杭州景点中英文介绍 杭州景点英文名称

导读:杭州景点中英文介绍 杭州景点英文名称 1. 杭州景点英文名称 2. 杭州的景点英文名 3. 杭州景点 英文 4. 杭州景点英文名称介绍 5. 杭州景点英文名称大全 6. 杭州的旅游景点英文 7. 杭州著名景点英文 8. 杭州景点英文名称有哪些 9. 杭州景点英语名称 10. 杭州的著名景点的英文名称

1. 杭州景点英文名称

杭州大厦 Hangzhou Tower杭州百货 Hangzhou Mall银泰百货 Intime Mall杭州解百 Hangzhou Jiebai万象城 Mixc Mall国大商场 GDA

2. 杭州的景点英文名

杭州动物园好还是杭州野生动物园好,只是针对的人群不同,各有千秋。 杭州动物园与杭州野生动物园简介: 杭州动物园:杭州动物园(外文名称:Hangzhou zoo),成立于1958年,原址位于钱王祠,1975年10月迁址虎跑路40号,园区占地20公顷。动物园南邻虎跑梦泉,六和塔,北接少儿公园(满陇桂雨),与玉皇飞云遥遥相对,是一座集野生动物保护、科研、科普、教育和游览于一体的山林式动物园,园内环境幽静、树木成荫、年接待游客达100余万人次。杭州动物园,是中国七大动物园之一,动物园位于杭州西湖之南,大慈山的白鹤峰下,园区占地20公顷是一座集野生动物保护、科研、科普、教育和游览于一体的山林式动物园。曾获“全国十佳动物园”称号和杭州市“示范文明单位”称号。也是全国野生动物保护科普教育基地、浙江省科普教育基地。 杭州野生动物园:杭州野生动物园是华东地区规模最大的野生动物园,于2002年4月28日正式开放,为国家AAAA级景区,园区被划分为游览观光区、后勤保障区、生态缓冲区三大区,区内设有孔雀园、天鹅湖、非洲原野等多个景点,拥有白狮、白犀牛、熊猫、金毛羚牛等多种珍贵动物,休闲服务区设施齐全,是唯一可自己驾驶入园游览的大型野生动物主题公园。

3. 杭州景点 英文

i 'll show you around the famous sights of hangzhou.

4. 杭州景点英文名称介绍

Hangzhou is located on the eastern shore of China East Sea and on the riverside of Qiantang River. Marco Polo,a famous Italian traveller visited the city in the middle of Yuan Dynasty. Hangzhou has been one of the ancient capitals in Chinese history.It functioned as the political,economic and cultural center in some dynasties. Hangzhou raise the fame with many famous temples and ancient pagodas. The beautiful West Lake is surrounded by hills from three sides.And parkes are situated everywhere alone the lakeside,which attract thousands of tourists home and abroad.

5. 杭州景点英文名称大全

杭州亚运会即The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games。

6. 杭州的旅游景点英文


My friends, you can see the West Lake it? If you have not seen, let me tell you how, in this beautiful West Lake!

West Lake, there are many fish. Beautiful colors of fish, there are many types. I think the most important thing is goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...

The lake is also very beautiful. Blue Lake is rare, so that you can not tell which is the lake where the blue is the blue sky.

West Lake, beautiful!



My trip to West Lake.


Friends, have you ever been to West Lake? If not, let me tell you how beautiful West Lake is!


This summer vacation, I went to play in West Lake. In West Lake there are many fish. The fish's color is beautiful, there are many types of. I saw the most is the goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...


West Lake water is also very beautiful. The blue water of rare, can let you distinguish where is the sky where is the. I sit on the ship in West Lake travel, I listen to the sound o f water slurry aroused ... ...


In the sun, West Lake water bright, beautiful!

7. 杭州著名景点英文

举例如下: The most famous tourist atteaction in Hangzhou is the West Lake scenic area, with lots of green trees, pavilions and temples.

8. 杭州景点英文名称有哪些

Hangzhou is the capital and most populous city of Zhejiang Province in East China.It sits at the head of Hangzhou Bay, which separates Shanghai and Ningbo. Hangzhou grew to prominence as the southern terminus of the Grand Canal and has been one of the most renowned and prosperous cities in China for much of the last millennium. The city's West Lake, a UNESCO World Heritage Site immediately west of the city, is among its best-known attractions.

Hangzhou is classified as a sub-provincial city and forms the core of the Hangzhou metropolitan area,the fourth-largest in China.During the 2010 Chinese census, the metropolitan area held 21.102 million people over an area of 34,585 km2 (13,353 sq mi).Hangzhou prefecture had a registered population of 9,018,000 in 2015.

In September 2015, Hangzhou was awarded the 2022 Asian Games. It will be the third Chinese city to play host to the Asian Games after Beijing 1990 and Guangzhou 2010.Hangzhou, an emerging technology hub and home to the e-commerce giant Alibaba, also hosted the eleventh G-20 summit in 2016.

Hangzhou's climate is humid subtropical with four distinctive seasons, characterised by long, very hot, humid summers and chilly, cloudy and drier winters (with occasional snow).

angzhou began to prosper and flourish in the Tang Dynasty (618-907). It was the capital of the Wu and Yue States in the 10th Century during the Five Dynasties Period, and had its political heyday in the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279), when it served as the capital of China. Hangzhou witnessed a commercial boom in the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties, which is continuing at present.




2015年9月,杭州被授予2022届亚运会。它将是继1990年北京和2010年广州之后第三个举办亚运会的中国城市。杭州,一个新兴的技术中心,电子商务巨头阿里巴巴的所在地,也在2016年主办了第十一届G 20峰会。



9. 杭州景点英语名称

杭州城市标志由汉字“杭”的篆书演变而来的标志将代表杭州,诠释城市魅力。;杭州城市标志以汉字“杭”篆书为演变,体现了中国传统文化底蕴;将无可替代的城市名称与无可替代的视觉形式合二为一,具有独特性、唯一性和经典性。;标志中“杭”字结合了航船、城廓、建筑、园林、拱桥等要素,是“精致和谐、大气开放”城市人文精神的完美视觉表达。;“杭”字的上半部分运用了江南建筑中具有标志性的翘屋角与圆拱门,体现了中国传统文化和江南地域特征;右半部分的“亢”,则隐含了杭 州著名景点“三潭印月”的形象。;标志下方传达了城市、航船、建筑、园林、拱桥与水的亲近感,凸现了杭州独有的“五水共导”的城市特征。;如果把标志拿得远一点看,整体好似航船。“杭”字古意即为“方舟”、“船”;“杭”又通“航”,反映了杭州得名取自“大禹舍舟登岸”的历史典故,体现了杭州作为历史名城的底蕴;又象征着今天杭州正扬帆起航,展现出积极进取、意气风发的精神风貌。;


10. 杭州的著名景点的英文名称

I went to HangZhou in the summer holiday with my parents,which gave me lots of funs.When arriving there we were attracted with the beauties of Hangzhou.It is believed that Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.So it is.We went to vist some nice gardens and boating in the lake.we impressed me most is that we successed in climing the mountian.We came back with happiness.That was a intresting trip.I will keep it in my memory for ever.


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