淮安景点英语介绍 江苏景点英文介绍

导读:淮安景点英语介绍 江苏景点英文介绍 1. 江苏景点英文介绍 2. 苏州景点英文名称 3. 江苏英文介绍旅游景点 4. 苏州景点英文介绍 5. 苏州旅游景点介绍英文 6. 南京十大著名景点介绍英文版 7. 中国著名的景点英文介绍 8. 徐州景点英文介绍 9. 淮安景点英文介绍 10. 江苏景点英文介绍简短 11. 江苏景点英文介绍简单

1. 江苏景点英文介绍

如果是写信写地址就是……(前面是城市区镇)Jiangsu Province ,China

如果是在翻译里面,直接写Jiangsu Province in China,in China可有可无,取决于你的读者是否明确知道你说的地方是中国的

2. 苏州景点英文名称


3. 江苏英文介绍旅游景点

Zhejiang is an eastern coastal province of the People's Republic of China. The word Zhejiang (crooked river) was the old name of the Qiantang River, which passes through Hangzhou, the provincial capital.

The name of the province is often abbreviated to "Zhe" Zhejiang borders Jiangsu province and Shanghai municipality to the north, Anhui province to the northwest, Jiangxi province to the west, and Fujian province to the south; to the east is the East China Sea, beyond which lie the Ryukyu Islands of Japan.




4. 苏州景点英文介绍










5. 苏州旅游景点介绍英文

--Intro to Suzhou:

Suzhou is a famous city of eastern China's Jiangsu Province, lying about one hour north-west of Shanghai.

Dubbed as both "Paradise on Earth" and "Venice of the East".

It is famous for its natural beauty and classic gardens; these are the city's main attraction.

6. 南京十大著名景点介绍英文版





解放后,由于人民政府大力提倡,绿化造林取得了很大成绩。1979年,中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常务委员会更进一步确定,将3月12日定为全民植树节。现在每到这一天,上至中央,下至地方,党政军民,工农商学,纷纷出动植树造林,绿化祖国,形成了既轰轰烈烈,又扎扎实实的群众自觉活动。全国许 城市还选了市树、市花。南京选雪松为市树、梅花为市花。3月12日植树节,已深入人心。


Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.

7. 中国著名的景点英文介绍

The Great wall The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “1 0,000-li Great Wall”.

Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 1 4 th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.

8. 徐州景点英文介绍


9. 淮安景点英文介绍



10. 江苏景点英文介绍简短

苏州大学的英文现在统一翻译成Soochow University,就是为了纪念其前身东吴大学。


11. 江苏景点英文介绍简单


Early in the 15th century, a huge fleet of ships set sail from Nanjing. It was the first of a series of voyages that would, for a brief period, establish China as the leading power of the age. The voyage was led by Zheng He, the most important Chinese adventurer of all time and one of the greatest sailors the world has ever known.


In 1371, Zheng He was born in what is now Yunnan Province to Muslim parents, who named him Ma Sanpao When he was 11 years old, invading Ming armies captured Ma and took him to Nanjing. There he was castrated and made to serve as a eunuch in the imperial household.

公元1371年,郑和出生在 现在的云南省的一个穆斯林家庭里。他的父母给他取名为马三保。马三保11岁时,被入侵云南的明军掳至南京,被净身后入宫,选去王府做内宫太监。

Ma befriended a prince there who later became the Yong Le Emperor, one of the Ming Dynasty's most distinguished. Brave, strong, intelligent and totally loyal, Ma won the trust of the prince who, after ascending the throne, gave him a new name and made him Grand Imperial Eunuch.


Yong Le was an ambitious emperor who believed that China's greatness would be increased with an "open-door" policy regarding international trade and diplomacy. In 1405, he ordered Chinese ships to sail to the 1ndian Ocean, and put Zheng He in charge of the voyage. Zheng went on to lead seven expeditions in 28 years, visiting more than 40 countries.


The voyages helped expand foreign interest in Chinese goods such as silk and porcelain. In addition, Zheng He brought exotic foreign items back to China, including the first giraffe ever seen there. At the same time, the fleet's obvious strength meant that the Emperor of China commanded respect and inspired fear all over Asia.


Though Zheng He died in 1433 and was probably buried at sea, a grave and small monument to him still exist in Jiangsu Province. Three years after Zheng He's death, a new emperor banned the construction of oceangoing ships, and China's brief era of naval expansion was over.



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