河南景点英文 - 河南景点英文怎么说

导读:河南景点英文 - 河南景点英文怎么说 1. 河南景点英文怎么说 2. 河南著名景点英文 3. 河南的景点英文 4. 河南旅游景点英文 5. 河南旅游英文介绍词 6. 河南是一个美丽的地方英文 7. 河南省英文怎么说 8. 英文介绍家乡河南景点

1. 河南景点英文怎么说

欢迎你来河南度假Welcome to Henan for your holiday.

2. 河南著名景点英文



Hunan University,为湖南大学英文简称;

Hunan Normal University,湖南师范大学英文简称;

Henan Normal University,河南师范大学英文简称;

Harbin Normal University,哈尔滨师范大学简称;

Hainan University,海南大学简称;

Hebei Normal University 河北师范大学简称;

Huaiyin Normal University,淮阴师范学院简称;

Huainan Normal University,淮南师范学院简称。

3. 河南的景点英文

The Yuntai is located the Henan Province Xiuwu County by the northern12 kilometers place, the prominent peak is the fruit of a medicinalcornel peak, the elevation 1,304 meters, because of suddenly, looks like a cauldron, covers above the group peak, is called inthe ancient times covers Pusan and further because to stand tall anderect for its , the forest cover, the ravine common fog windsaround, therefore is called the Yuntai.

Looked from the geographyviewpoint that, Yuntai is belongs to the South Pacific goodmountainous region in the terrain a part, therefore calls the toogood Yuntai.

The Yuntai was the Yubei Mingshan since old times, now has completedthe Yuntai scenic spot, also is the national level forest park and thenational level geology park. Now opens the main scenic area includes:Warm plate valley, fruit of a medicinal cornel peak, old deep poolditch, small stronghold ditch and so on. Good, the friends, we now entered the warm plate valley scenic area,it is because the earth's

4. 河南旅游景点英文

xiliuhu park郑州西流湖生态公园位于河南省郑州市,北起化工路,南至中原西路,由南区和北区两部分组成,总占地面积为3.2平方公里。该公园属于城市生态公园,共分为城市界面景观区、生态密林景观区、疏林草地景观区、滨水特色景观区和湿地生态景观区等。湖岸以东主要设有半岛春苏、绿屿信步、雁舞滩等景点,湖岸以西主要设有花姿迷城、春山杏林、海棠烟雨等景观。园内将栽植大规格黄山栾、广玉兰、银杏、雪松、白蜡等树种共106种,实现乔、灌、花、地被相结合,达到三季有花、四季常青的绿化效果。

5. 河南旅游英文介绍词

My hometown is a small village in nanyang. Sand everywhere there before, very desolate.Traffic blocking。 Now ,the railway connecting the capital,there is very beautiful. In the middle of the village there is a small river before. Middle Creek has a pond with lotus in full bloom, there are many fish enjoy swimming in. Planted with almond trees around the village, a tree covered with sweet fruit. In front of every house loaded with beautiful flowers. Happy people live here.

6. 河南是一个美丽的地方英文



Henan University 河南大学

Henan Wate 河南水利与南水北调

Anyang Henan 河南安阳

Henan Sci 河南科学

Xinxiang Henan 河南新乡

Red Henan 豫红

Henan Shineway 河南双汇集团

HeNan China 中国河南

7. 河南省英文怎么说



“河南”的名字比 “河北”更专有,因此直到二十世纪五十年代,海珠区都一直叫做河南区。而广州的这个“河南”英语翻译为Ho Nam,早在1860年的地图都可以见到。其实这个河南 “Ho Nam”的叫法,也恰恰可以与北方的河南省的“He Nan”区别开。

8. 英文介绍家乡河南景点

Huzhou City: Lotus Village, Feiying pagoda, the temple......Nanxun District: the former residence of Zhang Jingjiang Cultural Park, little lotus manor, baijianlou......Anji County: BaiCaoYuan waterfall, sea......Deqing County: Mogan Mountain scenic area......Changxing County: Chinese alligator protection zone......湖州市区:莲花庄,飞英塔,法华寺……南浔区:小莲庄,张静江故居,文化公园,百间楼……安吉县:藏龙百瀑,百草园,大竹海……德清县:莫干山风景区……长兴县:扬子鳄保护区……


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