关于南京的旅游景点的英文翻译 - 南京旅行英文

导读:关于南京的旅游景点的英文翻译 - 南京旅行英文 1. 南京旅行英文 2. 南京旅行英文作文 3. 南京旅游英文 4. 南京游记英文 5. 南京旅游攻略英文 6. 南京旅游景点英语 7. 南京旅行英文怎么说 8. 南京是个旅游的好地方英文

1. 南京旅行英文


途经 tújīng

[by way of;via] 中途经过



1.by way of; via.

2. 南京旅行英文作文

Early in the morning, when I searched the Internet, I found there were many news about the Nanking Massacre, our country’s flag had low down half, for the purpose of commemorating the people who were killed during that hard time.

  The massacre is such brutal, about 300 thousand people died, it is shame for our country, the Japanese who did the massacre deny their brutal act all the time.

  As the time went by, Some Japanese want to clear his criminal with denying it, but we can’t forget the pain, we must remember it all the time, so that we learn the lesson and be strong.

  For those 300 thousand people, it will unrespect to them if they are forgotten, we must respect history, now we are still fight against the Japanese government.

3. 南京旅游英文



Today was August 2nd,it was a sunny day,and it made me feel comfortable.My father and I have decided to go to the Imperial Palace(故宫).So we went to there by car in this morning.

The Imperial Palace was so wonderful that we would never forget it.And it was the most famous buildings in the world,there were many visitors came to here to visit it every year.

In short,we took many photos,we were very enjoyable.

4. 南京游记英文

钟山风景区 Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area 中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum明孝陵 Ming Emperors Tomb 灵谷公园 Linggu Park孙中山纪念馆 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen音乐台 Music Platform

5. 南京旅游攻略英文

Nan Jing ,capital city of Jiangsu province ,6 times as the capital in the feudal dynasties,a famous city with a long history ,well-konw especially by the globle people for 1937 Nanjing massacre

6. 南京旅游景点英语

Nanjing is a beautiful and modern city with a long history.

7. 南京旅行英文怎么说


一般来说 这种拼音也是跟汉语拼音一样有对应的 如汉语拼音b对应韦式拼音p, 汉语拼音x对应韦式拼音ts, 汉语拼音g对应韦式拼音k 因此南京就是NANKING了.这是威妥玛式拼音法。

威妥玛(1818--1895),英国人。从1841年起在英国驻华使馆任职,1871年升为英国驻华公使。 威妥玛在华任职期间,为了外国人便於学习和掌握汉语、汉字,威妥玛使用他根据北京读书音制订的拉丁字母拼音方案给汉字注音。这个方案以后被普遍用来拼写中国的人名、地名等,一般称为威妥玛式拼音,如重庆Chungking、成都Chengtu、广州Kwangchow、南京Nanking、天津Tietsin、桂林Kweilin、台北Taipei等

8. 南京是个旅游的好地方英文

Hello, I'm Michael. I think my hometown Nanjing is a great place to visit. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. It has a long history.

There are lots of interesting places to go. You can see beautiful views in Xuan Wu Lake Park.

You also can take a boat trip on Xuan Wu Lake Park. It will be very comfortable and enjoyable.

The Purple Mountain is another place that is worth visiting.

You can breathe fresh air there. It's also a good place to go climbing.

At the top of the Purple Mountain, you can see the view of the whole city.

If you are an animal lover, HongShan Zoo is a good choice. There are different kinds of animals in it.

Xin Jie Kou is a good place to go shopping. There are hundreds of stops in Xin Jie Kou District.

You can go to the Golden Eagle International Shopping Center to buy some beautiful clothes.

Welcome to my home town!


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