英语简介江苏旅游景点 苏州旅游英语介绍

导读:英语简介江苏旅游景点 苏州旅游英语介绍 1. 苏州旅游英语介绍 2. 介绍苏州的英语 3. 苏州之旅英文 4. 苏州旅游英文介绍 5. 苏州著名景点英文介绍 6. 苏州旅游景点英语介绍 7. 苏州概况英文导游词 8. 苏州是个旅游的好地方英文翻译

1. 苏州旅游英语介绍

A tour guide is a person who leads groups of tourists around a town, museum, or other tourist attractions. The guide provides commentary on the features and history of the location. The tours can be from as little as 10-15 minutes to extended periods over many days. Such a person normally possesses a qualification usually issued or recognised by the appropriate authority.When I travelled in Nanjing, Yangzhou and Suzhou last summer with my parents, an idea always ran into my mind that I could consider becoming an English tour guide some day. Yes, why not? Travel can broaden my mind, deepen my knowledge of the beautiful in China, even in the world.If I can realize my dream, then personally I can enjoy the beautiful scenic spots for free and earn money and enrich my life, thus uplifting my life quality.

2. 介绍苏州的英语

Suzhou is located in the southeast of Jiangsu province.


3. 苏州之旅英文

根据我国有关机构对地名翻译的规定,正确的译文应该是这样的:368 Zhujiangnanlu,Mudu Town,Wuzhong District,Suzhou City

4. 苏州旅游英文介绍










5. 苏州著名景点英文介绍

一、万里长城 the Great Wall二、桂林山水 Guilin scenery )三、杭州西湖 Hangzhou Xihu 四、北京故宫 Beijing Imperial Palace 五、苏州园林 Suzhou botanical garden六、安徽黄山 Mt. Huangshan 七、长江三峡 Three Gorges of the Yangtze River八、台湾日月潭 Taiwan Riyue Tan 九、承德避暑山庄 Chengde summer resort 十、秦陵兵马俑 Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses

6. 苏州旅游景点英语介绍

Zhuozheng Yuan is a famous Chinese garden in Suzhou. At 51,950 square meters, it is the largest garden in Suzhou and is generally considered to be the finest garden in Southern China. The garden contains many pavilions(亭楼) and bridges among connected pools and islands. It consists of three major parts set about a large lake. In 1997, Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other gardens of Suzhou was awarded a World Heritage Site

7. 苏州概况英文导游词



1925年3月12日,孙中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安葬在钟山的遗愿,灵柩暂停放在北京香山碧云寺内, 并决定在南京钟山修建他的陵墓。自1926年春动工,至1929年夏建成 。



中山路是原来的迎柩大道,是孙中山先生灵柩南下时走过的路,也是南京第一 柏油马路,1926年动工,1929年完成。当时,孙中山先生的葬事筹备处广泛征集陵墓设计方案。












Sun Yat-sen was China's great statesman Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased gr adually from south to north along the axis, the whole building complex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.

March 12, 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, in accordance with the wishes of his lifetime buried in Zhongshan. Biyunsi suspended on the coffins, 86, and decided to build his tomb in Nanjing Zhongshan. Since the spring of 1926 to start the summer of 1929 to build.

Sun Yat-sen sit north to south, covering an area of 800 million square meters, of which the Great Hall of the festival palace-building simulation, have three arches. doorway inscribed with "nation, civil rights, and the people's" banners. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, festival halls placed marble Zuoxiang, Dr. Sun Yat-sen wall engraved with the text of a handwritten "principles for national reconstruction".

Its main structures : the arch, coins, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, and the tomb of the Great Hall and other ceremonies. From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green delivered acrylic blankets on the "freedom bell." Foot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is the steeple bell, semilunar Place bell roof arcs, top of the tomb and the tomb of the hemispherical dome roof, as the first round bell pendulum slip. Place the tripod southern Taiwan (now the images of Dr. Sun Yat-sen) to the clock bell in New York, the "ting" is the ancient symbol of power. The clock is therefore with the whole "to arouse the people to build in" with the United States. Sun images of heroic vitality, the gesture seems to swing between the destiny of the speech was delivered.

Chungshan is the original greet bier Road, is Dr. Sun Yat-sen when the coffins through the south. Nanjing is the first asphalt road, started in 1926, completed in 1929. At that time, the preparatory office of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's funeral affairs program designed to recruit tomb. .

The results, the design architect Lv direct "Liberty Bell" type design won first prize. Lv also been hired to direct the grave of Chief Architect. This set of construction, type combination, use of color, material handling performance and detail, we have achieved very good results, color harmony. thereby enhancing the solemn atmosphere.

Entrance to the grave of a tall granite arch, a handwritten Dr. Sun Yat-sen the "fraternity" two Rongji. In such a landmark building is used to singing the praises of the main functions. "Fraternity" revealed word of Dr. Sun Yat-sen are broad-minded and lofty ideals. After the arch is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide oval. Behavior Mausoleum doors, it's a light blue glazed tile roofs, doors places on the works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen "commerce" four characters.

Here the use of the color blue glazed tile has a certain meaning that the color blue symbol of the heavens : the color blue, glazed tiles containing Whether it is realized. Dr. Sun Yat-sen so as to show the breadth of the country and the people in mind. Choice for further progress. The steles piece about 6 meters high on the words "Republic of China on June 1 1929 Chinese Kuomintang funeral here, Mr. Prime Minister Sun," a unique golden characters. From the festival reached a landmark court began, a total of 392 stone steps grade eight platform.

Climbing the stairs so many extremely difficult, but when you finish this long after the steepest stairs. will realize "the" premier wills "," the exhortation : "The revolution has yet to succeed, keep on working hard," meaning. Level with the granite blocks in Suzhou

The platform has a maximum two-table, after the festival Hall. China is a columnar table markers, signs in the Great Hall of this festival. Festival Hall has three arches, the sub-book "nation", "human rights" and "people" from the amount. Here is the festival palace-style Great Hall of imitation. Sun Festival Hall doorway engraved with a handwritten "world justice," The characters struggle to express the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hall has marble Zuoxiang, 4.6 meters high, realistic, Portland is world famous sculptor Paul sinus Karpinski masterp iece. Block things around as a reflection of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds of arms. Festival Hall Wall things handwritten marble engraved with the posthumous work of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "principles for national reconstruction" and Mr.hu others write "the" premier wills ",".

Here, we will not see the Sun Yat-sen to overthrow the feudal monarchy immortal donated 2,000 years of history and hard struggle, I also see the Sun as the Chinese independent, strong and grand plans for the founding ideas. Yet Hall after two heavy, made of either copper front door, door frames through black marble blocks. Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten on the "noble spirit that will never perish" banners.

Dual fan brass door for independence, on the eastern gate "Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Tomb" stone. Comes round tomb, 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters high. Central is a long hole, lying on top of the white marble like Dr. Sun Yat-sen, He visited the site may lie around like the white marble railing overlooking the casket, as this system moves by the Czech sculptor high body image creation very realistic.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's remains buried below. Grave 4 meters in diameter and five meters deep, external reinforced concrete sealing. After the liberation of Nanjing, Liu Bocheng, as mayor, specially shipped in from Hunan 20000 Pine and Chinese parasol trees were planted here.

30 years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum constant exploration of new renovation, the entire garden area of more than 3,000 hectares. Around the graveyard, full of dynamism and attractive. Sun Yat-sen was a great revolutionary forerunner Dr. Sun Yat-sen's tomb, located in the south of Nanjing Zijinshan Maoshan China. tomb building, a magnificent and majestic. The visit to Nanjing, the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionaries of the cemetery. Although Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, but his noble spirit that will never perish, and the world will never have to admire.

Sun Yat-sen's fusion of Eastern and Western architectural styles, was the situation with various Zhongshan majestic arch, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, Festival Hall and tomb large green and the sky through a broad level, even as a whole, is very solemn and majestic both profound meaning Also it is very solemn and majestic, more grand finale, the design was very successful. So as the "first modern Chinese architectural history of the Mausoleum."

8. 苏州是个旅游的好地方英文翻译

【词语】 苏州

【全拼】: 【sū zhōu】

【释义】: 在江苏省南部、太湖东北、京沪铁路线上。因境内有姑苏山,别称“姑苏城”,简称“苏”。为中国历史文化名城。春秋时为吴国都,1949年设市。丝绸工业历史悠久。特产刺绣、宋锦、檀香扇。苏州园林著称于世,有拙政园、留园、狮子林、沧浪亭、网师园等名园及虎丘、寒山寺、北寺塔等名胜古迹


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