桂林阳朔必去景点英文介绍 桂林山水景点介绍英文

导读:桂林阳朔必去景点英文介绍 桂林山水景点介绍英文 1. 桂林山水景点介绍英文 2. 桂林山水景点介绍英文作文 3. 桂林山水英文简单介绍翻译 4. 桂林著名景点英文 5. 桂林山水景点介绍英文PPT 6. 英语介绍桂林山水 7. 桂林山水景点介绍英文翻译

1. 桂林山水景点介绍英文

Elephant trunk mountain is located by the Lijiang River. From a distance, it looks like a living elephant drinking water by the river.


The elephant trunk mountain is covered with dense trees, as if it were covered with a green dress.


When there is fog, white fog surrounds elephant trunk mountain. Elephant trunk mountain seems to creep slowly in the clouds, like an elephant slowly coming to us.


Shuiyue cave at the foot of Xiangbi mountain is a famous scenic spot of "Xiangshan Shuiyue".


On a sunny day, the semicircular cave is reflected on the water to form a complete circle, just like a bright moon.


2. 桂林山水景点介绍英文作文

Let's take a look at the weather in Shanxi Province for the next 24 hours. Taiyuan would be cloudy at the time with the temperature from eighteen to twenty-eight. A strong wind would reach Datong, which could cause much rain, The temperature would be sixteen to twenty-six.

  Yangquan would be sunny with the highest temperature of thirty degree. Linfen would be windy and its temperature would be twenty-three to thirty-two. We would have a sunny and hot day in Yuncheng. Its temperature would stay between twenty-eight to thirty-four.

3. 桂林山水英文简单介绍翻译






4. 桂林著名景点英文

两江四湖 Two Rivers and Four Lakes

漓江 Li River

桃花江 Taohua River

杉湖 Shahu Lake(Cedar Lake)

榕湖 Ronghu Lake(Banyan Lake)

桂湖 Guihu Lake

木龙湖 Mulong Lake

5. 桂林山水景点介绍英文PPT

Guilin, also known as Bagui and Guizhou, is a world-renowned scenic city and an important political, cultural and technological center in Guangxi. It is an international tourist city, a pioneer area of national tourism innovation and development, and a comprehensive transportation hub approved by the State Council.

桂林简称桂,别称八桂、桂州,是世界著名的风景游览城市、广西重要的政治、文化、科技中心,是国务院批复确定的中国对外开放国际旅游城市、全国旅游创新发展先行区和综合交通枢纽 。

As of 2019, the city has six districts, 10 counties and one county-level city under its jurisdiction, with a total area of 278,800 square kilometers, a built area of 162 square kilometers, and a permanent population of mo re than 53,000.


Guilin is the first batch of national historic and cultural cities and important tourist centers. Since ancient times, Guilin has been known as "the best tourist city in the world" and is one of the best tourist cities recommended by the World Tourism Organization in China.


Forbes and CNN commented that the Lijiang River is the most American National Park and river in the world, and Guilin's inbound tourist destination in 2017 is complete. China is the fourth, second only to Beijing and Shanghai picks.


6. 英语介绍桂林山水


  Guilin (Chinese: 桂林; pinyin: Guìlín) is a prefecture-level city in China, situated in the northeast of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the west bank of the Li River。

Its name means "forest of Sweet Osmanthus", owing to the large number of fragrant Sweet Osmanthus trees located in the city。

The city has long been renowned for its unique scenery。


  In 314 BC, a small settlement was established along the banks of the Li River。

  Physical setting

  Area: 27,809 km2

  Subtropical region

  Typical karst formation


  Diecai Hill (叠彩山),

  Elephant Trunk Hill (象鼻山),

  Seven-Star Cave (七星岩),

  Wave-Subduing Hill (伏波山),

  Lipu Mountains,

  The Cat Mountains (猫儿山)and Yaoshan Mountains

  Rivers: Lijiang

  Cave: Reed Flute Cave (芦笛岩,Seven Star Cave (七星岩)

  Administrative divisions

  Guilin administers 17 county-level divisions:


  Population: 1。

34 million

  Urban population: 620,000

  Ethnic groups: Zhuang, Yao, Hui, Miao, Han and Dong


  Damp monsoon climate

  Warm and rainy

  Plenty of sunshine and clear division of the four seasons

  Warm winters

  Average temperature: 19 °C (66 °F) annually。

7. 桂林山水景点介绍英文翻译

桂林是一个享有世界声誉的风景游览城市和历史文化名城。 远在三亿多年前,桂林沉浸在汪洋大海之中,由于地壳运动,桂林逐渐上升为陆地。后经过长期的风化、剥蚀和雨水溶蚀,发育了典型的岩溶地貌,逐渐形成了形态奇特的峰林石丛和幽深瑰丽的溶洞,并与秀丽的漓江融为一体,构成了别具一格的桂林山水,赢得了“甲天下”的美誉。 桂林山水,素以山青、水秀、洞奇、石美著称于世。桂林的山峰,平地拔起,奇峭峻丽;桂林的溶洞,深邃幽旷,满目琳琅;桂林至阳朔的百里漓江,更是风光绮丽,碧水萦回,奇峰林立,百态千姿……“江作青罗带,山如碧玉簪”。“千峰环野立,一水抱城流”、“几程漓水曲,万点桂山尖”等古今诗人的名篇佳句,对桂林的奇山秀水作了真实的写照和形象的描绘。


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