秘鲁景点英文 秘鲁景点英文名称

导读:秘鲁景点英文 秘鲁景点英文名称 1. 秘鲁景点英文名称 2. 秘鲁旅游攻略英文 3. 秘鲁的地理位置英文 4. 秘鲁景点英文名称及图片 5. 秘鲁景点英文介绍 6. 秘鲁的英文名 7. 澳大利亚的著名景点英文名称 8. 秘鲁有什么景点 9. 秘鲁景点英文名称是什么 10. 秘鲁景点英文名称大全

1. 秘鲁景点英文名称

秘鲁共和国:The Republic of Peru

2. 秘鲁旅游攻略英文


Straddling bothbanksoftheRjoRjmacatthefootoftheCerroSanCristobal,thecapitalofPeruisaneclectic=mixoftraditionalcolonialbuildings,soaringskyscrapersandPueblosshantysettlementsthatblanketthedustyhillsoverlookingthecity).




AttractionsincludethePalacioTorreTagle,thecity’sbestsurvivingspecimenofsecularcolonialarchitecture;theMuseodeOrodelPeru,withitsprecolumbian metals,weavingsandmummiesandtheMuseodeArte,withmorethan7,000exhibitsgivingaretrospective ofPeruvianculturesandartfrom2,000yearsagotothepresentday.

Lima’smanymarketsoverflowwithhand-crafted jewelryofsilverandgold,Peruviantextilesandceramics ,flowersandfreshproduce.

Forabreakfromthecity’sclamor,duckinto Lima’sfinebaroquechurches ortakeastrollthroughitsmanyparksandgardens,someestablishedasearlyasthe17thcenturybyLima’sSpanisharistocracy

3. 秘鲁的地理位置英文

Straddling both banks of the Rjo Rjmac at the foot of the Cerro San Cristobal,the capital of Peru is an eclectic mix of traditional colonial buildings,soaring skyscrapers and Pueblos(shanty settlements that blanket the dusty hills overlooking the city).

Home to two-thirds of Peru's industry and nearly one-third of the country's total population,pollution and poverty is highly present this city of seven million.A few miles southwest of the city center,Villa El Salvador shelters 350,000 people.

In spite of its troubles,the city boasts a great many historic monuments,museums for every palate,a lively cultural and arts scene and the country's best food,drink and nightlife.

Most of Lima's sights can be found within the old city,declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Attractions include the Palacio Torre Tagle,the city's best surviving specimen of secular colonial architecture; the Museo de Oro del Peru,with its precolumbianmetals,weavings and mummies and the Museo de Arte,with more than 7,000 exhibits giving a retrospectiveof Peruvian cultures and art from 2,000 years ago to the present day.

Lima's many markets overflow with hand-crafted jewelry of silver and gold,Peruvian textiles and ceramics,flowers and fresh produce.

For a break from the city's clamor,duck intoLima's fine baroque churches or take a stroll through its many parks and gardens,some established as early as the 17th century by Lima's Spanish aristocracy.

4. 秘鲁景点英文名称及图片

英语缩略词“SPPY”经常作为“Chachapoyas, Peru”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“秘鲁查查波亚斯”。

5. 秘鲁景点英文介绍



秘鲁是南美第三大国,与厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚、巴西、玻利维亚、智利交界。它的面积是 1285216 平方公里,人口 2233 万(1990),首都利马

Peru is the third largest country in South America, and borders with Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, Bolivia and Chile. Its area is 1285216 square kilometers, and its population is 22 million 330 thousand (1990), the capital of Lima.

6. 秘鲁的英文名


7. 澳大利亚的著名景点英文名称

昆士兰州(简称昆州,英文:Queensland,缩写:QLD),位于澳大利亚的东北部,论面积为澳大利亚的第二大州,人口则排名全澳第三。据2016年3月统计,昆士兰 口已突破482万人,约占全国总人口的20.1%。

昆士兰第一大城为首府布里斯班,人口116.22万(2016年9月数据),大都会区人口约230.87万。第二大城是观光重镇黄金海岸,人口50.76万(2010年数据)。澳大利亚前30大城市有10个城市位于昆士兰州。由于昆士兰有相当广大的地区位于热带、盛产矿物与蔬果,州民热爱运动,素有“阳光之州”(Sunshine State)的美称。


8. 秘鲁有什么景点




9. 秘鲁景点英文名称是什么

A country of western South America bordered by Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil and Bolivia to the east, Chile to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

10. 秘鲁景点英文名称大全

【秘鲁】 音译词 英文单词为 【Peru】 所以说正确的读音应该是 【bì lǔ】


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