关于旅游的优美文章 关于旅游的优美文章英语

导读:关于旅游的优美文章 关于旅游的优美文章英语 1. 关于旅游的优美文章英语 2. 关于旅游的英语论文 3. 关于旅游的英语文章英汉互译 4. 关于旅游的短文英语 5. 关于旅游的优美文章英语翻译 6. 有关旅游的英语文章 7. 关于旅行的英语美文欣赏 8. 关于旅游的优美文章英语作文 9. 有关旅游的英语阅读文章

1. 关于旅游的优美文章英语

Hello, mike:I heard that you will come to my hometown, laiwu. I am very happy and specially write an email to tell you something about my hometown.The weather is very good recently. There was some heavy rain just a few days ago. It's cool now.The scenery is beautiful and the people here are very rustic and kind.I believe you will be very happy to get along with them after you come.Remember to bring an umbrella, bring some sunscreen, and be safe when you come.I'm looking forward to meeting you.I hope you can reply as soon as possible.Sincerely, li ke.

2. 关于旅游的英语论文

旅游论文参考文献一:    [1] 马勇,陈慧英. 旅游文化产业竞争力综合评价指标体系构建研究[J]. 中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版). 2012(01)  [2] 曾亚玲. 博物馆旅游与文化创意产业的融合发展[J]. 中国商贸. 2012(04)  [3] 王九位. 数字时代旅游目的地信息共享研究[D]. 武汉大学 2010  [4] 吴普,葛全胜,席建超,刘浩龙. 影视旅游形成、发展机制研究--以山西乔家大院为例[J]. 旅游学刊. 2007(07)  [5] 庄志民. 论旅游意象属性及其构成[J]. 旅游科学. 2007(03)  [6] 钟晟,张军. 皖南古村落和谐文化主题开发[J]. 华东经济管理. 2007(06)  [7] 杨卫武,陈慧莎. 论旅游产业与文化产业的融合--以上海市为例[J]. 青岛酒店管理职业技术学院学报. 2012(01)  [8] 徐仁立. 旅游产业与文化产业融合发展的思考[J]. 宏观经济管理. 2012(01)  [9] 张薇,钟晟,张晓燕. 1998~2007年全球旅游研究进展--基于SCIES、SCI和A&HCI三大检索文献计量分析[J]. 旅游学刊. 2009(12)  [10] 赵勇. 亲和性城市公共游憩空间的系统建构研究[D]. 武汉大学 2011  [11] 张中华,王岚,张沛. 国外地方理论应用旅游意象研究的空间解构[J]. 现代城市研究. 2009(05)  [12] 李海霞,孙厚琴. 基于城市旅游意象的旅游城市标志物分析[J]. 社会科学家. 2009(04)  [13] 庄志民. 宁波东钱湖旅游度假区旅游意象定位研究--旅游文化设计探索系列[J]. 旅游科学. 2010(03)  [14] 凌莉萍,吴殿廷. 国内外影视旅游研究进展及启示[J]. 旅游学刊. 2010(03)  [15] 韩震. 论国家认同、民族认同及文化认同--一种基于历史哲学的分析与思考[J]. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版). 2010(01)  [16] 侯建娜,杨海红,李仙德. 旅游演艺产品中地域文化元素开发的思考--以《印象·刘三姐》为例[J]. 旅游论坛. 2010(03)  [17] 陈才,李兆元,刘心怡. 大连旅游意象研究--基于博客游记的探讨[J]. 旅游论坛. 2010(03)  [18] 吴志军,田逢军. 城市滨水旅游意象及其对旅游者选择意愿的影响研究--以南京、武汉、上海滨水区为例[J]. 旅游学刊. 2010(06)  [19] 张海燕,王忠云. 旅游产业与文化产业融合发展研究[J]. 资源开发与市场. 2010(04)  

3. 关于旅游的英语文章英汉互译

Liuzhou! My hometown!There is a river,very clear and beautifulThere are a lot of mountains,Very tall and magnificent。The people there are very friendly, although they are very strange, but they are ready to help others.

4. 关于旅游的短文英语

Last weekend,all students in my class went to the park.It was sunny that day.The park was full of kinds of flowers.In the morning,some of my classmates sang,danced,and some played valleyball.Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree.After lunch,we went boating and climbing the hills.Although we were tired,we were happy.We enjoyed ourselves that day.In the late of afternoon,we retuned to school by bus.

5. 关于旅游的优美文章英语翻译

Last Sunday our class decided to climb the mountain.

  At first we arrived at th e foot of the mountain by bus. Then it started raining a little but we didn't stop.

  When we were nearly the top. It rained heavily .We were all wet and cold.Someone said we should stop but our teacher asked us to keep going on.

  At last we got to the top of the mountain. The rain stopped and everyone shouted happily in excitement.

How happy we felt !






6. 有关旅游的英语文章

Dear JaneHow it going?Let me tell you what I will do this holiday.I plan to go to Beijing,I will go to the Great Wall,Maybe I will go to Badaling.too.I heard that the food in Beijing are very good,So I may go to eat it.what a fun holiday,Ican't wait.

7. 关于旅行的英语美文欣赏








第二天,我们还参观了鹿场,看见了梅花鹿。我还给梅花鹿喂青草吃呢。这个鹿场历史很悠久,是我们伟大的主席刘少奇从前苏联引进的梅花鹿种。 此次郊游我玩的非常开心,期待下一次的郊游。

8. 关于旅游的优美文章英语作文

I go to a interesting place,there are lots of peopel.I see many beautiful flowers,and there are many animals.I see some tigers,they are very scary.I also see two elephints,they are petty heavy and big.






9. 有关旅游的英语阅读文章

Luoyang, located in the Waterinfo because of its name and Yang, Chinese civilization is one of the main birthplace. Since the year 770 BC, moved the capital to Luo Yi Zhou Wang, one after another in the history of 13 dynasties established their capitals here, as long as 1,500 years. A long history o f dazzling left to the Luoyang cultural heritage and tourism resources inexhaustible.

Luoyang is rich in cultural, Longmen Grottoes is one of China's three major grottoes, the White Horse Temple, China's first official Buddhist temple, the ancient Luoyang Museum is the world's largest group of ancient tombs, as well as two-way tomb, the white garden Kuan Lin, and so on a large number of historical sites.

Luoyang equally attractive scenery, "Xiao Yue, Tianjin," "color Longmen Mountains," "Luopu Autumn," "Ma Bell Temple" Luoyang Eight different style, beautiful scenery, enjoy the meantime, you will have made music Erwang Back.


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