

Hello,my dear visitors,welcome to Nanjing.Nanjing is a city of history,because it was the capital of dynasty Ming.So it must be a different part in your travel memory.Now i will introduce a famous place in Nanjing,we call it the Rampart of Nanjing.it was built in 1386,so it had a very history.but what a pity ,some of it had been destoried in the past.in nowdays,our government realize it is a big problem,so they try their best to protect it well.so until today we can still see the beautifui scenery.indeed,it is only a litter about our city,in the coming days,we can have a visit in the city.so i believe ,you can feel more about the city.Maybe wonderful, develop,hilarity and so on.But all above,it is really a special experience in your life!



钟山风景区 Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area

中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s

孙中山纪念馆 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen

紫金山天文台 Purple Moutain Observatory

白马石公园 White Horse Park

玄武湖公园 Xuanwu Lake Park

鸡鸣寺 Jiming Temple

秦淮风光带 Qinhuai Scenic Zones

秦淮河 Qinhuaihe River

夫子庙 The Confucius Temple

总统府 Presidential Palace

南京博物院 Nanjing Museum


南京是中国四大古都、首批国家历史文化名城 ,是中华文明的重要发祥地 ,历史上曾数次庇佑华夏之正朔 ,是四大古都中唯一未做过异族政权首都的古都,长期是中国南方的政治、经济文化中心 。南京早在100-120万年前就有古人类活动,35-60万年前已有南京猿人在汤山生活,有着7000多年文明史、近2600年建城史和近500年的建都史,有“六朝古都”、“十朝都会”之称。




Confucius[kən’fu∫jəs 孔子] temple[templ寺庙 ] the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik风光 ] area[εə riə 地带]


1:The Confucius temple, located [lou’keitid位于]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik风景的] area,


2:is a well-known tourist[tu:rist旅游者 ] resort[ri’zэ:t常去度假的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing .


3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple


4and jointly[ d3эintli连带地] called the Confucius temple area.


5the Confucius temple is no doubt[ daut 怀疑] the most famous.


6The temple is the place for people to pay worship[wə:∫ip 崇拜] to Confucius.


7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034


8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986


9The temple we often mentioned[men∫ən提出] should include[inklu:d包括] three architectural [a:kitekt∫ərə建筑]complexes[kэmpleks群,综合体]:


10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[ə’t∫i:vmənt大成] as the main [mein主要的]body,


11the palace[pælis宫殿] of learning and the imperial[impiəriəl帝国] examination [igzæmi’nei∫ən考试]center.


12As early as in 337 A.D.[ei’di:公元],


13but at that time there was only the palace[pælis宫殿] of learning without the Confucius temple.


14The temple was built up and extended[ikstendid扩大] on the basis [beisis基础]of the palace of learning until 1034.


15The Confucius temple complex[kэmpleks 复杂] covers [k∧və 包括]the pan[pæn畔] pool[pu:l池],screen[skri:n屏,照壁] wall,the gateway[geitwei通道] of all scholars[skэlə学生,有文化],


16juxing[聚星] pavilion[pə’viljən亭],Kuixing[魁星] pavilion, Lingxing[灵星 ] gate,


17the hall of great achievements[ə‘t∫i:vmənt 达成] and the gate etc[ =et cetera等等et’setərə ].


18As the confucius temple in qufu,Shandong province


19is built by the side of the pan river,


20all the temples of Confucius in the country


21are built at the riverside


22and the water in front of Confucius temple is called pan pool.


23And this has become a custom[k∧st∂m惯例] through[θru:在期间] long usage[ju:sidЗ惯用法]


24this confucirs temple makes the natural stream[stri:m流动] of the Qinhuai river as its pan pool,


25which is also called the pool of crescent[kresnt新月] moon “by the local[louk∂l当地] people.

当地的人们把它叫着 牙池

26Standing at the southern bank of the pan pool is the screen[skri:n屏] wall,


27which is 110 meters long and 10 meters high.


28it ranks[ræηk最高点] top among all the screen walls across[∂’krэ:s遍布各地] the county.


29The wall was built in 1575 and newly renovated [‘ren∂,veit重做]in 1984 .


30the function [f∧ηk∫n功能]of the wall


31was to indicate[indikeit表明] that the confucirs’ learning was too profound[pr∂faund渊博] to be understood by common[kэm∂n普通] folks.[fouk民众]


32Another function was to cover up遮挡 the main building of the temple,


33so as to以便 give people an impression .[impre∫∂n印象]of its grandeur[’græn dЗ∂辉煌] and magnificence[mæg’nifisns庄严]


34The gateway[geitwei入口处] of all scholars[skэl∂学者] was first built in 1586 in an imitation[imitei∫∂n仿制] of that in Qufu.


35The meaning of the structure[str∧k t∫∂] was to refer[rif∂:归于] to Confucius as the hub[h∧b中心] of all writings and ethics[eθiks道德] in ancient times.


36lingxing gate is also called the gate of etiquette[eti’ket礼仪]


37specially built for emperors[emp∂r∂皇帝] to offer[э:f∂提供] sacrifice[sækrifais祭祀] to Confucius .


38the gate built in front of confucius temple


39implies[implai暗指] the meaning of


40“people of talent[tæl∂nt天才] coming forth[fэ:θ涌现] in large numbers[n∧mb∂大量]


41and stability[st∂‘biliti稳定] of the country.”


42Dacheng gate or the gate of great achievements[∂t∫ivm∂nt达成]


43is also called halberd[hæb∂d戟] gate,


44which is the front door of the Confucius temple.


45As Confucius epitomized[ipit∂maiz作为缩影] Chinese culture,


46he was posthumously[pэstjum∂死后] granted[gra:ntid假定] the title[taitl称号] of super saint[seint圣徒] Confucius.


47In the entrance[entr∂ns入口] hall[门厅] of the gate there are four old stone tablets [tæblit碑]:


48The tablets of Confucius asking laozi of the ethical[eθiks道德] codes[koud经].[孔子问礼图碑]


49It was made in 484 A.D. during the southern dynasty


50recorded[rekэ:d记录] on the tablet is the personal[p∂s∂nl个人] experience[ikspi∂ri∂ns经验] of Confucius on his visit to Luoyang,


51the capital of the eastern zhou dynasty in 518 B.C.


52where Confucius made investigations[investingei∫∂n研究] on the system of institutions[institju:∫∂n制度] of the zhou


53and went in quest[kwest寻找] of the ways of how to prosper[prэsp∂繁荣] and stabilize[steibilaiz稳定] the country

去寻找了如何繁荣和稳 国家的方法

54and of how to consolidate[k∂nsэlideit联合] the power of slave[sleiv奴隶] owners[oun∂主人] in the lu state[steit国家].


55The tablet of jiqing Confucius temple.


56In 1308 when the yuan dynasty reigned[rein统治] over the country,


57emperor wuzong issued[i∫iu发布] an imperial[impi∂ri∂l帝国] edict[i:dikt布告]


58”take education as the state administration[∂dministre∫∂n管理] of the empire[empai∂皇权]”


59In the next fall when the Confucius temple started to be rebuilt ,


60lu zhi wrote an inscription[inskrip∫∂n碑文] for the tablet.


61but the tablet was not made right away until 22 years later in 1330.


62In the xianfeng years of the qing dynasty,the Confucius temple was burnt down in a war


63and the tablet was missing[misiη失踪]


64during the reconstruction[ri:k∂nstr∧kl∂n重建] of the Confucius temple in 1986, the tablet happened[偶然发生] to be unearthed[∧n’∂:θ发掘] from the underground[地下]


65The tablet of the four saints[封四圣碑]

66In 1331 emperor wenzong of the yuan dynasty granted [gra:ntid加封]the four disciples[di’sai’pl门徒] of Confucius


67Yanhui, zengshen, kongji and mengke as 4 saints[] second to Confucius


68and they were carved [ka:v雕刻]on a stone tablet to inform [infэ:m告知]the whole country.


67tablet of madam super saint Confucius.[封至圣夫人碑]

68 In 1331 the wife of Confucius was posthumously awarded the title of Madam Super Saint(孔子之妻被加封为至圣夫人)


69and a stone tablet was made for her according to the imperial decree (以此旨勒石刻碑) and erected here side by side with the tablet of the four saints (与封四氏碑并列于夫子庙) .

70Dacheng Hall or the Hall of Great Achievements (大成殿) is the main building of Confucian Temple


71and the very place to enshrine and worship Confucius (供奉和祭祀孔子的地方).

72 The hall is a double-eaved and gable-roofed structure in ancient imitation (重檐歇山顶仿古建筑),

73Displayed in the hall there is a huge portrait of Confucius (孔子巨幅画像),

which is the largest one through out the country.

Also put on show are the portraits of Yan Hui (颜回), Zeng Shen (曾参), Kong Ji (孔伋) (the grandson of Confucius) and Mengke (Mencius), the four disciples of Confucius as well as a number of ancient musical instruments.

Hung on the inner walls of the hall there are 38 jade-and-jadeite-carved paintings inlaid with gold, jewelry and mother-of-pearl (罗钿) about the life story of Confucius (孔子生平事迹).

In the temple courtyard (庙院) enclosed by roofed corridors, there is a large open-air terrace (露台), which used to be an altar for holding sacrificial ceremony and performance of songs and dance (曾是祭祀和歌舞的地方). on the terrace there stands a huge bronze statue of Confucius. the forehead of the statue appears a unique wisdom-and-foresight of the great thinker (眉宇间透露出伟大思想家特有的睿智), better mak ing a deep impression on visitors.

Juxing Pavilion At the west of the temple square there stands a hexagonal pavilion (the pavilion with its 6 eaves upturned) called “Juxing”. The name of Juxing means “assembly of stars” (群星汇聚) and “a galaxy of talent” (人才荟萃), because all the men of letters or well-educated people were regarded as stars over the sky in feudal China. Juxing pavilion was the place for intellectuals to converge on (聚集) and to learn from each other by exchanging their experience in study (切磋学习心得).

Kuixing Pavilion (now called Kuiguang Pavilion) (魁光阁) at the east of Pan Pool lies the Kuixing Pavilion, which is also called the Pavilion of God of Literature (文星阁). The three-storied hexagonal tower was the place for provincial examination candidates (乡试士子们) to pay worship to Confucius before they sit for imperial examinations (应考前拜孔的地方). Later,the pavilion was turned into a teahouse (茶社) for candidates (考生) to meet friends with tea drinking.

Kuixing is the star at the tip of the bowl of the Big Dipper (魁为北斗星之第一星), one of the 28 constellations over the sky (天上28个星宿之一). It was said to be God of literature dominating the fortune of culture and education (主宰文运之神) and ,Confucius was regarded as the God. In times of imperial examinations (在科举时代), the examination candidates often came to offer sacrifice to Confucius in the hope of successfully passing the imperial examinations and becoming a provincial graduate (以求中举).

The Palace of Learning (学宫) The Palace of Learning is an architectural complex consisting of Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂), Zunjing Library (尊经阁), Qingyun Tower (青云楼) and Ancestral Temple for Worshiping the Parents of Confucius (崇圣祠) etc.. The Palace of Learning was an institution of higher learning (高等学府) of the prefecture in ancient times, usually built behind Confucian Temple.

Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂) was the main hall (正堂) of Palace of Learning ,the place for putting up the list of successful candidates (张悬科第题名榜) in the years of the imperial examination system and was also an assembly auditorium (集会礼堂) for the students to attend lectures on Confucius teachings(圣教)and imperial edicts (上谕) given by assistant instructor(听训导师宣讲圣教和上谕) after their pilgrimage on the first and the 15th day (朔、望日) every lunar month.

Zunjing Library (尊经阁) was a two-storied building with each having 5 rooms (上下两层各五楹). The upstairs was used to collect the Chinese traditional learning of the Ming Dynasty (明代国学),. The downstairs was the lecture hall (讲堂),where assistant instructors (训导师) used to give students lectures.

Qingyun Tower (青云楼) and Ancestral temple of Confucius Parents (崇圣祠)

The Qingyun Tower is a memorial temple (祠宇或祠堂) for enshrining educational inspectors (督学) of the past dynasties (青云楼是供奉历代督学使的祠宇). The Ancestral Temple for Parents (崇圣祠) of Confucius was the place for students to offer sacrifices to Confucius parents. But someone also says it is the Saint-Admiring Temple specially for enshrining the deciples of Confucius (是祭祀孔门弟子的专祠).


Nanjing Facts

Nanjing is situated in the hilly areas of Nanjing and Zhenjiang in the lower reaches of Yangtze River,at 32:03N and 118:46E. It borders with the Yangtze River Delta to the east and the hilly areas of South Anhui to the west,adjacent to the water network of Taihu Lake in the south and the Jianghuai Plain in the north. With the "golden waterway" Yangtze River flowing through the city,it is 380km from the Yangtze River estuary to the sea,and about 300km to Shanghai,the largest city of China.

Administration Zones

Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province,now has under its jurisdiction eleven districts of Xuanwu,Baixia,Jianye,Gulou,Qinhuai,Xiaguan,Yuhuatai,Qixia,Jiangning,Luhe and Pukou and two counties of Lishui and Gaocun. The total area is 6598 square kilometers,including 4728 square kilometers as urban area,and its total population is 6.4 million.


Nanjing,an ancient capital of China,enjoys a worldwide reputation for its history and culture. Archaeological findings show that human ancestors lived in Nanjing area around 300,000 years ago,and primitive villages took shape 6000 years ago. These inhabitants were the original local people. From then on,people lived and multiplied in this area generation after generation.

In 472 B. C.,under Goujian (King of State Yue)'s order,a city historically called "Yue City" was built on the site of Rain Flower Terrace. That is the earliest record of city construction in Nanjing area,and by now it has a history of 2,470 years. During the Three Kingdoms Period,Dongwu (Eastern Wu) moved its capital to Nanjing - called "Jianye" then,in 229 A. D.. Thereafter,dynasties like Dongjin (Eastern Jin),Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,Nantang (Southern Tang - in Five Dynasties Period),Ming,Taiping Heavenly capital Kingdom and Republic of China in turn,established their capital here. In the past 1,700 years,Nanjing has achieved its fame as "an ancient capital of ten dynasties". Dynasties waxed and waned,thus left rich legacy of ancient times. Abundant historic relics date back to many stirring stories and epic legends of the past.

During Ming Dynasty,Nanjing got its present name for the first time. Over the long period of history,it had other names like Moling,Stone City,Jianye,Jiankang,Baixia,Shangyuan,Shenzhou,Jiangning,Jiqing,Yingtian and Tianjing. Its name might be different,yet the city itself kept being outstanding for its ancient history,brilliant culture,beautiful scenery and great achievements - therefore,it holds an important place in Chinese history.

Confucius[k�0�5n’fu∫j�0�5s 孔子] temple[templ寺庙 ] the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik风光 ] area[ε�0�5 ri�0�5 地带]


1:The Confucius temple, located [lou’keitid位于]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik风景的] area,


2:is a well-known tourist[tu:rist旅游者 ] resort[ri’zэ:t常去度假的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing .


3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple


4and jointly[ d3эintli连带地] called the Confucius temple area.


5the Confucius temple is no doubt[ daut 怀疑] the most famous.


6The temple is the place for people to pay worship[w�0�5:∫ip 崇拜] to Confucius.


7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034


8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986


9The temple we often mentioned[men∫�0�5n提出] should include[inklu:d包括] three architectural [a:kitekt∫�0�5r�0�5建筑]complexes[kэmpleks群,综合体]:


10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[�0�5’t∫i:vm�0�5nt大成] as the mai n [mein主要的]body,


11the palace[p�0�3lis宫殿] of learning and the imperial[impi�0�5ri�0�5l帝国] examination [igz�0�3mi’nei∫�0�5n考试]center.


北京旅游攻略英文(北京旅游攻略英文版) 南京旅游攻略英文版


1、北海公园 Beihai Park


2、故宫博物院 the Palace Museum


3、革命历史博物馆 the Museum of Revolutionary History


4、天安门广场 Tian'anmen Square


5、毛主席纪念堂 Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall

毛主席纪念堂是为纪念开国领袖毛泽东而建造的,位于天安门广场, 人民英雄纪念碑南面,坐落在原中华门旧址。1976年11月24日按照中国共产党中央委员会的决议,毛主席纪念堂奠基仪式在天安门广场举行。

6、人民大会堂 the Great Hall of the People

中华人民共和国中央政府人民大会堂位于中国北京市天安门广场西侧,西长安街南侧。人民大会堂坐西朝东 南北长336米,东西宽206米,高46.5米,占地面积15万平方米,建筑面积17.18万平方米。

7、黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Falls

黄果树瀑布,即黄果树大瀑布。古称白水河瀑布,亦名“黄葛墅”瀑布或“黄桷树”瀑布,因本地广泛分布着“黄葛榕”而得名。  位于中国贵州安顺镇宁布依族苗族自治县,属珠江水系西江干南盘江支流北盘江支流打帮河的支流可布河下游白水河段水系,为黄果树瀑布群中规模最大的一级瀑布,是世界著名大瀑布之一。以水势浩大著称。瀑布高度为77.8米,其中主瀑高67米;瀑布宽101米,其中主瀑顶宽83.3米。黄果树瀑布属喀斯特地貌中的侵蚀裂典型瀑布。



你如果住在西直门的话 交通很方便

第一天你可以去 北大 清华 人大 颐和园 安排一天的行程 这一天是比较轻松的

而且这几个地方 连着也近 先去 颐和园 接着去北大清华 (颐和园门口就有人力小车去北大清华) 北大可以进去看看 清华不介意进去 太大了 进去转出来 脚要酸死的

第二天去欢乐谷 双休日 那里人多

地三天去 早上去天安门故宫 中午就在前门的全聚德解决 下午去恭王府 晚饭到王府井的夜市去 又可以逛 又可以吃

第四天可以去 天坛 和奥林匹克公园 晚上到后海酒吧坐坐(这一天也还比较轻松的,为第五天做准备

第五天可以去 长城和 十三陵 要去德胜门坐919 (其实十三陵没花头的)

香山我觉得没必要去 现在没有红叶 而且 这几天天气也比较热 不太适合爬山 还有空可以去国家大剧院转转


篇一:北京一日游 One-day Tour in Beijing

Beijing is our capital city which is famous for its long history. Now we have a one-day tour plan for you.


In the morning, you can start the day at the Great Wall. It's one of the greatest wonders in the world. It's so magnificent that you can't go to Beijing without visiting the Great Wall. At noon, you can go to the Summer Palace. There are so many interesting sites, such as Wanshou Mountain, Kunming Lake, Suzhou Street, and some other ancient palaces. So you can climb Wanshou Mountain first. The view on the top is so wonderful. Next, you can go boating on Kunming Lake, and then, walk on Suzhou Street to enjoy the life of regions south of the Yangtze River. In the afternoon, you can go to have a long walk on Tiananman Square, in order to see the city well, and then you can visit the Palace Museum. There you can see different objects of different periods. They are of great value. In the evening, the Front Gate Walking Street is a good place to go where you can buy various kinds of souvenirs and clothes. Most buildings there have the traditional Chinese styles. Maybe you can know some history of ancient Beijing.


Wish you a nice trip.


篇二:旅行计划 Plan for Two Days in Beijing

Warmly welcome all of you to visit to China. I hear that you are a Canadian high school students delegation who come to China to exchange learning. I sincerely hope you can have fun in China.


It's a great pity that you only stay for two days in Beijing that you cannot enjoy every tourist attractions. But you can still visit the attractions of the most representative. Firstly, I suggest you going to the Great Wall, which is the longest wall and one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by hands only, which seems unimaginable. On the second day, you can visit to the Imperial Palace where you can learn more about Chinese history. It was built in 1406 and there were 24 emperors living in there. And then you can go to Summer Palace or Beihai Park.

遗憾的是你们只在北京呆两天,不能欣赏每一个旅游景点。但是你们仍然可以最具有代表性的景点。首先,我建议你们到长城,它是最长的城墙,也是世界八大奇迹之一 。它是人工建成的,这似乎无法想象。第二天,你们可以参观故宫,在那里 们可以学习更多关于中国的历史。它是1406年建的,曾有24位皇帝住在那里。接着你可以去颐和园或者北海公园

Beijing is a modern city as well as a historic city where there are many places worth visiting. Given the chance, welcome to travel to Beijing in the future.


篇三:Summer travel to Beijing

This summer holiday I have been to BeiJing for a travel. it was a great journey! we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.

The Imperial Palace noted the history. there were many antiques which we could espy the great culture .

From the great wall,it was a well-known wonder in the world.it is made of big stones which was too heavy to bring even uesing it to buil a construction of ruggedization. what a great grandeur!


北京是我国首都,四大直辖市之一,国内一线城市,超大城市,全国政治中心,文化中心,国际交往中心, 科技 创新中心,也是世界著名的古都和现代化国际大都市。有着3000多年的建城 历史 和850年的建都 历史 ,是全球拥有文化遗产最多的城市。每年有来北京 旅游 的全国和全世界的游客超过4亿人,下面就给大家介绍一下北京该怎么游览才能不虚此行。

第一住宿 ,北京的住宿形式非常多样性,从超五星级酒店到快捷酒店在到 社会 宾馆应有尽有,全市客房床位超过100万张,选择性很强,北京的住宿价格同类档次酒店在全国算最高的,所以来北京 旅游 住宿是主要开支,同类酒店位置不同价格也不同,很多不熟悉北京的朋友很喜欢住天安门周边,这个想法其实不是最好的,首先来说天安门周边小酒店主要集中在前门附近,一般规模都比较小,都是老房子,条件一般,所以我的建议是大家可以住在五环内任何一家距离地铁口走路不超过15分钟的酒店就可以,因为我们知道北京的地铁非常发达,可以到达任何一个景区门口。相比之下南城比其它三个方向稍微会便宜一些。我建议大家可以选择广安门,菜市口,陶然亭附近。

第二出行 ,北京的地铁系统非常发达,线路多,坐地铁可以到达市区所有景点门口,非常的便捷,地铁可以直接刷手机就可以,不用买票或者买卡,除此之外北京拥有全国最发达的地面公交系统,还有全国最多的出租车数量,24小时出行非常方便。

第三,吃饭方面 ,大餐方面北京有很多的百年老店,比如全聚德烤鸭便宜坊烤鸭,东来顺,仿膳饭庄,砂锅居,都一处烧麦,白魁老号,烤肉季,鸿宾楼等等。小吃方面比如豆汁,茯苓夹饼,姚记炒肝,卤煮,驴打滚艾窝窝爆肚灌肠炸酱面等等。

第四就是最重要的 旅游 景点 ,北京 历史 古迹众多,各类博物馆应有尽有,胡同3000多条。郊区还有星罗棋布的自然风景区,特别是夏秋两季一年都游览不完。在这里我们就根据需求说一下重点 旅游 线路和攻略,

第1天 ,可以早起观看天安门广场隆重的升旗仪式,现场感受非常震撼,也有爱国教育意义,每个月的1号有军乐队现场演奏,其它时间是音乐。升旗时间每天不一样,可以百度查询,看完升旗仪式以后可以到毛主席纪念堂瞻仰,这里提醒大家周一纪念堂不开放,开放时间是周二到周日的上午,下午也不开放,瞻仰结束以后就可以通过天安门城楼去故宫了,故宫门票很紧张,提前通过故宫官网预订,提前1到10天就可以预订了,故宫游览完差不多下午了,可以去北海公园,景山公园,这是著名的皇家公园,特别是登上景山万春亭可以俯瞰故宫全貌和北京三环内城市风光,非常震撼。

第2天, 恭王府也就是和珅的宅子,然后出来以后什刹海走一走,岸边有很多的胡同,王府,什刹海北岸的宋庆龄故居必须去看一下,一个非常漂亮的大院子,也是曾经的王府,还有郭沫若故居,曾经也是和珅家的院子,然后去钟鼓楼南锣鼓巷走一走,晚上可以在看看王府井步行街的夜景

第3天, 直接去颐和园,全世界最大的皇家园林,游览完需要几天时间,不过把重点看了就差不多了,时间允许接着去旁边的圆明园,圆明园更大,但是我们都知道基本是废墟,里面大体风光看一下直接去园内的西洋楼景区,哪里也是我们教科书上学的大水法的所在地,还有黄花阵等。清华,北大也在旁边,需要提前一周预约,时间来得及可以去一个校园,都去不可能,里面太大了,这两个我都去过,进去感受确实不一样。

第4天, 去天坛公园,这是比故宫规格还要高的地方,明清两朝皇帝祭天的地方,祈年殿,回音壁,斋宫,宰牲亭,丹陛桥,圆丘坛等必须看,整个园区面积巨大,游览完需要一天,看主要的就行了,然后出东门坐地铁去雍和宫,这是雍正皇帝出生的地方,雍和宫出来以后接着去旁边的国子监,孔庙,五道营胡同,这是很好的地方。

第5天, 去八达岭长城,距离市区60公里,位于延庆的八达岭镇境内,需要早去,路上需要两个小时,前门坐 旅游 一线高速直达,或者德胜门坐919快车,高速直达,返程车最晚4点,看好时间,提前游览完可以直接去明十三陵,在回程的路上,昌平境内,这样回到城里差不多天黑了。

第6天 去香山,香山是很多游客容易忽略的地方,但是香山非常值得一看,这里也是世界名山协会会员山,皇家三山五园中的一山一园,里面有香山寺,毛主席的双清别墅孙中山停放衣冠冢碧云寺等等几十个景点,登上最高的香炉峰可以俯瞰北京城。非常壮观。慢慢游览需要一天时间。

第7天, 去天安门旁边的太庙,也叫北京劳动人民文化宫,里面非常不错,这是明清皇家的家庙,号称小故宫,接着去旁边的中山公园,也 叫设计坛,游览完就去鸟巢水立方,哪里神奇的北顶娘娘庙一定要看,晚上可以看看夜景,非常漂亮。旁边的中国 科技 馆非常值得进去看看。

第8天, 前门步行街,大栅栏可以转一下,想听相声这里有德云社前门店,还有老舍茶馆,逛完以后如果有兴趣可以去国家博物馆看看,免费,需要预约,里面有我国最全的珍宝,旁边的北京规划馆也是很好的,里面有北京完整中轴线沙盘,非常逼真,这是了解北京的最好场所,还有旁边的铁道博物馆,如果这些都没有兴趣军事博物馆是可以看看的,里面太丰富了,北京博物馆都是免费的。但是周一都闭馆。

以上这是一些主要的地方,针对时间紧张的游览可以选择,如果还有时间,北京的胡同有3000多条,分布面积很大,每个区域风格不一样,长安街以北的胡同有很多的王府,名人故居,长安街以南的胡同也不同,有修复好的古香古色,也有曾经的花街柳巷的八大胡同, 社会 名流故居。还有文化胡同,比如最有名的史家胡同,有一条胡同半部中国史称号,里面有免费的史家胡同博物馆

在就是北京市区有众多的公园,各有特色,比如陶然亭,玉渊潭,紫竹院,朝阳公园海淀公园,积水潭,奥森公园,地坛日坛月坛先农坛北京动物园大观园,等等,北京博物馆众多,根据自己的爱好可以选择,比如,中国 科技 馆,北京天文馆自然博物馆,国家博物馆,首都博物馆,军事博物馆, 汽车 博物馆。铁道博物馆等等。


北京郊区还有众多的自然景区,雁西湖龙庆峡慕田峪长城司马台长城,古北水古镇,十渡风景区,北京野生动物园北京海洋馆园博园,世博园,八大处,潭柘寺戒台寺妙峰山周口店猿人遗址,百里画廊灵山定都阁,地道战遗址,黄花城水长城水关长城青龙峡云龙山云龙湖,百花山凤凰岭康西草原,等等太多太多,北京郊区就是一副美丽的画卷,大小景区不计其数,还有很多特色农家院农家菜。吃住行一条龙,各种游乐 娱乐 项目应有尽有。


夜生活可以去三里屯, 时尚 之地,酒吧林立,夜幕降临非常热闹,世贸天阶,蓝色港湾,都是明星汇聚之地。














颐和园 石舫

北京旅游建议: 颐和园 故宫



D3:什刹海、恭王府(北京保存最好的王府,也曾是和珅的宅院)、郭沫若故居,可以在什刹海银 锭桥旁品尝烤肉季和百年老店的爆肚





















南京英文旅游景点 南京旅游攻略英文 南京旅游攻略英文版

1. 南京旅游攻略英文

钟山风景区 Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area 中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum明孝陵 Ming Emperors Tomb 灵谷公园 Linggu Park孙中山纪念馆 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen音乐台 Music Platform

2. 南京是个旅游的好地方英文

Nan Jing ,capital city of Jiangsu province ,6 times as the capital in the feudal dynasties,a famous city with a long history ,well-konw especially by the globle people for 1937 Nanjing massacre

3. 南京一日游英文

Early in the morning, when I searched the Internet, I found there were many news about the Nanking Massacre, our country’s flag had low down half, for the purpose of commemorating the people who were killed during that hard time.

  The massacre is such brutal, about 300 thousand people died, it is shame for our country, the Japanese who did the massacre deny their brutal act all the time.

  As the time went by, Some Japanese want to clear his criminal with denying it, but we can’t forget the pain, we must remember it all the time, so that we learn the lesson and be strong.

  For those 300 thousand people, it will unrespect to them if they are forgotten, we must respect history, now we are still fight against the Japanese government.

4. 南京旅游景点英文名称

钟山风景区 Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area 中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum明孝陵 Ming Emperors Tomb 灵谷公园 Linggu Park孙中山纪念馆 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen音乐台 Music Platform

5. 去南京旅游的英文


6. 南京旅游攻略英文版









杭州:在西湖区(周一、周三、周五 9:30-11:30);杭州市三墩镇(周一、周三至周日14:00-17:00)


西安:在未央区(周一至周六 9:00-17:00);雁塔区(周一至周日 9:00-17:00);



7. 欢迎大家来到南京游玩英语

Welcome to Nanjing,my hometown.Welcome to my hometown!Nanjing is my hometown.It is a modern and busy town.It has a long history.There are many big supermarkets,beautiful gardens and good factories here.It is very easy to go shopping.You can see green hills,big trees and nice flowers.There are many restaurants in Haimen.You can enjoy Haimen goat.It tastes very delicious.Many visitors come here to enjoy it.There are many good places to visit.There is a park and a big Shopping Mall.You can see films in Renmin Theatre.My school is one of the best schools in my hometown.It is on Changjiang Road.It is very beautiful.I hope you can come and visit soon.

8. 南京英文景点


中山陵是中国近代伟大的政治家孙中山先生的陵墓,它坐落在江苏省南京市东郊钟山东峰小茅山的南麓 ,西邻明孝陵,东毗灵谷寺,傍山而筑,由南往北沿中轴线逐渐升高,整个建筑群依山势而层层上升,气势宏伟。

1925年3月12日,孙中山在北京逝世,遵照他生前安葬在钟山的遗愿,灵柩暂停放在北京香山碧云寺内, 并决定在南京钟山修建他的陵墓。自1926年春动工,至1929年夏建成 。











二重门为独扇铜制,门上镌有“孙中山先生之墓”石刻。进门为圆形墓室,直径18米,高11米。中央是长形墓穴,上面是中山先生汉白玉卧像,瞻仰者可围绕汉白玉栏杆俯视灵 上的卧像,此像系捷克雕刻家高棋按遗体形象塑造,十分逼真。




Sun Yat-sen was China's great statesman Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased gradually from south to north along the axis, the whole building complex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.

March 12, 1925, Dr. Sun Yat-sen died in Beijing, in accordance with the wishes of his lifetime buried in Zhongshan. Biyunsi suspended on the coffins, 86, and decided to build his tomb in Nanjing Zhongshan. Since the spring of 1926 to start the summer of 1929 to build.

Sun Yat-sen sit north to south, covering an area of 800 million square meters, of which the Great Hall of the festival palace-building simulation, have three arches. doorway inscribed with "nation, civil rights, and the people's" banners. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, festival halls placed marble Zuoxiang, Dr. Sun Yat-sen wall engraved with the text of a handwritten "principles for national reconstruction".

Its main structures : the arch, coins, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, and the tomb of the Great Hall and other ceremonies. From the air down, the Sun Yat-sen as a supine in the Green delivered acrylic blankets on the "freedom bell." Foot of the statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen is the steeple bell, semilunar Place bell roof arcs, top of the tomb and the tomb of the hemispherical dome roof, as the first round bell pendulum slip. Place the tripod southern Taiwan (now the images of Dr. Sun Yat-sen) to the clock bell in New York, the "ting" is the ancient symbol of power. The clock is therefore with the whole "to arouse the people to build in" with the United States. Sun images of heroic vitality, the gesture seems to swing between the destiny of the speech was delivered.

Chungshan is the original greet bier Road, is Dr. Sun Yat-sen when the coffins through the south. Nanjing is the first asphalt road, started in 1926, completed in 1929. At that time, the preparatory office of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's funeral affairs program designed to recruit tomb. .

The results, the design architect Lv direct "Liberty Bell" type design won first prize. Lv also been hired to direct the grave of Chief Architect. This set of construction, type combination, use of color, material handling performance and detail, we have achieved very good results, color harmony. thereby enhancing the solemn atmosphere.

Entrance to the grave of a tall granite arch, a handwritten Dr. Sun Yat-sen the "fraternity" two Rongji. In such a landmark building is used to singing the praises of the main functions. "Fraternity" revealed word of Dr. Sun Yat-sen are broad-minded and lofty ideals. After the arch is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide oval. Behavior Mausoleum doors, it's a light blue glazed tile roofs, doors places on the works of Dr. Sun Yat-sen "commerce" four characters.

Here the use of the color blue glazed ti le has a certain meaning that the color blue symbol of the heavens : the color blue, glazed tiles containing Whether it is realized. Dr. Sun Yat-sen so as to show the breadth of the country and the people in mind. Choice for further progress. The steles piece about 6 meters high on the words "Republic of China on June 1 1929 Chinese Kuomintang funeral here, Mr. Prime Minister Sun," a unique golden characters. From the festival reached a landmark court began, a total of 392 stone steps grade eight platform.

Climbing the stairs so many extremely difficult, but when you finish this long after the steepest stairs. will realize "the" premier wills "," the exhortation : "The revolution has yet to succeed, keep on working hard," meaning. Level with the granite blocks in Suzhou

The platform has a maximum two-table, after the festival Hall. China is a columnar table markers, signs in the Great Hall of this festival. Festival Hall has three arches, the sub-book "nation", "human rights" and "people" from the amount. Here is the festival palace-style Great Hall of imitation. Sun Festival Hall doorway engraved with a handwritten "world justice," The characters struggle to express the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Hall has marble Zuoxiang, 4.6 meters high, realistic, Portland is world famous sculptor Paul sinus Karpinski masterpiece. Block things around as a reflection of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's revolutionary deeds of arms. Festival Hall Wall things handwritten marble engraved with the posthumous work of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "principles for national reconstruction" and Mr.hu others write "the" premier wills ",".

Here, we will not see the Sun Yat-sen to overthrow the feudal monarchy immortal donated 2,000 years of history and hard struggle, I also see the Sun as the Chinese independent, strong and grand plans for the founding ideas. Yet Hall after two heavy, made of either copper front door, door frames through black marble blocks. Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten on the "noble spirit that will never perish" banners.

Dual fan brass door for independence, on the eastern gate "Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Tomb" stone. Comes round tomb, 18 meters in diameter and 11 meters high. Central is a long hole, lying on top of the white marble like Dr. Sun Yat-sen, He visited the site may lie around like the white marble railing overlooking the casket, as this system moves by the Czech sculptor high body image creation very realistic.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen's remains buried below. Grave 4 meters in diameter and five meters deep, external reinforced concrete sealing. After the liberation of Nanjing, Liu Bocheng, as mayor, specially shipped in from Hunan 20000 Pine and Chinese parasol trees were planted here.

30 years ago, Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum constant exploration of new renovation, the entire garden area of more than 3,000 hectares. Around the graveyard, full of dynamism and attractive. Sun Yat-sen was a great revolutionary forerunner Dr. Sun Yat-sen's tomb, located in the south of Nanjing Zijinshan Maoshan China. tomb building, a magnificent and majestic. The visit to Nanjing, the general must pay tribute to Sun Yat-sen's revolutionaries of the cemetery. Although Dr. Sun Yat-sen died, but his noble spirit that will never perish, and the world will never have to admire.

Sun Yat-sen's fusion of Eastern and Western architectural styles, was the situation with various Zhongshan majestic arch, Mausoleum doors Pavilion, Festival Hall and tomb large green and the sky through a broad level, even as a whole, is very solemn and majestic both profound meaning Also it is very solemn and majestic, more grand finale, the design was very successful. So as the "first modern Chinese architectural history of the Mausoleum."


  • 南京旅游攻略英文版(南京二日游旅游攻略)

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