洛阳旅游景点英语介绍 - 洛阳著名景点英语

导读:洛阳旅游景点英语介绍 - 洛阳著名景点英语 1. 洛阳著名景点英语 2. 洛阳旅游英语介绍 3. 英语关于洛阳特色介绍 4. 洛阳景点英文 5. 洛阳著名景点英文 6. 洛阳旅游景点英语 7. 洛阳是一个美丽的城市英语 8. 洛阳景点英语介绍

1. 洛阳著名景点英语

Originally the peony is China's famous traditional flowers, wild plants, and thorns, mainly from the qinghai-tibet plateau in China, the Yellow River basin, bashan qinling of zhongtiao mountains, shanxi, henan, funiu and MangShan and other regions, the original peony community can be traced back to 3000 years ago.

2. 洛阳旅游英语介绍

洛阳欢迎你英文意思是:Luoyang welcomes you英文也可以读作:Luoyang welcomes youLuoyang洛阳(河南省)(旧译Loyang)welcomesn.欢迎,迎接( welcome的名词复数 )v.迎接;欢迎( welcome的第三人称单数 );乐于接受;希望有you英 [ju] 美 [jə] pron.你;大家;你们,您们;各位复数: yous

3. 英语关于洛阳特色介绍

Luoyang, located in the Waterinfo because of its name and Yang, Chinese civilization is one of the main birthplace. Since the year 770 BC, moved the capital to Luo Yi Zhou Wang, one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here, as long as 1,500 years. A long history of dazzling left to the Luoyang cultural heritage and tourism resources inexhaustible.

Luoyang is rich in cultural, Longmen Grottoes is one of China's three major grottoes, the White Horse Temple, China's first official Buddhist temple, the ancient Luoyang Museum is the world's largest group of ancient tombs, as well as two-way tomb, the white garden Kuan Lin, and so on a large number of historical sites.

Luoyang equally attractive scenery, "Xiao Yue, Tianjin," "color Longmen Mountains," "Luopu Autumn," "Ma Bell Temple" Luoyang Eight different style, beautiful scenery, enjoy the meantime, you will have made music Erwang Back.

4. 洛阳景点英文

Luoyang Normal University

5. 洛阳著名景点英文

Mingtang Paradise Scenic spot, built in the core area of Ziwei City site, is the most important landscape of Luoyang City project in Sui and Tang dynasties. It is an important place for Wu Zetian to manage government, ritual Buddha and life. It now belongs to Luoyang City National ruins Park in Sui and Tang dynasties and has become a must-go scenic spot for Luoyang tourism.

This is the political power center of Emperor Wu Zetian in Luoyang, the capital of God. The scenic spot mainly includes two buildings: Ming Tang and Paradise. Mingtang is the main hall of Ziwei City in Luoyang, known as "Vientiane Palace". Heaven is the imperial auditorium of Wu Zetian.

Chinese name:

Mingtang Paradise Scenic spot

Foreign name:

Mingtang and scenic paradise

Geographical location:

Intersection of Dingding Road and Zhongzhou Road, Luoyang City, Henan Province

Climatic conditions:

Temperate monsoon climate

Opening Hours:

08 / 30 in the morning-20:30 in the evening

Ticket Price:

120 yuan

Area covered:

9888.92 m2

Famous scenic spot:

Ming Tang


Restoration of Ming Tang:


The restoration of heaven:

14 April 2013

The city to which it belongs:

Luoyang City, Henan Province

6. 洛阳旅游景点英语

This is luanchuan, a small town。When you are here,you can play the buterful water and mountains.

7. 洛阳是一个美丽的城市英语






我们 妨先抛开其他的不谈,如果有幸我写的能被亲爱的读者看到,大家可以先去看一看其他人的回答,有不少的回答都是在恶意的贬低洛阳,甚至于已经到了歇斯里地的地步,顺便再将西安搬出来太高一番,外说明这个称号西安才配,洛阳根本就是名不符实。










8. 洛阳景点英语介绍

按照名从主人原则即我国官方规定,中国地名及人名一律用汉语拼音音译,所以洛阳的英文名应该是首字母大写的 Luo Yang。


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