 1795renamed it as the harmony square, latter held after famous architectGreece not to manage the renovation, finally has formed the presentscale in 1840.The square central stands erect 23 meters high, is having more than3,400 years historical the Egyptian obelisk, this was Louis - Philipin 1831 the famous cultural relic which moved from the Egyptian Lukerope, the main part of a stele ancient writing is recording west LatinAmerican the Si two th pharaohs' fact. The stele two sidesrespectively have a fountain. In the pond the fine carving also isGreece holds the not work. The square has all around laid aside 8statues, separately symbolizes 8 to play the vital role city in theFrench history: Lyons, Marseilles, Bordeaux, 南特, Rouen, Bullusespecially, Lear and Strausborg. In 1793 the Great Revolution time,the Paris people rose spiritedly to smash the Louis 15 bronze statues,and 16 has delivered Louis the guilotine.The bastille ruins (Place de la Bastille) is located east the Parisurban district, Seine 右岸, here once was a military fortress whichthe A.D. 1,369 - 1382 established. The bus bottom a word Frenchoriginal intention is the castle. This ancient castle has 8 palatialfirm artillery beginning, constructs is uses for to resist England toinvade. 1,380 - 1422, this castle is changed the king family jail. Theentire place castle 占地 2,670 square meters, all around constructsome Gao Youhou Shi Qiang and 8 high more than 30 meter turrets, allaround digs has the width 24 meters gulleys, supposes the hangingbridge turnover. As early as in 16th century, here started to imprisonimprisons the political offender, French initiation thinker Voltaire'sonce two time imprisons in here. In the French people mind, thebastille has become the French feudalism despotic rule the symbol. OnJuly 3, 1789, the Paris p eople exerted however the revolt, on 14th,has attacked and occupied the bastille, had opened French Revolution'sprologue. In 1791, the Paris people have demolished the bastille, hascompleted the bus bottom square in its former site, and the stone shopwhich dismantles to on Seine's harmony bridge, tramples for thepasser-by. In 1830, the French people established the martyr tablet inthe square center which commemoration in July revolutionized. Thismartyr tablet height 52 meters, the main part of a stele is thecircular cylinder which casts with the bronze, the person in Julycolumn, was a right hand lifts up high the torch in the column peakthe golden wing free likeness of a god or buddha, the likeness of agod or buddha left carries with the hand the catena which broke bysmashing with stone is being symbolized has been obtaining thefreedom. Is setting up a sign front the jail ruins, on writes:Everybody dances in here! In June, 1880, France on July 14 the Parispeople will attack and occupy the bastille this day to decide as theFrench National Day.The Louvre (Palais du Louvre) is one of French biggest royal palaceconstructions, is located the Paris town center 塞纳 west of thehuanghe river bank, south side the Paris opera house square.Originally is a middle ages castle, after 16th century after rebuild,the extension many times, to 18th century are the extant scales.占地 approximately 45 hectares. As early as in 1546, Dharma king弗朗 rope tile th decided constructs the new royal palace in theoriginal castle foundation, hereafter passes through 9 君主unceasingly to expand, the lasted more than 300 years, form to assumethe U glyph the grand magnificent palace architectural complex. OnAugust 10, 1793, when overthrew monarchy the anniversary commemorationday, France national trade union decision former days emperor 宫辟for state-run fine arts museum; In the same year on November 18,Louvre museum officially is open to the public. Its complete projectcompleted in 1857. Leans in Louvre mouth glyph main hall west, extendstwo wings, the middle open area forms the Carew match square. Palace东侧 has the length 列柱廊, the building palatial is grand. Itsdecorated corridor long amounts to 900 feet, Tibet has massive 17thcentury as well as the Europe Renaissance period many artists' works.The collection reaches 400,000. The Louvre fine arts museum dividesinto 6 major parts: Greek and Roman art center; Eastern art center;Egyptian art center; European middle ages, Renaissance time and modernstatue hall; All previous dynasties drawing hall. Display according todifferent school, school of thought and time division. A displaycarving. Two oil paintings, three are the sketch and the color powderpicture. At the beginning of the 80's, the French governmentimplements expands and repairs the Louvre the Louvre to plan.The Eiffel tower in the Paris town center Seine Nanan, is in the worldthe first steel and iron structure high tower, is regarded as Paristhe symbol. Because French renowned architect 斯塔夫 Eiffel designsthe construction to acquire fame. Constructed to 1887 - 1889. Thetower high 300 meters, the tower feeling of heaviness in the limbsreaches 9, 000 tons, are divided three. The first platform is apartfrom the ground 57 meters, supposes the store and the dining room; Theattic height 115 meters, are equipped with the cafe; The thirdplatform reaches as high as 276 meters, looks out into the distancefor the tourist, the base area 10,000 square meters, suddenly contractin the third place construction structure, straight refers to thevault of heaven. Looks from a side, likely but actually writes letterY. This tower is composed the part and more than 2.5 million rivetsconstitution by 18,000. Has the elevator or ascends the tower to goagainst on foot. At nightfall, the tower goes against sends out isrotating the colored searchlight light, guards against the airplanecollision. Nearby the tower stands erect the rectangular white Dalistone column, the mast top places 斯塔夫 the Eiffel gold-platinghead picture.The world famous walk street, it is said, only has on Champs Elysees,can truly understand Paris. Also is the world famous businessdistrict, east this main road extends by the harmony square to thewest to the Arc De Triomphe stops, long approximately 2.5 kilometers,two 8 driving big streets. Every year National Day, all is celebrateson this main road. But the first-class clothing store, the perfumeshop, the red mill and so on also concentrate in here. Depends on theArc De Triomphe section of shops to be most. Transportation: The suggestion pulls out for a hour to walk by theharmony square to the Arc De Triomphe, this region is the Paris scenicspot place.Heart of the Buddha cathedralThe heart of the Buddha cathedral color muddily congeals,grandly towers on Paris's Mongolian Masurium 特尔 mountain, looks atit in the grove, really likes in the fairy tale world the heavenequally holy to be beautiful. This church is Paris completes thelatest cathedral, its style is unusual, both likes the Roman style,and likes Byzantine, its four domes and a great-circle roof are thetypical Byzantium construction style. The heart of the Buddha churchnot only is a famous church, also is the tour paradise. Because thetopography is high, the people like here, stands in the churchentrance, the bird's eye view Paris panoram. Around the church is theancient narrow small street, in the French history famous Mongolian Masurium 特尔 The high ground namely referred tohere, at that time some many writers, the entertainer once lived inhere. Until now also is maintaining the traditional custom, manypainters come here to draw the picture and opening offer in thepresence of the everyone their work.Maple tree Dan White DewThe maple tree Dan White Dew is located southeast Paris 60kilometers outer suburbs, has the train to understand. Here woodedarea amounts to 16,855 hectares, mainly has the oak tree, the beechand so on. Woods Lin Zhongdi the maple tree Dan White Dew palace, isthe French famous historical site, here is at first king goes huntingfalls the foot place, afterwards gradually expanded, completes thepalace.As early as before 1137, when big Louis six th, in nearby a WhiteDew's spring, has constructed a temporary palace, goes hunting usingof the rest for king. When 16th century 弗朗 ropes tile th completes the maple tree DanWhite Dew school, when Henry two th constructs a castle, when 17thcentury completes the Henry four th palaces. Louis 14, 15, 16 ChangDaofeng the Dan White Dew goes hunting, has made many adjustments tosome construction decorations. In the France bourgeoisie GreatRevolution, the old castle still obtained the preservation, only wasthe furniture is made. Napoleon likes this very much, and calls it Century hall . He also made one to carry on thereorganization. When to republic, this old castle change is a museum.May visit French kings, queen has lived the bedroom in here, withthing, garden, big forest, carp fish pond. Also has the old castle toundergo 史馆. Here has a Chinese hall, is second empire time OuRenni the king constructs. In the hall exhibited some China to bebright, the clear time drawing, the carving and the chinaware and soon.The fable, in the pond alcove was old times king and the sweetheartlover's rendezvous place. King shyly sees, have to passes through fromthe submarine channel.The visit maple tree Dan White Dew did not forget while convenient assoon as to look to the neighbor same year famous Barby loose picturevillage side that, or started off Shitoushan as soon as to play.Opening hour: 9: 30-12: 30; 14: 00-17: 00Transportation: Station rides the train from Gare de the Lyoneither rides the private car to walk A6 or the N7 road.Telephone: 01-60-71-50-70 Notre Dame cathedralThe Notre Dame cathedral constructed at 12 to 14 centuries(from 1163 to 1345), designed by MauricedeSul-ly, was work Francegothic cathedral classics, moreover was always France's historicalarena, important national celebration all in this hold, if Napoleon in1804 namely ascended the base in this. The French big literary giant雨果 work Les Miserables once was the bell tower odd personphotographs by the reorganization the movie, has looked nearby theperson ear still might hear to 钟声 in sound - Notre Dame cathedral钟声. Did the Notre Dame cathedral, which angle from look all beautifulincomparable, specially looks into the distance from Seine's bridgeacclivity, its is dignified and gracefully coexists, is too beautifulto behold.May watch from the Notre Dame cathedral tower to Seine (La Seine) onscenery and Pang Bi is on a vacation the center. Sunday evening in thenotre dame also has the organ performance.

The high Eiffel Tower, the colorful streets, the beautiful river Seine, the glorious palaces, the romantic people, the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world. 高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France, Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history. So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip. 作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市。这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返。 The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836. It’s a world famous building, too. The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔), which is 320 meters high, is the symbol of Paris. It was completed in 1889. 320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志。它建于1889年


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