秘鲁特色景点 秘鲁著名景点

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1. 秘鲁著名景点


2. 秘鲁著名景点英文介绍


Straddling bothbanksoftheRjoRjmacatthefootoftheCerroSanCristobal,thecapitalofPeruisaneclectic=mixoftraditionalcolonialbuildings,soaringskyscrapersandPueblosshantysettlementsthatblanketthedustyhillsoverlookingthecity).




AttractionsincludethePalacioTorreTagle,thecity’sbestsurvivingspecimenofsecularcolonialarchitecture;theMuseodeOrodelPeru,withitsprecolumbian metals,weavingsandmummiesandtheMuseodeArte,withmorethan7,000exhibitsgivingaretrospective ofPeruvianculturesandartfrom2,000yearsagotothepresentday.

Lima’smanymarketsoverflowwithhand-crafted jewelryofsilverandgold,Peruviantextilesandceramics ,flowersandfreshproduce.

Forabreakfromthecity’sclamor,duckinto Lima’sfinebaroquechurches ortakeastrollthroughitsmanyparksandgardens,someestablishedasearlyasthe17thcenturybyLima’sSpanisharistocracy

3. 秘鲁著名景点英文

Straddling both banks of the Rjo Rjmac at the foot of the Cerro San Cristobal,the capital of Peru is an eclectic mix of traditional colonial buildings,soaring skyscrapers and Pueblos(shanty settlements that blanket the dusty hills overlooking the city).

Home to two-thirds of Peru's industry and nearly one-third of the country's total population,pollution and poverty is highly present this city of seven million.A few miles southwest of the city center,Villa El Salvador shelters 350,000 people.

In spite of its troubles,the city boasts a great many historic monuments,museums for every palate,a lively cultural and arts scene and the country's best food,drink and nightlife.

Most of Lima's sights can be found within the old city,declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

Attractions include the Palacio Torre Tagle,the city's best surviving specimen of secular colonial architecture; the Museo de Oro del Peru,with its precolumbianmetals,weavings and mummies and the Museo de Arte,with more than 7,000 exhibits giving a retrospectiveof Peruvian cultures and art from 2,000 years ago to the present day.

Lima's many markets overflow with hand-crafted jewelry of silver and gold,Peruvian textiles and ceramics,flowers and fresh produce.

For a break from the city's clamor,duck intoLima's fine baroque churches or take a stroll through its many parks and gardens,some established as early as the 17th century by Lima's Spanish aristocracy.

4. 秘鲁主要景点


秘鲁是一个拥有多个种族,多种语言和多种文化的国度。位于南美洲西北部,为古印加文化的发祥地。其多样性的自然环境、亚马逊河丛林、安底斯高原印加遗迹及世界最高的的的喀喀湖,使秘鲁成为世界上最具观光价值的国家之一。< /p>


秘鲁烹调是产生于西班牙和本地烹调的偶然交融 二者都已有了大发展,更重要的是受到了其它多种美食传统的深远影响。从非洲来的奴隶,上世纪居住在秘鲁中部的中国人,还有意大利人,在他们的影响下形成了现今的可口而种类繁多的秘鲁烹调。.



5. 秘鲁最著名的景点


秘鲁马丘比丘天文台(Machu Picchu)位于马丘比丘的一座高山山脊之上,大约建于1460年,是南美印第安人印加文明的重要象征。



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