杭州景点的英文 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇

导读:杭州景点的英文 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇 1. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇 2. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇作文 3. 用英文介绍杭州的美景 4. 杭州的著名景点英文介绍 5. 杭州有哪些景点用英语表述 6. 浙江景点英文介绍 7. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇文章 8. 杭州景点英文导游词 9. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇简短

1. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇

杭州英语角总汇: 1. 六公园英语角:是杭州最大的市民英语角, 时间为每周日8:30--14:00(下午老外会多一点,去过两次,不错) 2. 武林广场英语角:每周日 武林广场 早上7:00-9:00 3. 浙江大学各校区英语角: a. 玉泉校区:每周二, 四, 六 毛主席像下 晚上21:00开始 b. 西溪校区:每周三,周日世纪之光雕塑下晚上21:30开始 c. 华家池校区:每周三晚大食堂门前草坪晚上20:30开始 d. 紫金港校区:每周一,三,五 西1—519教室晚上20:30开始 4. 杭商院英语角:每周三晚 杭商主校区青春广场晚上20:30 - 22:30 5. 三联书店英语角:每周六西溪校区对面三联书店晚上18:00-20:30 6. 科友英语角:每周六 省科协大楼20F-2010室 每周六晚上7:00-9:00 7. 吴山广场英语角,是每周六上午的。 8. 杭师院对面文一路上美国书店,二楼是英语角,每周星期五晚上, 环境很好, 英语爱好者不妨去看看。 9. 浙江教育学院对面, 文三路西溪数码港斜对面, 春暖花开书店二楼: 每周五晚上7:30-9:30有固定外教。 10.浸泡村下沙校区,在学源街上,每天都有很多下沙大学生在那边。

2. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇作文


My friends, you can see the West Lake it? If you have not seen, let me tell you how, in this beautiful West Lake!

West Lake, there are many fish. Beautiful colors of fish, there are many types. I think the most important thing is goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...

The lake is also very beautiful. Blue Lake is rare, so that you can not tell which is the lake where the blue is the blue sky.

West Lake, beautiful!



My trip to West Lake.


Friends, have you ever been to West Lake? If not, let me tell you how beautiful West Lake is!


This summer vacation, I went to play in West Lake. In West Lake there are many fish. The fish's color is beautiful, there are many types of. I saw the most is the goldfish, red, orange, black, white ... ...


West Lake water is also very beautiful. The blue water of rare, can let you distinguish where is the sky where is the. I sit on the ship in West Lake travel, I listen to the sound of water slurry aroused ... ...


In the sun, West Lake water bright, beautiful!

3. 用英文介绍杭州的美景

举例如下: The most famous tourist atteaction in Hangzhou is the West Lake scenic area, with lots of green trees, pavilions and temples.

4. 杭州的著名景点英文介绍

West Lake Hangzhou is located in the western area of Hangzhou City's historic center. There are dozens of lakes called West Lake worldwide, but "West Lake" usually refers to the Hangzhou West Lake. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. The circumference is around 15 kilometers. West Lake is famous for Bai, Yang and Su Causeway.西湖杭州位于杭州市历史中心的西部地区。世界上有几十个叫西湖的湖泊,但“西湖”通常指的是杭州西湖。西湖三面环山,面积约6.5平方公里。周长约15公里。西湖以白堤、杨堤和苏堤而闻名于世。

5. 杭州有哪些景点用英语表述

杭州市城南凤凰山东麓宋城路一带。 南宋的皇宫是宋高宗赵构定都杭州后,在北 州治旧址修建宫城禁苑。东起凤山门,西至凤凰山西麓,南起苕帚湾,北至万松岭,方圆4.5公里。 位于杭州城南凤凰山东麓宋城路一带。大内有城门3座,南称丽正,北为和宁,东曰东华。皇城内,宫殿巍峨林立,光耀夺目。有金銮殿、垂拱殿、选德殿、福宁殿、勤政殿、复古殿等殿、堂、楼阁约130余座。 此外还有华美的御苑直至凤凰山巅。元至元十四年(1277)因为民间失火延及,焚烧殆尽,至明代成为废墟。 现遗址上建有军队用房和杭州卷烟厂等大型建筑以及民房,国家文物部门正在进行考古发掘。凤凰山御苑内石刻、石景颇多,规划辟为"南宋故宫遗址公园"。

6. 浙江景点英文介绍

Xishi hometown tourism area is located in the hometown of Xishi - zhejiang zhuji, zhuji is the only national scenic spots, national key scenic spots an important part of.

The total planning area of the whole tourist area is 1.85 square kilometers. According to the function is divided into one axis one heart six areas. One axis is Huanjiang sightseeing belt, which runs through the whole tourist area from north to south. One axis refers to Xishi Temple scenic area with a certain scale, while six sections refer to the main entrance management area, ancient fishing village scenic area of Cormorant Bay, ancient Yue culture area, Meiyuan recreation and entertainment area, Sanjiangkou Wetland Ecological Protection Area, and leisure and vacation area.



7. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇文章

Hangzhou is located on the eastern shore of China East Sea and on the riverside of Qiantang River. Marco Polo,a famous Italian traveller visited the city in the middle of Yuan Dynasty. Hangzhou has been one of the ancient capitals in Chinese history.It functioned as the political,economic and cultural center in some dynasties. Hangzhou raise the fame with many famous temples and ancient pagodas. The beautiful West Lake is surrounded by hills from three sides.And parkes are situated everywhere alone the lakeside,which attract thousands of tourists home and abroad.

8. 杭州景点英文导游词


9. 杭州景点的英文介绍短篇简短

I went to HangZhou in the summer holiday with my parents,which gave me lots of funs.When arriving there we were attracted with the beauties of Hangzhou.It is believed that Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in China.So it is.We went to vist some nice gardens and boating in the lake.we impressed me most is that we successed in climing the mountian.We came back with happiness.That was a intresting trip.I will keep it in my memory for ever.


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