景点英文介绍黄河 - 河北旅游景点英文介绍

导读:景点英文介绍黄河 - 河北旅游景点英文介绍 1. 河北旅游景点英文介绍 2. 河北旅游景点英文介绍大全 3. 石家庄景点英文介绍 4. 河北名胜古迹英文 5. 河北旅游景点英文介绍两分钟 6. 邯郸旅游景点英文介绍 7. 河北景点英语介绍 8. 河北经典旅游景点英语导游词

1. 河北旅游景点英文介绍

Zhangjiakou is prefecture city under the jurisdiction Hebei Province, located in the Hebei Province, Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi and Mongolia, and intersection of Beijing Tianjin Hebei circle and Hebei circle.


Zhangjiakou is the area with the largest number of existing great wall, known as the "Great Wall Museum". Chongli Chicheng are the largest natural in North China, known as Oriental Davos.


Zhangjiakou has jurisdiction over 6districts, 10counties, 2managementand 1Economic Development Zone,280communities, 113townships, 96towns and4175 villages.


2. 河北旅游景点英文介绍大全

Summer mountian resort in ChengDe is one of the most famous tourist attraction in HeBei province 希望对你有帮助(≧﹏ ≦) p.s. 若还有疑问再追问吧

3. 石家庄景点英文介绍

  Subways are special kinds of trains that are usually built underground and are often found in big cities.Subways are typically made up of multiple train lines that start and end in different places,and sometimes intersect each other in between,allowing passengers to get from one place to another.By operating underground,they help large numbers of people to get around easily,since they still allow space for people to walk,drive,and take busses up on the street.

4. 河北名胜古迹英文

安国位于河北省中部,保定市南部 Amara is located in the middle of hebei province, south of baoding city

5. 河北旅游景点英文介绍两分钟

What’s more, Xingtai, an ancient city ,has a history of more than 3500 years.there are many famourspeople. such as

It is the hometoen of weizheng who was a famous a blunt and loyal minister in tanDynasty,Andit is also the hometown of Guoshoujing, who was a famous scientist of the Yuan Dynasty.

There is a story in history about Zhang Guolao, one of the eight deities in the Tao school. He thought that going forward was moving backward, so he rode a donkey backward

6. 邯郸旅游景点英文介绍

Handan City, a municipality under the jurisdiction of Hebei Province, is located at the southern end of Hebei Province。(邯郸市是河北省辖市,位于河北省南端。)

Handan at the eastern foot of Taihang Mountains, west of Taihang Mountains, east of North China Plain, and adjacent to Shanxi, Shandong and Henan provinces, with a total area of 12073.8 square kilometers.(邯郸在太行山东麓,太行西麓,华北平原以东,毗邻山西、山东、河南等省,总面积12073.8平方公里。)

Handan has a history of 3,100 years, and 8,000 years ago it gave birth to the early Neolithic Cishan culture. (邯郸有3100年的历史,8000年前诞生了早期新石器时代的西山文化。)

Handan was the capital of Zhao in the Warring States Period, Cao Wei was the capital of Linzhang in the late Han Dynasty, and the first capital of Zhili Province in the Qing Dynasty.(邯郸是战国时期赵国的都城,曹魏是汉末临漳的都城,清代直隶省的第一个都城。)

During the War of Liberation, Shexian was the headquarters of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army and the seat of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Border Region Government. (解放战争期间,涉县是八路军第1299师的司令部,晋冀鲁豫边区政府所在地。)

In August 1949, the Hebei Provincial People's Government was established and Handan Special Zone was established. (1949年8月 河北省人民政府成立,邯郸特区成立。)

In 1993, with the approval of the State Council, Handan was abolished, and the prefectures and cities were merged. (1993年,经国务院批准,邯郸市撤销,州市合并。)

The counties under the jurisdiction of Handan were assigned to Handan City, which was called Handan City.(邯郸市划归邯郸市管辖,称邯郸市。)

7. 河北景点英语介绍


8. 河北经典旅游景点英语导游词










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