伦敦景点英文介绍 伦敦的景点有哪些英文 伦敦有哪些景点

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泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)

Sitting grandly on the banks of the Thames is Tate Modern,Britain's national museum of modern and contemporary art. Its unique shape is e to its previously being a power station.Inside you'll find temporary exhibitions by top artists from Damien Hirst to Gauguin.The gallery's restaurants offer fabulous views across the city.



伊丽莎白塔(Elizabeth Tower)

The Houses of Parliament and the clock tower,commonly called Big Ben,are among London's most iconic landmarks. London's Big Ben clock tower is to be renamed Elizabeth Tower to mark the queen's 60th year on the British throne.Technically,Big Ben is the massive bell inside the clock tower,which weighs more than 13 tons.Big Ben's timekeeping is strictly regulated by a stack of coins placed on the huge penlum.Even after a bomb destroyed the Commons chamber ring the Second World War,the clock tower survived and Big Ben continued to strike the hours.A special light above the clock faces is also illuminated,letting the public know when parliament is in session.

英国议会大厦及其附属钟楼,俗称大笨钟,是伦敦数一数二的代表性建筑。为纪念英国女王伊丽莎白二世女王登基60周年,英国决定将“大笨钟”钟楼更名为“伊丽莎白塔”。准确来说,大笨钟指的是时钟塔内超过13吨重的大钟。大笨钟报时***,全靠巨大钟摆上的一叠硬币装置。二战时 *** 摧毁了下议院会议厅,钟楼幸免遇难,大笨钟的钟声依然准时响起。每当钟面上方被光照亮时,民众便知道议会正在召开会议。


白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)

A Buckingham Palace serves as both the office and London residence of her majesty-The Queen. It is one of the few working royal palaces remaining in the world today.During the summer,visitors can tour the nineteen State Rooms,which form the heart of the Palace.These magnificent rooms are decorated with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection,including paintings by Rembrandt,Rubens and C *** etto.



伦敦塔桥(Tower Bridge)

Over 100 years ago,the Victorians built a bridge that has become one of London's most famous landmarks. High level walkways were built to allow people to cross the Thames whilst the Bridge was lifted to let tall ships sail past.Inside the Tower Bridge Exhibition you will learn all about how the World's most famous bridge works and the history behind its creation.Enjoy the panoramic views from the walkways situated 45 metres above the Thames and visit the original Victorian engines.

早在100多年前的维多利亚时代,人们修建了伦敦塔桥。如今,它已成为伦敦比较***的地标之一。这座横跨泰晤士河的大桥分为两层,上层是人行道,下层桥身可以吊起,让大型船舶在桥下通过。伦敦塔桥内部设有 展览,带你了解世界上比较有名的桥梁工程和它们的历史。快登上45米高的塔桥人行道一瞥泰晤士河全景,顺便参观一下维多利亚时代的桥梁操作引擎吧!

伦敦的景点有哪些英文 伦敦有哪些景点


1. 伦敦眼 (The London Eye)

英航伦敦眼 (The London Eye) 构成了伦敦天际一道亮丽的风景线。它是世界更大的观景摩天轮,乘坐伦敦眼仅需 30 分钟游客便可以饱览超过 55 处伦敦城内最著名的标志性景观,美不胜收的画面令人叹为观止。

Address:Westminster Bridge Road, County Hall, Riverside Building, London



Telephone: 0870 5000600

Fax: 0870 9908 882

2. 杜莎夫人蜡像馆和伦敦天文台 (Madame Tussauds & The London Planetarium)

在杜莎夫人蜡像馆(Madame Tussauds)您会与社会名流相聚一堂,比如凯莉?米洛(Kylie Minogue),大卫?贝克汉姆(David Beckham),和布莱德?皮特(Brad Pitt)等。在互动式的伦敦天文台(London Planetarium),您将了解到各种关于太空旅行、行星和天文学的知识。

Address:Marylebone Road, London



Telephone:0870 4003000

Fax:0870 4003006

3. 萨摩塞特宫 (Somerset House)

萨摩塞特宫藏有一批世界著名的画作,宫内有考陶尔德美术学院 (Courtauld Institute of Art),金碧辉煌的吉尔伯特收藏馆(Gilbert Collection) 和艾尔米塔齐美术馆 (Hermitage Rooms) 。从 11 月到次年 1 月,广阔的中心庭园则摇身一变成为圣诞溜冰场 (Christmas Ice Rink)。


South Building, Somerset House, London



Telephone: +44 (0)20 7845 4600

Fax: +44 (0)20 7845 4637

4. 伦敦地牢 (The London Dungeon)

参观世界上最阴森恐怖的著名景点,重新体验伦敦 2000 多年的历史中黑暗凄惨的一面。历览骇人的可怕场面,如断头台剧院 (Theatre of the Guillotine), 开膛手杰克亲历记 (Jack the Ripper Experience) ,以及令人胆战心惊的乘船之旅。


South Building, Somerset House, London



Telephone: +44 (0)20 7845 4600

Fax: +44 (0)20 7845 4637

5. 大英博物馆 (British Museum)

庄严宏伟的大英博物馆收集了从史前到现代世界各地的人类智慧结晶。著名的收藏品有 罗赛塔石碑 (Rosetta Stone) , 巴特农神殿 (Parthenon) 雕塑和 波特兰花瓶 (Portland Vase)。


Great Russell Street, London



Telephone: +44 (0)20 7323 8181

Fax: +44 (0)20 7323 8616

6.伦敦塔 (Tower of London)

一位伦敦塔守卫(Yeoman Warder)将免费带您游览世界最著名的要塞建筑,探究其 900 年来的沧海桑田:它曾是皇宫、堡垒,也曾是监狱、刑场,曾用作为造币厂、兵工厂,还曾作过动物展览馆和珠宝库。





Telephone: +44 (0)20 7488 5663

Fax: +44 (0)20 7488 4153

7. 泰德现代艺术馆 (Tate Modern)

壮观的泰德现代馆是英国国立的现代艺术博物馆,前身是泰晤士河畔的岸边发电厂(Bankside Power Station),该馆内陈设着马蒂斯(Matisse)和毕加索(Picasso)的重要代表作,还有一些当代艺术作品、行为和装置等。


Bankside, London



Telephone: +44 (0)20 7887 8888

8. 西敏寺 (Westminster Abbey)



Parliament Square


SW1P *** A

Tele phone: +44 (0)20 7222 5152

Fax: +44 (0)20 7233 2072

9. 汉普敦皇宫 (Hampton Court Palace)

这是英格兰最古老的都铎王宫,蕴藏着 500 多年的王室神秘历史。其内有诸多景点,如都铎王宫烹饪间,占地 60 英亩的河畔花园,举世闻名的迷宫( Maze )和亨利八世的富丽堂皇的国寓(State Apartments),无一不让您流连往返。


35 Hampton Street



Telephone: 0870 7515181

Fax: +44 (0)20 8781 9794

10. 达利作品纪念馆 (Dali Universe)

在伦敦,若要体验更具超现实主义风格的艺术氛围,应当前往位于南岸区中心的 达利作品纪念馆 ,那是一个能给您带来迷幻般梦境感受的互动式艺术画廊。达利作品纪念馆占地 3000 平方米,展品极具创新精神,常年展出萨尔瓦多 · 达利令人讶异的作品。


County Hall Gallery, Riverside Building, London


以前到过大英博物馆(British Museum)的人可能多少会觉得,大英丰富堂皇的收藏。居然没有一个足以衬托其地位的中庭,来迎接每日众多的游客。尤其是运气不好在前一两年参观大英博物馆的人,一定对于大门前的围墙,施工的混乱感到不解。不过这一切的不方便,在去年年底崭新的迎宾大厅(The Great Court)开放后,终於得以化解。这个耗资1亿英镑,由1999年底开始动工的整修计划,以伊利沙白皇后二世为名的大厅,在2000年的12月7日正式启用。整个大厅的屋顶完全以玻璃精巧覆盖,把原来当作博物馆的内部庭园,还有世界知名的阅览室,全部转换成一个漂亮广大并且壮观的公共空间。这个动用了1000吨石材、400吨钢筋,还有300吨玻璃精心打造的大厅,美丽的外观,古典的线条,让旅客在一进入大英博物馆,整个注意力完全被吸引至此一崭新的构造上。另外,位于此大厅中心的,就是大英博物馆珍贵的阅览室(Reading Room)。这个圆顶形状,建于1857年拥有许多珍藏书籍的阅览室,原本只提供持有阅览证的人士作研究之用,目前也藉由这个整修计划,向一般大众开放,让所有旅客得以一窥其真面目。自从大厅开幕以后,大英博物馆的公共空间不仅更宽敞、明亮,大厅连接各个展览空间的功能,也让整个参观的动现更为流畅。另外,藉由这次的整修计划,也提升了证个大英博物馆的硬体水准,让旅客有更舒适的参观空间。例如在大厅的两侧及上方,规划了咖啡座和餐厅,让旅客在劳累时,可以坐下来喝杯茶休息,或是舒服的用餐。而沿着阅览室的外侧,则有多达叁间亮丽的博物馆商店坐落于此,让旅客在参观之馀,还可以购买一些小礼品来纪念这次的参观。大英博物馆也适度地调整大厅的开放时间,除了周一到周三开放至晚上9点,周四到周六更开放到晚上11点,这大概是全世界中属一属二开放得最晚的博物馆了。有意造访伦敦的旅客,晚上如果没有特别计划,不妨到此走走。

景点地址:Great Russell Street如何到达:公共汽车:10, 24, 29, 73, 134;号线

地铁:Holborn, Tottenham Court Road, Russell Square,Goodge St

开放时间:星期一:9:00 - 18:00。星期二,三:9:00 - 21:00,星期四-星期六:9:00 -

景点 *** :+44 (0)20 7580 1788

景点传真:+44 (0)20 7323 8614

Had been to the British Museum (British Museum) the number of people may feel, Great Britain has a rich grand collection. Actually do not have a sufficient background of their position in court, to meet the daily number of visitors. Particularly bad luck in the former in 2012 who visited the British Museum must for large wall in front of the construction chaos puzzled. However, all this inconvenience, in the end of last year's welc ome a new hall (The Great Court) and opening up, finally resolved. The cost of 100 million pounds, from the end of 1999, commence the refurbishment program to the Queen Elizabeth II, in the name of the hall,

In 2000, was officially opened December 7. The entire roof of the hall completely delicate glass covered the original house as a museum garden, as well as world-famous reading room, converted into a pretty broad and spectacular public space. The use of the 1,000 tons of stone, 400 tons of steel, as well as 300 tons of glass, well-built hall, beautiful appearance and classic lines, so that visitors entered the British Museum, the entire attention was completely attracted to this a new construction on. In addition, the center located in this hall, that is, the British Museum reading room for rare (Reading Room). The dome shape, was built in a

857-year reading room has many collection of books, originally held by only those who read the cards for research purposes, is also through the renovation plan, open to the general public so that all visitors to a glimpse of their own identities. Since the opening of the hall after the British Museum's public space is not only more spacious, bright lobby to connect the various functions of exhibition space, but also the entire tour is a more fluid movement. In addition, through this renovation plan and it has raised a big British Museum card hardware level, so that visitors have a more comfortable space for visitors. For example, in the hall on both sides and above the planned cafes and restaurants, so that

Visitors in the tired, you can sit down and rest a cup of tea or a comfortable dining. And along the outside of reading, there are as many as three units located in this beautiful museum shop, so that visitors to visit the rest, you can also buy some *** all gifts to commemorate the visit. The British Museum is also appropriate to adjust the opening hours of the hall, apart from Monday to Wednesday open until 9 pm, Thursday to Saturday is more open to 11 pm, it is probably the world belongs to a genus 2 was the latest of the museum open . Tourists interested in visiting London at night if there is no special program, it may be this walk.

Attractions Address: Great Russell Street How to get there: Bus: 10, 24, 29, 73, 134; Line

Metro: Holborn, Tottenham Court Road, Russell Square, Goodge St

Opening hours: Monday: 9:00 - 18:00. Tue & Wed: 9:00 - 21:00, Thursday - Saturday: 9:00 --

Attractions Tel: +44 (0) 2075801788

Attractions Fax: +44 (0) 2073238614

白金汉宫(Buckingham Palace)建于1703年,最早称白金汉屋,意思是“他人的家”。







票 价:3.50英磅,学生2.50英磅

电 话:(0171)7992331

Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace) was built in 1703, the earliest, said Buckingham House, which means "other people's homes."

In 1762, the royal family be bought, but also continue to be modified, build, culminating in this color are not consistent, pattern variety of "patch palace." However, the front door of grandeur and outside the fence of the gold decoration solemn dignity. Smoke imperial Shenghui, heavy iron gate of the relief is to create a very harmonious atmosphere and palaces.

Inside the wall, y ou can see the status of well-known Guard soldiers stood absolutely still, this thin layer of wall of the palace with the outside world as the defense will be separated from the overall impression that is not solid enough.

When the queen lived in the palace, the royal flag flying high in the central palace.

Moreover, the Palace on the south side Queen's Gallery and the Royal Stables in the end what? Sudden one who is going to take a look at Lenovo, where has also been opened.

Royal Mews

Opening hours: Wednesdays 12:00-16:00

Tickets: £ 3.50, students £ 2.50

Tel: (0171) 7992331

海德公园(Hyde Park, London)是伦敦皇家公园中更大的一个, 占地160万平方米,也是伦敦最知名的公园。西边与Kensington Gardens(肯辛顿公园)相连. 在肯辛顿公园, 游人可以参观戴安娜王妃生前曾经居住过的肯辛顿宫. 海德公园内西南角建有戴妃纪念喷泉. (The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain),它建在蛇形湖泊旁, 据说戴妃生前经常在那里休憩散步。海德公园的北面有著名的演讲角(Speaker's Corner), 是一个很大的可以公开发表自己观点的地方, 经常可见有人在此即兴演讲.几乎每年夏季大型露天音乐会也在这里举行.。

Hyde Park (Hyde Park, London) is the largest of London's Royal Park, which covers 1.6 million square meters, as well as London's most famous parks. Western and Kensington Gardens (Kensington) connected. In Kensington, visitors can visit once Princess Diana Lived in Kensington. Hyde Park built the south-western corner of Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. (The Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain), which built adjacent to the Serpentine lake, said Princess Diana sitting there in his regular walk. Hyde Park to the north are famous speech (Speaker 's Corner), is a great place to be aired their views, you can often see someone in this impromptu speech. Large open-air concert every summer is almost here

For the museum in Mum, see Bhau Daji Lad Museum.

The Victoria and Albert Museum

Established 1852

Location Cromwell Gardens, South Kensington, London

Collection size 4.6 million objects

Visitor figures 2,400,000 (2006)[1]

Director Mark Jones

Public transit access South Kensington

Website www.vam.ac.uk

In 2000, a 11 metre high, blown glass chandelier by Dale Chihuly was installed as a focal point in the rotunda at the V&A's main entrance.The Victoria and Albert Museum (often abbreviated as the V&A) in London is the world's largest museum of decorative arts and design, housing a permanent collection of over 4.5 million objects. Named after Prince Albert and Queen Victoria, it was founded in 1852, and has since grown to now cover some 12.5 acres (0.05 km2)[2] and 145 galleries. Its collection spans 5000 years of art, from ancient times to the present day, in virtually every medium, from the cultures of Europe, North America, Asia and North Africa. The museum is a non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

The holdings of ceramics, glass, textiles, costumes, silver, ironwork, jewellery, furniture, medieval objects, sculpture, prints and printmaking, drawings and photographs are among the largest and most comprehensive in the world. The museum possesses the world's largest collection of post-classical sculpture, the holdings of Italian Renaissance items are the largest outside Italy. The departments of Asia include art from South Asia, China, Japan, Korea and the Islamic world. The East Asian collections are among the best in Europe, with particular strengths in ceramics and metalwork, while the Islamic collection, alongside the Musée Louvre and Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, is amongst the largest in the world.

Alongside other neighbouring institutions, including the Natural History Museum and Science Museum, the V&A is located in what is termed London's "Albertopolis", an area of immense cultural, scientif ic and ecational importance. Since 2001, the Museum has embarked on a major £150m renovation program[3] which has seen a major overhaul of the departments including the introction of newer galleries, gardens, shops and visitor facilities. Following in similar vein to other national UK museums, entrance to the museum has been free since 2001.

伦敦人昵称为V&A的维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆(Victoria & Albert Museum),馆藏了全世界最多的装饰艺术品与英国雕塑,丰富多样化的典藏工艺品让人目不暇给,17世纪至今的服饰潮流、彩色玻璃制品、中古宝藏等,来到V&A必为来自世界各国的人类成就赞叹不已。V&A创立于1852年,展示空间共分4层楼,地面楼有 *** 、印度、中国、日、韩等多国历史文物,其中印度文物收藏号称全世界最多;韩国文物年代则可追溯至西元300年。服装展示区(Dress Collection)也相当有趣,从马甲上衣、撑架蓬蓬裙到现代时尚服饰;17世纪初方巾帽到19世纪大型花边帽;所有服饰配件的演进与潮流,这里都有实品提供完整的说明。V&A的摄影艺术馆也相当着名,1858年就举办了之一个摄影展,经常展出不同名家作品。





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