河南景点中英对照简介 河南著名景点英文介绍

导读:河南景点中英对照简介 河南著名景点英文介绍 1. 河南著名景点英文介绍 2. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文 3. 河南景点英语名称 4. 河南名胜古迹英语介绍 5. 河南旅游英文介绍词 6. 河南著名景点英文介绍十翻译 7. 英语介绍河南特色 8. 河南景点英文名称 9. 河南旅游景点英文介绍 10. 中国著名的景点英文介绍

1. 河南著名景点英文介绍

Caisheng is a tourist attraction located in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, where the scenery is beautiful. Mountains and water bring us the enjoyment of beauty. We feel the true charm of nature.

2. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文


Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi 西岳华山(陕西)

It is one of the five sacred mountains in China. The other four mountains are Mt. Taishan in Shandong, Mt. Hengshan in Hunan, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi, and Mt. Songshan in Henan.

Mt. Taishan in Shandong 东岳泰山(山东)

The leader of the Five Sacred Mountains, Mt. Tai is located in the center of Shandong Province, lying across the cities of Taian, Jinan and Zibo.

Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi 北岳恒山(山西)

Mt. Hengshan, one of the most famous Five Sacred Mountains (Wu Yue)in China, is located about 62 kilometers south to Datong City of Shanxi Province. It attracts people by its natural sceneries and man-made landscaping.

Mt. Emeishan in Sichuan 四川峨眉山

Mt. Emei is located in Leshan City, Sichuan Province. It is towering, beautiful, old and mysterious.

Mt. Songshan in Henan中岳嵩山(河南)

Song Mountain lies in Dengfeng city, in the heart of Henan Province and about 80 kilometers (50 miles) east of its capital, Zhengzhou. Song Mountain, which is also known as Zhong Yue (middle mountain), is known as one of the Five Mountains of China.

3. 河南景点英语名称

新乡之所以被戏称为纽约是因为纽约这座城市的英文名称为NEW York,音译为纽约,但翻译为中文就是新乡,所以河南新乡市就被戏称为纽约了。

类似的戏称还有将PEARL Harbor称为蚌埠,也是相当有趣,珍珠出自河蚌,珍珠港被称为蚌埠也是传世之作。

4. 河南名胜古迹英语介绍

Hengshan Mountain

Among all the famous mountains in China, Huangshan, located in the south of Anhui Province, may be the most famous one, originally named Yishan. In AD, it was renamed Huangshan for commemorating the legendary Yellow Emperor. Wuyue is the most important mountain range in China.

Mount Tai in Shandong, Huashan in Shaanxi and Hengshan in Shanxi are the most important mountains in China. It is said that Songshan Mountain in Henan Province and Hengshan Mountain in Hunan Province don't want to leave again after seeing Wuyue The Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China. Huangshan is not only magnificent, but also rich in resources and animal species.

It is listed as the world natural and cultural heritage.



5. 河南旅游英文介绍词

My hometown is a small village in nanyang. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.

6. 河南著名景点英文介绍十翻译

用英文介绍自己的家乡河南林州,可以介绍林州在河南的位置,林州的风 有哪些,以及林州的风俗习惯。

7. 英语介绍河南特色

Jiaozuo is located in the northwest of Henan Province and separated from Shanxi Province by Taihang Mountain on the North , facing with zhengzhou and luoyang . It has a total area of 4,071 square

kilometers and a population of 3.55 million .Jiaozuo previously is known as “ coal town ”, it is rich in mineral resources , such as coal , limestone , pyrite and so on . Due to the depletion of resources , It has successfuly transformed into tourism city .

8. 河南景点英文名称

xiliuhu park郑州西流湖生态公园位于河南省郑州市,北起化工路,南至中原西路,由南区和北区两部分组成,总占地面积为3.2平方公里。该公园属于城市生态公园,共分为城市界面景观区、生态密林景观区、疏林草地景观区、滨水特色景观区和湿地生态景观区等。湖岸以东主要设有半岛春苏、绿屿信步、雁舞滩等景点,湖岸以西主要设有花姿迷城、春山杏林、海棠烟雨等景观。园内将栽植大规格黄山栾、广玉兰、银杏、雪松、白蜡等树种共106种,实现乔、灌、花、地被相结合,达到三季有花、四季常青的绿化效果。

9. 河南旅游景点英文介绍


10. 中国著名的景点英文介绍

Great Wall Guilin Landscape Hangzhou West Lake The Imperial Palace in Beijing Suzhou gardens Huangshan Mountain in Anhui Yangtze River( Three Gorges )Taiwan's Sun Moon Lake (ri yue tan) Chengde Mountain Resort QinDynasty Terracotta Warriors and Horses


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