杭州的西湖景点介绍英文 杭州的西湖景点介绍英文200字

导读:杭州的西湖景点介绍英文 杭州的西湖景点介绍英文200字 1. 杭州的西湖景点介绍英文200字 2. 杭州西湖十景点介绍英文 3. 关于西湖的介绍英语 4. 用英语介绍杭州西湖的美景 5. 杭州西湖英文简介200字 6. 游览著名的西湖英语怎么写 7. 杭州西湖英文导游词200字 8. 西湖景点介绍英语作文

1. 杭州的西湖景点介绍英文200字


My friends, you can see the West Lake it? If you have not seen, let me tell you how, in this beautiful West Lake!

West Lake, there are many fish. Beautiful colors of fish, there are many types. I think the most important thing is goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...

The lake is also very beautiful. Blue Lake is rare, so that you can not tell which is the lake where the blue is the blue sky.

West Lake, beautiful!



My trip to West Lake.


Friends, have you ever been to West Lake? If not, let me tell you how beautiful West Lake is!


This summer vacation, I went to play in West Lake. In West Lake there are many fish. The fish's color is beautiful, there are many types of. I saw the most is the goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...


West Lake water is also very beautiful. The blue water of rare, can let you distinguish where is the sky where is the. I sit on the ship in West Lake travel, I listen to the sound of water slurry aroused ... ...


In the sun, West Lake water bright, beautiful!

2. 杭州西湖十景点介绍英文


Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.


It is composed of West Lake scenic spot and Honghua Lake scenic spot, with a total area of 20 and 91 square kilometers

3. 关于西湖的介绍英语

可以从惠州西湖的历史 环境 位置 交通 人文等方面用英文介绍下,作文字数就凑够了。

4. 用英语介绍杭州西湖的美景



Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.

5. 杭州西湖英文简介200字

Huizhou West Lake scenic spot is located in the central area of Huizhou City in the southeast of Guangdong Province.

6. 游览著名的西湖英语怎么写

On the first day, you enjoy the beautiful scenery of West Lake and visit some places of interest. 第一天你们欣赏了西湖的美景,参观了一些名胜。

7. 杭州西湖英文导游词200字


其实,把杭州比喻成人间天堂,很大程度上是因为有个西湖。有人曾把杭州西湖和瑞士日内瓦的莱蒙湖比喻为世界上东西辉映的两颗明珠。正是有了西湖,才使杭州成了“世界最美丽华贵的天城”。杭州因湖而名,因湖而兴,温柔婉约的西湖造就了杭州“人间天堂”的美名。今天就让我们一起签去游览吧! 西湖,位于浙江省杭州市西部,是中国主要的观赏性淡水湖泊,也是中国首批国家重点风景名胜区。西湖三面环山,面积约6.39平方千米,东西宽约2.8千米,南北长约3.2千米,绕湖一周近15千米。湖中被孤山、白堤、苏堤、杨公堤分隔,按面积大小分别为外西湖、西里湖、北里湖、小南湖及岳湖等五片水面,苏堤、白堤越过湖面,小瀛洲、湖心亭、阮公墩三个人工小岛鼎立于外西湖湖心,夕照山的雷 峰塔与宝石山的保俶塔隔湖相映,由此形成了“一山、二塔、三岛、三堤、五湖”的基本格局。2011年6月24日,杭州西湖列入世界遗产名录。西湖周边的植物资源颇为丰富多样。一年四季,各类花卉交替绽放飘香,不仅丰富了西湖的植物景观,也大大改善了杭州的环境质量。

8. 西湖景点介绍英语作文

Huizhou west lake scenic area is located in the southeast guangdong province huizhou city city central district, consists of the west lake and red flower lake


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