广州著名旅游景点英语介绍 广州景点英语介绍简单简短

导读:广州著名旅游景点英语介绍 广州景点英语介绍简单简短 1. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短 2. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短五句 3. 广州有十大景点英语怎么说 4. 广州著名景点英语介绍 5. 广州有什么著名的景点用英语表示 6. 广州景点的英语 7. 用英语介绍广州景点 8. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短带翻译 9. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短翻译 10. 广州著名景点用英文怎么说

1. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短

广州塔(英语:Canton Tower),又称广州新电视塔,昵称为“小蛮腰”,其位于中国广东省广州市海珠区(艺洲岛)赤岗塔附近,距离珠江南岸125米,与珠江新城、花城广场、海心沙岛隔江相望。广州塔塔身主体高454米,天线桅杆高146米,总高度600米。是中国第二高塔,仅次于上海中心大厦,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。

2. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短五句


As the capital of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou city is in the southern part of China. It has a long history and the population is over 10 million. There are a lot of places of great interest, such as Guangzhou Tower, Baiyun Mountain, and Chen Clan Academy. Guangzhou is a beautiful city with various kinds of flowers and there are a great variety of delicious foods. So every year, there are tens of thousands visitors from all over the world. I believe it will become more and more wonderful

3. 广州有十大景点英语怎么说

长隆欢乐世界的英文名是:CHIMELONG PARADISE长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。长隆欢乐世界共有八大主题区域,分别是旋风岛、尖叫地带、哈比儿童王国、开心乐园、彩虹湾、欢乐水世界、幻影天地、演艺。最特色的是U型滑板、垂直过山车。

4. 广州著名景点英语介绍

GuangZhou ia a modern city with a long history.The weather of this city is comfortable.And it has many famous sights for people to deeply know about the history of GuangZhou.

5. 广州有什么著名的景点用英语表示

Guangzhou is a beautiful city. It is a famous city in China. People are very kind and friendly.In the park, there are many beautilul flowers and trees. Guangzhou is a good place.The street is very clean and tidy.The air is very fresh and claen. I like guangzhou.

6. 广州景点的英语

Always spring

No winter

No ice

Rain falls everywhere outside,fill in the street

Nice sunshine

7. 用英语介绍广州景点

Harmony with the environment is that we live in on Earth, who is a natural son, and not only to natural persons as the conqueror, as we all know, there is only one earth and the mountains on Earth, the animals. Plant human cells, if it damaged, destroyed nature organizations, to the eradication of mankind. Therefore, the environment must be linked with social ethics, character education and practice acts as an important element of it. Everyone must fulfil its responsibilities and obligations to protect the environment.

8. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短带翻译


People often use "Baiyun Zhuhai"

to refer


Guangzhou, the "white" refers to the Baiyun Mountain.

Baiyun Mountain scenic area in the northern city of Guangzhou, about 17 kilometers away from

downtown, is nine mountains in the southern part of the known as "the first mountain in South Vietnam,"


Allegedly every autumn, often clouds rising up, make a mountain side into a

piece of white

clouds, like a veil, hence the name.

Baiyun Mountain consists of 30 peaks in a cluster,

the whole mountain

area of 28 square

kilometers, the highest peak of Mount Davis 382 meters above sea

level, is the peak of Guangzhou city.


据 每到秋季,常有白云冉冉升起,使山上一个侧面变成白云漫漫的一片,犹如面纱笼罩,因而得名。白云山由30多座山峰簇集而成,全山面积28平方公里,最高峰摩星岭海拔382米,是广州市最高峰。

9. 广州景点英语介绍简单简短翻译


10. 广州著名景点用英文怎么说

广州塔的英译名:Canton Tower。

广州塔为何译成“Canton Tower”而不是译成“Guangzhou Tower”?由于历史原因,“Canton”是鸦片战争后英国人最初对广州的英译法,这种译源自于“邮政拼音”。这是对中文第一次罗马字母化,最初只是为了方便邮政通信,所以也叫“邮政式拼音”。


一些人认为“Canton”带有旧时色彩,不太好,还是要用拼音 Guangzhou。但另一些人认为,Canton 在世界上更知名,要充分利用这样一个国际知名的品牌。

最后,广州塔的英文名还是统一为“Canton Tower”了。


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