美国名景点介绍英语 英文介绍美国景点

导读:美国名景点介绍英语 英文介绍美国景点 1. 英文介绍美国景点 2. 英语介绍美国景点 3. 美国旅游景点介绍(英文版) 4. 美国的景点英文介绍 5. 美国十大景点英文介绍 6. 美国著名景点英语介绍 7. 用英语介绍一下美国的景点 8. 英文介绍美国景点的作文 9. 英文介绍美国景点的手抄报

1. 英文介绍美国景点

1. 阿拉巴马州 Alabama

2. 阿拉斯加州 Alaska

3. 亚利桑那州 Arizona

4. 阿肯色州 Arkansas

5. 加利福尼亚州 California

6. 科罗拉多州 Colorado

7. 康涅狄格州 Connecticut

8. 德拉华州 Delaware

9. (华盛顿)哥伦比亚特区 District of Columbia

10. 佛罗里达州 Florida

11. 乔治亚州 Georgia

12. 夏威夷州 Hawaii

13. 爱达荷州 Idaho

14. 伊利诺州 Illinois

15. 印地安那州 Indiana

16. 衣阿华州 Iowa

17. 堪萨斯州 Kansas

18. 肯塔基州 Kentucky

19. 路易斯安那州 Louisiana

20. 缅因州Maine

21. 马里兰州 Maryland

22. 麻萨诸塞州 Massachusetts

23. 密执安州 Michigan

24. 明尼苏达州 Minnesota

25. 密西西比州 Mississippi

26. 密苏里州 Missouri

27. 蒙大拿州 Montana

28. 内布拉斯加州 Nebraska

29. 内华达州 Nevada

30. 新罕布什尔州 New Hampshire

31. 新泽西州 New Jersey

32. 新墨西哥州 New Mexico

33. 纽约州New York

34. 北卡罗来纳州 North Carolina

35. 北达科他州 North Dakota

36. 俄亥俄州 Ohio

37. 俄克拉荷马州 Oklahoma

38. 俄勒冈州 Oregon

39. 宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania

40. 罗得岛州 Rhode Island

41. 南卡罗来纳州 South Carolina

42. 南达科他州 South Dakota

43. 田纳西州 Tennessee

44. 德克萨斯州 Texas

45. 犹他州Utah

46. 佛蒙特州 Vermont

47. 弗吉尼亚州 Virginia

48. 华盛顿州 Washington

49. 西弗吉尼亚州 West Virginia

50. 威斯康星州 Wisconsin

51. 怀俄明州 Wyoming

2. 英语介绍美国景点

Liaocheng is a very beautiful city .

3. 美国旅游景点介绍(英文版)

亚伯拉罕·林肯,Abraham Lincoln 美国第16任总统Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in 1809 near Hodgenville, Kentucky.

In 1828, at 19, he took a boat down the Ohio River to New Orleans. There Lincoln saw for the first time slaves being sold in the marketplace. At that time Lincoln made up his mind to work to end slavery for the rest of his life.

In 1836, Lincoln became a lawyer and was famous for being hard-working and honest. He believed that the US stood for freedom for all. He wanted to become a Senator . In 1858, Lincoln debated Stephen Douglas who was also a candidate for the Senate from Illinois. The two men made speeches in seven cities, debating the issue of slavery.

Because of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Lincoln became known across the country. It was Douglas who was elected to the Senate by a vote of 54 to 46. Lincoln decided to run for president in 1860. Again he ran against Stephen Douglas as well as two other candidates.

Lincoln took the oath of office to become President of the United States on March 4, 1861. It was a difficult time to be president. Many Southern states did not agree with Lincoln about abolishing slavery, or declared that they were not a part of the US. So the famous Civil War began in April, 1861.

Lincoln's Union army fought the Southern Confederate armies. Many soldiers were killed in the battles. One such battle was in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. In 1863, a ceremony was held to commemorate the dead on the Gettysburg battlefield. Lincoln made a famous speech that has become known as the Gettysburg address.

On April 14, 1865, Lincoln was shot while attending a play at Ford's Theatre and died on the morning of April 15.

Americans grieved at the loss of their President. Both Lincoln's friends and enemies praised his selflessness and kindly spirit after his death. A train carried his body across the country so that thousands of mourners could pay their respects to Abraham Lincoln one last time. Lincoln is buried in Springfield, Illinois. Americans will long remember President Abraham Lincoln, the 16th Presiden t of the United States.

4. 美国的景点英文介绍


1、n. 公园;[交] 停车场

2、vt. 停放;放置;寄存

3、vi. 停放车辆

4、n. (Park)人名;(英、芬、瑞典)帕克

读法:英 [pɑːk] 美 [pɑrk]

Central Park中央公园


Linkin Park林肯公园


1、By the afternoon, the park is calling us.


2、This is the easy


you love reading, or drinking tea, or journaling, or taking walks in the park, choose something like that.


5. 美国十大景点英文介绍


6. 美国著名景点英语介绍








The farmer has a shepherd dog.

7. 用英语介绍一下美国的景点


1、 安大略湖(Ontario


River)、恒伯利河(Humber River)、杰纳西河(Genesee


2、 伊利湖(Erie


3、 休伦湖(Huron

Lake)北美五大湖中第二大湖。该湖在大湖区中位置居中。西为美国的密歇根湖,东为加拿大的安大略省。湖面水域面积59600平方公里。流域面积133900平方公里(不包括湖面积)。有苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖和众多河流注入。湖水从南端排入伊利湖。 伦湖与大湖区的其他湖相比,拥有最长的湖岸线,并以美丽的天然湖岸和优良的水质而闻名。东北部多岛屿。沿湖多游览区。休伦湖区有七个美国深水港口和四个加拿大港口。

4、 密歇根湖(Michigan


5、 苏必利尔湖(Superior

8. 英文介绍美国景点的作文

  I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.

  Its the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes.

  On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didnt forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday

9. 英文介绍美国景点的手抄报



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