
 英语作文  你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由


Dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an? Do you want to visit Xi'an with your parents on May Day and national day? Tell you, to Xi'an tourism, is your best choice! No, listen to me first.


Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province, was historically called Chang'an. It is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and has a history of more than 3100 years since its construction.


It used to be the capital of 12 dynasties in ancient China; The famous Silk Road began here; The famous Tang Monk's pilgrimage to the West also started from here; It is currently the largest city in Northwest China.


The biggest feature of Xi'an is that there are many historical relics and places of interest. As soon as you enter Xi'an, you will see the largest and best preserved ancient city wall of Ming Dynasty in the world. The city wall has a history of more than 630 years.


It is 12 meters high and 3-6 meters thick than the height, which looks very magnificent. The city wall divides the ancient city into two parts: the city and the outside. The most famous tourist attractions in the city are bell tower, Drum Tower and stele forest museum; Outside the city are the big wild goose pagoda, the small wild goose pagoda and the largest Shaanxi History Museum in China.


The bell tower is located in the center of Xi'an. It is our landmark building in Xi'an. When it comes to the bell tower, people will think of Xi'an; When it comes to Xi'an, people will also think of the bell tower.


Both the bell tower and the drum tower are named after the big bell and drum placed in ancient times. It is said that the big bell placed on the bell tower is more than 5 tons!

钟楼和鼓楼,都是以古代放置大钟和大鼓而得名 ,听说钟楼上放置的那个大钟,足足有5吨多重呢!



Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

two-story road.


It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

times to win the war.


Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.



1.The Great Wall 长城



2.Temple of Heaven 天坛

天坛位于北京市崇文区,是明清两朝帝王祭天、祈谷和祈雨的场所。作为中 国古代规模最大、伦理等级最高的祭祀建筑,建筑结构独特,装饰瑰丽,巧妙地运用了力学、声学和几何学等多种科学原理,具有较高的历史和文化价值。

3.The Fibidden City 故宫



4.The Summer Palace 颐和园



5.Yueyang Tower 岳阳楼


6.Yellow Crane Tower 黄鹤楼


7.The Ruins of Yuanmingyuan 圆明园


8.Dianchi Lake 滇池


9.Du Fu Cottage 杜甫草堂


10.Dujiang Dam 都江堰


11.Luoyang longmen grottoes 洛阳龙门石窟



12.Songshan shaolin temple 嵩山少林寺


13.The Mogao Grottes 莫高窟


14.The Huangshan Moutain 黄山



15.Suzhou botanical garden苏州园林





1.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River 长江三峡



2.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭



3.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄


承德避暑山庄又名“承德离宫”或“热河行宫”,位于河北省承德市中心北部,武烈河西岸一带狭长的谷地上,是清代皇帝夏 避暑和处理政务的场所。

4.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 兵马俑


5.Mount Tai 泰山




The Great Wall

The Great Wall runs across North China like a huge dragon, It winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys till at last it reaches the sea. It's the longest wall on the earth, also one of the wonders in the world.

The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years. The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period. All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.All tile work was done by hand. Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence.

Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times. Now the Great Wall,the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look. It's visited by large numbers of people from all parts'of the'country and the world.






1.Constructs in ancient and moderns in China and abroad all humanities, most famous should be China's Great Wall. Great Wall testimony ancient times area south of Yellow River agriculture civilization and north between nomads at daggers drawn intense resistance 古今中外所有的人类建筑中,最著名的一座应该就是中国的万里长城。长城见证了古代中原农业文明和北方游 牧民族间剑拔弩张的激烈对抗the great wall

2.桂林位于广西壮族自治区东北部,地处亚热带,气候温和,独特的喀斯特地貌与景象万千的漓江及其周围美丽迷人的田园风光融为一体,形成了独具一格、驰名中外的“山青、水秀、洞奇、石美”的“桂林山水”,并有了“桂林山水甲天下”的美誉。Guilin located at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region northeast, is situated at the subtropics, the climate is temperate, the unique karst landform and the picture myriad Lijiang River and periphery the beautiful enchanting rural scenery merged into one organic whole, forms has been in a class by itself, “Shan Qing, Shui Xiu, the hole to be wonderful renowned at home and abroad, stone US” “Guilin scenery”, and had “Guilin scenery armor world” fine reputation. (Guilin scenery )

3.Hangzhou Xihu 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方公里。西湖的美在于晴中见潋滟,雨中显空蒙。无论雨雪晴阴,在落霞、烟雾下都能成景;在春花,秋月,夏荷,冬雪中各具美 态。湖区以苏堤和白堤的优美风光见称。The Hangzhou Xihu scenic spot take Xihu as a center, divides into the lake front area, the center of the lake area, the Beishan Mountains area, the Mt. Nan area and Qian Tangqu, the total area amounts to 49 square kilometers. Xihu's US lies in clearly sees Lian yan, in the rain obviously empties Mongolia. Regardless of sleet clear cloudy, under the pen name, the smog can become the scenery; In the spring flower, harvest moon, summer Holland, in winter snow each US condition. The lake district sees by Su Di and Bai Dike's exquisite scenery called

4.Beijing Imperial Palace Beijing Imperial Palace is the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generation of imperial palaces, also calls Forbidden City. All previous dynasties palace “likely the day sets up the palace” to express that the monarchial power “has a mandate from heaven”. Because Mr. is an emperor, emperor's palace is similar to the God housing “the purple palace” the restricted area, therefore Forbidden City. 北京故宫是明清两代的皇宫,又称紫禁城。历代宫殿都“象天立宫”以表示君权“受命于天”。由于君为天子,天子的宫殿如同天帝居住的“紫宫”禁地,故名紫禁城。

5.Suzhou botanical garden苏州有园林200余处,现在保存尚好的有数万处,并因此使苏州素有"人间天堂"的美誉之称.以其意境过清、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富而成为苏州众多古典园林的典范和代表。 Suzhou has botanical garden 200, now preserved Shang Hao to have several thousand, and, therefore caused Suzhou was known as " the heaven on earth " name of the fine reputation, was excessively clear by its ideal condition, the construction to be fine, art was lofty, the cultural connotation enriched becomes the Suzhou numerous historic gardens the models and representative

6.Mt. Huangshan 黄山是中国著名风景区之一.黄山集名山之长。泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之秀丽,黄山无不兼而有之。Mt. Huangshan is one of Chinese famous scenic spots, Mt. Huangshan collection famous mountains strong point. Taishan's grandness, Huashan's danger, Mt. Hengshan's smoke cloud, Mt. Lushan's waterfall, Yandangshan's skillful stone, Mt. Emei's beauty, Mt. Huangshan has all.

7.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

长江三峡西起重庆市的奉节县,东至湖北省的宜昌市,全长205千米。自西向东主要有三个大的峡谷地段:瞿塘峡,巫峡和西陵峡。三峡因而得名。West Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Chongqing's Fengjie County, east to Hubei Province's Yichang, span 205 kilometers. Mainly has three big canyon land sectors from west to east: Qutangxia, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge. The Three Gorges therefore acquire fame

8.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭是台湾的“天池”,湖周35公里,水域9平方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的高山湖泊之一。其地环湖皆山,湖水澄碧,湖中有天然小岛浮现,圆若明珠,Riyue Tan is Taiwan “Tianchi”, the lake week 35 kilometers, the waters more than 9 square kilometers, are the entire province biggest natural lakes, is also one of national minority famous mountain lakes. Its surrounds the lake mountain, the lake water is all clear blue, in the lake has the natural island to reappear, if circle pearl,

9.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄是由众多的宫殿以及其它处理政务、举行仪式的建筑构成的一个庞大的建筑群。建筑风格各异的庙宇和皇家园林同周围的湖泊、牧场和森林巧妙地融为一体。避暑山庄不仅具有极高的美学研究价值,而且还保留着中国封建社会发展末期的罕见的历史遗迹。The Chengde summer resort is as well as other handles the government affairs, a hold ceremony's construction constitution huge architectural complex by the numerous palaces. The architectural style varies the temple and the royal family botanical garden with the periphery lake, the pasture and the forest merge into one organic whole ingeniously. The summer resort not only has the extremely high esthetics research value, moreover is also retaining China feudal society development last stage rare historical traces.

10.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 秦兵马俑场面宏大,威风凛凛,队列整齐,展现了秦军的编制、武器的装备和古代战争的阵法。秦陵兵马俑被称为“世界第八大奇迹”The Qin burial figures of warriors and horses scene is great, powerful, the formation was neat, has unfolded Qin Jun's establishment, the weapon equipment and an ancient times war's law. The Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses, are called “the world eighth big miracle”




The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a long fairy tale and picture scroll, but also a profound natural kingdom!

It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color there.


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英文ppt 旅游景点介绍~ 不用太麻烦 交作业 明天下午就要交= = 谢谢



几年前:乱扔杂物 采花毁树,滥捕鸟类,在森林中生火烧


Jinyun Mountain is a famous place of interest. It attracts a large number of tourists to come here to enjoy its beauty. But a few years ago, some of them paid no attention to protecting the environment .

They threw about litter on the ground, such as plastic bags, fruit skins and waste paper.

Sometimes they broke trees, picked flowers and killed birds. Some even made a fire in

the woods to cook food. How dangerous it was!

Luckily, great changes have taken place here. Tourists are used to putting the rubbish into the dustbins. What’s more, they also stop others from throwing about litter. The birds are protected so well that they live very freely and happily in the mountain. In order to keep away from the forest fire, tourists bring their own meals instead of cooking.

All these changes make us very happy.

旅游景点介绍ppt 英文的



China Trip:



Venice (Italian: Venezia, Venetian: Venesia or Venexia) is a city in northern Italy, the capital of the region Veneto, and has a population of 271,251 (census estimate January 1, 2004). Together with Padua, the city is included in the Padua-Venice Metropolitan Area (population 1,600,000). Venice has been known as the "La Dominante", "Serenissima", "Queen of the Adriatic", "City of Water", "City of Bridges", and "The City of Light". It is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

The city stretches across 118 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy. The saltwater lagoon stretches along the shoreline between the mouths of the Po (south) and the Piave (north) Rivers. The population estimate of 272,000 inhabitants includes the population of the whole Comune of Venezia; around 62,000 in the historic city of Venice (Centro storico); 176,000 in Terraferma (the Mainland), mostly in the large frazione of Mestre and Marghera; and 31,000 live on other islands in the lagoon.

The Venetian Republic was a major maritime power during the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and a staging area for the Crusades and the Battle of Lepanto, as well as a very important center of commerce (especially silk, grain and spice trade) and art in the 13th century up to the end of the 17th century.


Ke Luose Arena (also translated the Roman Colosseum) Roman times is the greatest one of the building, but also to preserve the best of an amphitheater. Venice is located in the south-east of the square. Colosseum is one of the world's eight major attractions, but also a symbol of the Roman Empire. The huge open-air theater called Flavio Theater, as it is by Flavio's family, several of the construction of the emperor. In general, Keluo Se known. Colosseum look like a huge bunker, covers an area of 20,000 square meters, 527 meters perimeter wall with a diameter of 188 meters, 57 meters high wall, which is equivalent to a 19-story modern building height, site could be 107,000 spectators. Like all Roman architecture, the basic structure of the arch structure, a series of humps, coupons and appropriate arrangements for the oval-shaped building components so that the whole building is extremely strong. This is the time to use animal fighting, the British sports, horse racing, theater and cabaret venue. The majestic architecture of the building can be a model. Construction is in a concave on the floor of the magnificent building. Nero era, this is Nero Au Kam-din in the garden of a man-made lake.

图片的话百度里一搜一大堆 还有一些别的景点在百科里有

然后自己翻译一下 自己做ppt吧

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The scenery of Jiuzhaigou is not only a long fairy tale and picture scroll, but also a profound natural kingdom!

It is true that there is a treasure like Jiuzhaigou on earth, which is not only a miracle, but also the luck of mankind. No one who has been to Jiuzhaigou is not moved by the look and color there.




Bozhou is a national famous historical and cultural city and one of

China's excellent tourist cities. It is a very famous tourist

attraction, such as Cao Cao's military transportation road, flower

theater, moral palace, Cao's clan tombs, Hua Zuan, etc.


Cao Cao's underground troop transportation road is located under the

main streets in the old city of Bozhou, with a length "underground Great Wall". The tunnel extends

in all directions and has a complex structure. It has four forms:

one-way road, turning Road, parallel double road and upper and lower

two-story road.


It is equipped with military facilities such as cat hole, barrier wall,

leg tripping board and trap, as well as auxiliary facilities such as

vent hole, Messenger hole and lantern. Cao Cao used tunnel tactics many

times to win the war.


Located in the North pass of Bozhou City, Huaxi building, with a

construction area of 3163.1 square meters, is a national key cultural

relics protection unit. The theater was originally a stage of the great

emperor temple. It is named for its gorgeous carvings and colorful


花戏楼位于亳州城北关,建筑面积3163.1平方米,是全国重点文物 保护单位。戏楼本来是大帝庙的一座舞台。因上面雕刻彩绘绚丽夺目而得名。

Welcome friends at home and abroad to Bozhou.


介绍旅游胜地英语作文 关于旅游的英语作文带翻译

1、Last summer vacation I went to Beijing with my family . First day,we went go the Great Wall because it is the pride of our Chinese and a wonder in the world.Then we went to the summer palace We saw many beautiful sceneries there. The next day we went to the Tiananmen square ,and we tasted Beijing duck. In the afternoon we went to the birds nest and the water cube.Though we were tired we were very happy.I learned much knowledge that I cant learn in the textbooks so I will never forget this interesting trip.


2、Travelling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful observer, you can learn much during your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well educated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through travelling. The knowledge acquired from travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.


 英语作文  你有一个外国朋友要来中国,请你介绍中国几处景点并说明理由


Dear friends, do you want to know about Xi'an? Do you want to visit Xi'an with your parents on May Day and national day? Tell you, to Xi'an tourism, is your best choice! No, listen to me first.


Xi'an, the capital city of Shaanxi Province, was historically called Chang'an. It is one of the four ancient civilizations in the world, and has a history of more than 3100 years since its construction.


It used to be the capital of 12 dynasties in ancient China; The famous Silk Road began here; The famous Tang Monk's pilgrimage to the West also started from here; It is currently the largest city in Northwest China.


The biggest feature of Xi'an is that there are many historical relics and places of interest. As soon as you enter Xi'an, you will see the largest and best preserved ancient city wall of Ming Dynasty in the world. The city wall has a history of more than 630 years.


It is 12 meters high and 3-6 meters thick than the height, which looks very magnificent. The city wall divides the ancient city into two parts: the city and the outside. The most famous tourist attractions in the city are bell tower, Drum Tower and stele forest museum; Outside the city are the big wild goose pagoda, the small wild goose pagoda and the largest Shaanxi History Museum in China.


The bell tower is located in the center of Xi'an. It is our landmark building in Xi'an. When it comes to the bell tower, people will think of Xi'an; When it comes to Xi'an, people will also think of the bell tower.


Both the bell tower and the drum tower are named after the big bell and drum placed in ancient times. It is said that the big bell placed on the bell tower is more than 5 tons!





紫荆城Forbidden City ( the Imperial Palace )


Beijing is an old capital city developing at a fast pace. The Forbidden City is the ideal place for you to begin your exploration of Beijing by opening its mysterious face.



Travel Tips:

Make sure to wear comfortable shoes as you have to walk a lot! I highly recommend you to have a guide. It is quite helpful to have a guide escort you and tell the stories behind the palace. If you are a non-group tourist, I suggest you rent a multi lingual guide recorder either at Meridian Gate (southern gate of Forbidden city) or the Gate of Divine Prowess (Northern gate of Forbidden City) and return it when you finish your Forbidden City Tour.

如何到达 How to get there:

地址Address: No.4 Jingshan Front Street, Dongcheng District

开放时间Opening Hour: 8:30-17:00

售票时间Ticket office hours: From 9: to 15:00 pm

行程Travel Time: Two hours Entrance

门票Fee: RMB 60

公交路线Buses to the Forbidden City: No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 52, 57, 22, 54, 120, 802, special bus No.1 and get off at Zhongshan Phongshan Park stop or Tiananmen stop. Take subway.

更多信息Check for more details: URL:

天安门Tiananmen Square


What is the most representative place in Beijing? The answers are various. But Tiananmen Square is unarguably on the top list. Lying in the heart of Beijing City, it is the place for massive parades and gathering. It boasts of the largest square of such kind in the world.


At sunrise and sunset the raising and lowering ceremony of the Chinese National Flag is well worth seeing. The young troops perform very well. Make sure to be there 30 minutes earlier to get a good standing point.

如何到达How to get there:

Buses to Tiananmen:

Take No.1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 52, 57, 22, 54, 120, 802, special bus No.1 and get off Zhongshan Park stop or Tian An Men stop. Take subway.

门票和时间Ticket fees and tour time:

天安门广场Tiananmen Square: Free

天安门Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace): RMB 15

人民大会堂The Great Hall of the People: RMB 15

毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao's Mausoleum: Free

中国国家博物馆The Nati onal Museum of China: RMB 15

开放时间Opening Time (Tiananmen Square): Whole Day

旅程Travelling time: 2-4 hours


More information:

Ming Tombs ( 13 tombs in Ming Dynasty )



Located 50 kilometers northwest of the downtown Beijing, noted as the 13 Tombs, this is the burial area of 13 out of 17 emperors of the Ming Dynasty, the ruling dynasty of China from 1368 to 1644.


However, it is a very deep climb down and people with problems of their heart or kneels are not advised to visit the underground tomb. Wheel-chair users or people with some difficulty of action, I advise them to visit the Changling Tomb instead.

如何到达How to go there:

旅程Travel Time: 2 hours

旅游巴士路线Tourist Bus Route: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 门票Ticket Fees as below:

长陵墓Changling Tomb: RMB 30 (Nov.01 to Mar.31) / RMB 45 (Apr.01 to Oct.31)

定陵墓Dingling Tomb: RMB 40 (Nov.1 to Mar.31) / RMB 60 (Apr.1 to Oct.31)

开放时间Opening Time:

长陵墓Changling Tomb: 08:30 to 17:30

定陵墓Dingling Tomb: 08:30 to 18:00


Click here to know more:

Hutong Pedicab Tour ( Shichahai Area )



Do you want to experience a man-driving Pedicab? In today's well preserved old Beijing hutong areas, you can still find this kind of old transportation tool now still kept for tourists as the typical traffic tool of travelling the hutong - Beijing featuring old city alleys.


The neighbourhoods of narrow, twisting streets represent the real life of ordinary Beijingers, where passageways - small narrow ways link to courtyards of traditional connected homes.

如何到达How to go there:

Two Areas for Hutong Exploring:

什刹海地区Shichahai Area: north of Beihai Park

大栅栏地区Dazhalan Area: south of Tiananmen Square

三轮车Rickshaw: RMB 50-100

Great Wall at Badaling, Juyongguan, Mutianyu, Simatai and Jinshanling


不到长城非好汉,长城北边主要有8大关组成: 八达岭,居庸关黄花城,箭扣,慕田峪,古北口金山岭和司马台。长城大部分关口都保留完好,大修整时期可追溯到明朝

Climbing the Great Wall is a must for you no matter how busy you are! In Beijing there are mainly eight sections of the Great Wall crossing the northern part of Beijing for 600 kms. The eight sections are Badaling, Juyongguan, Huanghuacheng, Jiankou, Mutianyu, Gubeikou, Jinshanling, and Simatai. Most of the sections of the Great Wall in Beijing are well-preserved and mainly the relics dating from the Ming Dynasty, the time for huge construction.


For the Great Wall hiking, get ready for strong footwear. For hot weather, please also prepare for sunblock, sunglasses and water. For cold days, get ready for your hat and heavy coat.

八达岭Badaling Great Wall:

门票Ticket Fees: RMB40 (Nov. 01 to

Mar.31); RMB 45 (Apr. 01 to Oct. 31)

开放时间Open Hours: 06:40 to 18:30

旅程HikeTime: 2.5 hours

如何到达How to go there:

Take Bus 919. Or take a tourist bus:

No. 1 at Front Gate ( Qianmen );

No. 2 at Beijing Railway Station;

No. 3 at East Bridge;

No. 4 at Xizhi Gate or Beijing Zoo;

居庸关Juyongguan Great Wall:

门票Ticket Fee: RMB 45

开放时间Open Hours: 07:30 to 17:30

旅途用时Hike Time : 2.5 hours

如何到达How to go there:

乘坐观光车Take tourist Bus Route as below:

Take No. 1 at Front Gate ( Qianmen )

Take No. 2 at Beijing Railway Station

Take No. 3 at East Bridge

Take No. 4 at Beijing Zoo or Xizhimen Gate

慕田峪Mutianyu Great Wall:

门票Ticket Fee: RMB35

开发时间Open Hours: 07:30 to 17:30

旅途Hike Time: 2.5 hours

如何到达How to go there: Take Bus no 916 or take tourist Bus No. 6 at Xuanwumen Gate

司马台Simatai Great Wall:

门票Ticket Fee: RMB 35

开放时间Open Hours: 08:00 to 17:00

旅程Hike Time: 2 hours

如何到达How to go there:

Take bus No.12 from Xuan Wu Gate directly to Simatai.

Take the 970 bus out of Beijing to Miyun and hire a taxi from there.

金山岭Jinshanling Great Wall:

门票Entrance Fee: RMB 30

开放时间Opening Hours: 08:00 to 16:50

旅程Hiking time: 2 hours

如何到达How to go there

Take the 970 bus out of Beijing to Miyun and hire a taxi from there.

Lama Temple (Yonghegong)



Lama Temple is Beijing's most frequented religious place. It is comprised of five main halls and many galleries. This temple was first the palace offered to a prince. When he gained the throne, he offered it to the Tibetan Buddhists as the religious sacred place. The Lama Temple is dedicated to the Yellow Sect of Buddhism. It is actually an active temple, with many faithful belivers with burning armloads of incense.


How to go there:

地址Address: No.13 Imperial College Stree, Dongcheng District, Beijing

地铁或公交Take subway or No.62, 13, 116 and special 2 bus and get off at Lama Temple

开放时间Open Time: 09:00-16:30

旅程Travel Time: 1.5 hours

门票Ticket Fee: RMB 20

Beihai Park ( Winter Palace )

北海公园< /a>


Beihai Park was once a winter palace for emperors in the past. It is located just to the north-west of Forbidden City. Among many things to see, there are now two important things not to be missed here: the park itself and the round city. The round city has a jar, which is believed to be the only thing left from the great Khan that reigned China in Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368 A.D).


You can hire a rowboat and row the boat on the water. The interesting attractions in Beihai Park are Round City, White Pagoda, Jade Flower Island, Nine-Dragon Wall, Wanfo Lou Tower, Iron Screen etc. The lake is Beijing's biggest and prettiest public lake.

如何到达How to go there:

Wen Jin Street (northwest of the Forbidden City)

开放时间Open Time: 09:00-16:30

旅程Travel Time: 2 hours

从南门From the South Gate: 101、103、109、812、814、846

北门From the North Gate: 107、111、118、701、823

从东门From the East Gate: 5

Beijing Capital Museum



A trip to Beijing City is not complete without visiting its museums. There are a great number of museums dotting around the city. If you don't have much time available in Beijing, you can focus your museum tour to Beijing Capital Museum. Beijing's new Capital Museum is now open to the public, located on Fuxingmenwai Dajie, the western part of Beijing's Chang'an Jie. The museum is a five-storey mansion, catering for a maximum of 13 concurrent exhibitions, which can be seen in about 5 hours at the cost of 30 yuan per visitor.


How to get:



开放时间Open Time: 09:00-16:30

旅程Travel Time: 1.5 hours

闭馆时间Black out date: Monday

地址ADD: Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Chang An Avenue

颐和园Summer Palace ( Yiheyuan )


Regarded as the largest imperial garden in China, Beijing's Summer Palace is in fact a park-styled royal retreat extending out over 10 square miles in northwest suburban Beijing.


Summer Palace is mainly comprised of Longevity Hill (Washoushan) and Kunming Lake. Much of the park is covered by Kunming Lake. With masterly design and artistic architecture integrating the highlight of Chinese garden arts, the Summer Palace has earned a title of "Royal Garden Museum". It is a royal garden most completely preserved with richest landscapes and large compact buildings. The Summer Palace was listed as the world cultural heritage in1998.

如何到达How to go there:

乘公交Take busses No.726, 826, 718, 332, 331 or 737 and get off at Yiheyuan Dongmen

点击知道更多Click to know more:


地址Address: Yiheyuan (Summer Palace) Road, Haidian District 62881144-209

开放时间Open Time: 6:30-20:30

门票Ticket Fee: RMB 40 (low season) / RMB 50 (peak season)

天坛Temple of Heaven ( Tiantan )


Temple of Heaven is one of the real highlights of Beijing. It is situated in the southern Beijing City. It has been one of the most sacred sites for the whole country for the past five centuries. It worked as sacrificial compound buildings for the Ming and Qing emperors.



What's the intriguing by-production of the temple is that if you enter the Temple of Heaven in the early morning, you can find many people doing all types of kung fu and taiji and other morning exercises. Furthermore, many people happily play each other with music, songs or cards. You can also join them if you want. The most highlight part of the temple is the unique century-old trees. Some of the cypresses are over 600 years old! When once visiting the temple, Dr Henry Kissinger, said that the USA could rebuild the Temple of Heaven if it wanted, but it could not produce the trees!

如何到达How to go there:

Take 6, 20, 39 Buses

地址Address: on the east of Tianqiao, Chongwen District 67018866

开放时间Open Time: 6:00-21:00

旅程Tour Time: 1.5 hours

门票Ticket Fee: RMB 35


Beijing, Capital of china

Beijing is a city where the old cultural traditions and the modern civilization are well integrated. Each year thousands of visitors and tourists come to Beijing to enjoy and feel its unique culture and scenery.

Beijing is endowed with rare cultural heritage due to its long history. The Great Wall, one of the world wonders and the sole man-made architecture which can be seen from space, extends several hundred miles in Beijing. The poetic and picturesque Summer Palace is the classic works of the feudal dynasty garden. The Forbidden City is the most splendid group of imperial palace in the world. The temple of heaven is the place of worship for emperors of various dynasties of China as well as a splendid achievement of the Chinese ancient architectural art. The above four have been selected by the United Nations organization of education, Science and Culture as the world cultural heritage. What is typical of Beijing is hutong and the compound courtyard (old Beijing residential quarters), which are now disappearing. These streets and buildings witnessed ups and downs of the city and the people in the past centuries and are a typical symbol of the life of Beijing people.

Changes have taken place day by day in Beijing since China's reform and opening to the outside world is being deepened. As a popular saying goes around here, Beijing is growing taller with more and more high buildings younger with the people's life richer and more colorful. Beijing is advancing more rapidly with full confidence in the 21st century.

This is Beijing, old and young, full of attraction. It is our sincere hope that you will make best of your time here to visit more places and enjoy more scenery and we believe you will harvest a lot.


Beijing in Chinese means "capital in the north". Its establishment could be traced back to more than 3000 years ago. From 1272 to 1911, Beijing was the capital of Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, Beijing is the capital of new China.


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