拉萨景点英语 拉萨著名景点英文

导读:拉萨景点英语 拉萨著名景点英文 1. 拉萨景点英语 2. 拉萨著名景点英文 3. 拉萨景点英语翻译 4. 拉萨景点英语怎么说 5. 关于西藏旅游景点英语 6. 拉萨景点英语名称 7. 拉萨景点英语介绍 8. 拉萨旅游英语 9. 拉萨的英语 10. 拉萨景点英文 11. 西藏旅游攻略英语

1. 拉萨景点英语

I am a student from the beautiful Lhasa, Tibet. I like playing ball and games with my friends when I have nothing to do.Usually I don't like talking very much.

I won't take the initiative to talk to the less familiar students, but for the more familiar students, I can be regarded as a more enthusiastic person.

As a student from Tibet, let me briefly introduce my beautiful hometown to you.

Tibet is famous for its magnificent and magical natural scenery. It has a vast territory, spectacular landfspectacular landforms and rich resources.

Since ancient times, people on this land have created rich and splendid national culture. Tibet has magnificent rivers and mountains, unique ethnic customs, scattered temples and fairyland like natural landscapes.

If someone wants to travel to Tibet during their holidays, I can introduce some scenic spots to you.




她地域辽阔,地貌壮观、资源丰富。自古以来,这片土地上的人们创造了丰富灿烂的民族文化。 西藏有着壮丽的河山,奇特的民族风情、星罗棋布的寺庙和仙境般的自然景观。


2. 拉萨著名景点英文


3. 拉萨景点英语翻译

Yak的 意思




是西藏牦牛, 可以代指一切"强壮,有野性的动物或人",可以翻译为"野兽".


4. 拉萨景点英语怎么说

英文Tibet 一词,可能源于突厥人和蒙古人称藏族为“土伯特”,在元代经阿拉伯人介绍到西方。

在民族称谓上,Tibet 对应于“藏族”;但是在地域称谓上,Tibet 有时对应于“西藏”,有时又泛指整个藏族地区,与“西藏”的含义有重大差异。 西藏是汉语的翻译西藏以前叫吐蕃国吐蕃藏语叫,意思是高原的意思 所以英文叫tibet由此而来。中华人民共和国成立以后,1965年西藏自治区正式建立,西藏一词即成为西藏自治区的简称,单字简称为“藏”。

5. 关于西藏旅游景点英语


我们感到双腿又沉又冷,以至于感觉像冰块。你见过雪人骑自行车么?那就是我们当时的样子!沿路上穿着长长的毛衣的孩子停下来看我们。傍晚时分,我们发现天气好冷以至于我们的水瓶被冻住了。然而,湖水在阳光的折射下像玻璃一样闪烁着,看起来美极了。Wang Wei像往常一样骑在我的前面。她是值得信赖的,我知道我不需要鼓励她。爬山是件艰难的事,但当我们环顾四周时,我们被这种景观惊呆了。我们似乎能看几英里远。在某个地方我们如此的高以至于我们觉得自己在云朵下穿梭。然后我们开始下山。下山非常有趣,特别是天气逐渐变暖的时候。在山谷里,彩色的蝴蝶环绕着我们飞舞,我们还看到了好多牦牛和羊在吃青草。这时我们不得不把帽子、外衣、手套和长裤脱掉换成T恤和短裤。我们一直都是一到傍晚就停下来扎营。我们搭起帐篷,然后吃饭。晚饭后,Wang Wei把头枕在枕头上睡觉,而我却睡不着。午夜,天 变得更清晰了,星星变得更亮了。山里非常安静。几乎没有风——只有篝火的火焰与我们做伴。当我躺在星空下时,我想我们已经旅行了多远了。我们很快就要到云南大理了,在那儿我们的表弟Dao Wei和Yu Hang要加入我们了!我们迫不及待地想要见到他们!

6. 拉萨景点英语名称


Baita mountain park is located on the north bank of the Yellow River in lanzhou city.


The white pagoda was originally built in memory of a Tibetan sakya lama who went to Mongolia to meet genghis khan and died in lanzhou.



Bapanxia tourism resort is located in lanzhou city, the most western end of the Yellow River upstream bapanxia reservoir, the water is vast.


The confluence of Yellow River and huangshui river is suitable for water sports and recreation.



Turugou forest park is located in liancheng forest, yongdeng county, 160 kilometers northwest of lanzhou city.


Qilian mountains belong to the east foot, is a strange mountain xiushui as the main natural landscape tourism area.

(属祁连山脉的东麓, 是一以奇山秀水为主体的自然景观旅游区。)

Known as the "mythical green valley."



Xinglong mountai

7. 拉萨景点英语介绍

Tibet" in the history of not only the general public, and even specializes in Tibetan studies scholars can not be more clear explanation.

At present some say, there are still many problems. This is due to the history of Tibetan,Chinese,Mongolian, Manchu on the part of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the geographical name of the Tibetan people, said many changes have taken place, and the history of the name of the cross and influence each other, has led to the Tibet and the Tibetan people to call its meaning is still more complicated.

8. 拉萨旅游英语

I would travel to Tibet.I will travel to Tibet.

9. 拉萨的英语



1. (表否定)没有,无,不需。如:

The letter was posted without a stamp. 那封信没贴邮票就寄出去了。

2. (用在no, not, never等否定副词之后,强调肯定)没有……不,没有……则不能……,每……必定……。如:

You can’t get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。

3. (与-ing形式连用)不,无,没。如:

She entered the room without knocking. 她没敲门就进了房间。

4. (表条件)若无,若非。如:

I don’t like to go to a country without knowing something of the language. 我要是不懂得一点那个国家的语言,就不想到那个国家去。而此时besides则不行



She is completely without shame. 她恬不知耻。

My investigations were without result. 我的调查毫无结果。



1. without+宾语+副词

I’d be lost without you here. 没有你在这儿,我会一筹莫展。

2. without+宾语+介词短语

We’d be better off without them as neighbors. 要是没有这些邻居,我们就过得更愉快了。

3. without+宾语+动名词

Without anyone noticing, he slipped through the window. 无人注意,他从窗户溜了出去。

4. without+宾语+不定式

Without anyone to help, how can we go>

It was boring to sit there without anything to do. 无所事事地坐在那里太无聊了。

5. without+宾语+过去分词

Without another word exchanged, they started off. 没有再交谈一句,他们就出发了。


besides 作介词,意思是“除……以外,还”

Besides that he drove the car, he repaired it on the way to Tibet.他不仅驾驶了这辆车,而且在去西藏的途中还对它进行了修理。(介词宾语从句的用法)

10. 拉萨景点英文

西藏 Tibet

新疆 Sinkiang 或者Xinjiang

朝鲜 North Korea

维吾尔 Uyghur

内蒙古 Inner Mongolia

11. 西藏旅游攻略英语

是不是中式英语啊,Tibet可以翻译成西藏,按每个词理解:我们西藏好地方!准确的英文表达方式应该为: Tibet is is a good place.------------------精锐五角场


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