庐山小景点介绍 庐山小景点介绍英文

导读:庐山小景点介绍 庐山小景点介绍英文 1. 庐山小景点介绍英文 2. 庐山英文导游词 3. 庐山的英文名称 4. 黄山的景点介绍英文 5. 庐山景区介绍简写 6. 庐山风景名胜区的英文 7. 庐山瀑布英语介绍简短 8. 庐山小景点介绍英文作文 9. 英语介绍庐江 10. 庐山的英文

1. 庐山小景点介绍英文

知道里早已有人列出:Lushan Mountain ,Mt. Lu ,Lushan,Mount Lushan,Mountain Lu,Mount Lu,Kuanglu (匡庐),除Mountain Lu外,其余都可以接受。

2. 庐山英文导游词


3. 庐山的英文名称

《庐山恋》中有一句台词 I love my motherland,I love the morning of my motherland(我爱我的祖国,我爱祖国的清晨) 希望对你有帮助的话,请点个赞!谢谢

4. 黄山的景点介绍英文

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the south of Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreigners pay a visit there. It' s not far from here. It takes you about three hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It' s really a nice place to visit.

5. 庐山景区介绍简写


6. 庐山风景名胜区的英文

知道里早已有人列出:Lushan Mountain ,Mt. Lu ,Lushan,Mount Lushan,Mountain Lu,Mount Lu,Kuanglu (匡庐),除Mountain Lu外,其余都可以接受。

7. 庐山瀑布英语介绍简短






8. 庐山小景点介绍英文作文

Mount Lushan stands on the south bank of the Changjiang River and the north bank of the Poyang Lake. It has many nice scenic spots, such as the Flower Path,the Five-Old-Man Peak, the Three-Step Waterfalls and so on. Thousands of people from other parts of China and foreign countries come here every year, especially in summer.

9. 英语介绍庐江

My hometown, Anhui, located in the south of China, is a beautiful place with famous scenic spots and historic sites. Yellow mountain, for example, is known all around the world. Numerous people come to see wonderful clouds and mountains every year. Huangmei Opera is also popular here. Local people are hospitable. Welcome to Anhui!

10. 庐山的英文


牯岭镇,江西省九江市庐山市下辖镇。位于江西省九江市庐山的山腰上,为庐山风景名胜区管理局所在地,是庐山旅游接待的中心。东起庐山的三叠泉景区,南至汉阳峰景区,西到铁船峰、石门涧景区、北至小天池、大寨景 区,面积104.15平方千米,海拔1116公尺,常住人口21367人(2017)。辖2个行政村和3个社区、2个集体企业(铝制品厂、搬运站)、1个自收自支事业单位(招待所)。


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