
上海金茂大厦简介1999年初,上海市又一座标志性建筑傲然屹立黄浦江畔,人们期待已久的世界第三、中国第一的88层金茂大厦终于推向市场,这幢集现代办公楼、豪华五星级酒店、商业会展、高档宴会、观光、娱乐、商场等综合设施于一体,深富中华民族文化内涵,溶汇西方建筑艺术的智慧型摩天大楼,已成为当今沪上最方便舒适、最灵活安全的办公、金融、商贸、娱乐和餐饮的理想活动场所。金茂大厦于1992年12月17日被批准立项,1994年5月10日动工,1997年8月28日结构封顶,至1999年3月18日开张营业,当年8月28日全面营业。金茂大厦占地2.3公顷,塔楼高420.5米,总建筑面积29万平方米。金茂大厦坐落在浦东延安东路隧道口,世纪大道旁,地处浦东核心地区——陆家嘴金融贸易区中心,东临浦东新区的繁华景象,西眺上海市及黄浦江的幽雅景致,南向浦东张杨路商业贸易区,北临10万平方米的中央绿地。大厦周边道路网络发达,交通十分便利,过江隧道和地铁二号线直达。从金茂大厦去浦西最繁华的街区,过隧道仅2分钟,到上海虹桥机场或到浦东国际机场车程时间仅30分钟,地理位置优越。金茂大厦的设计师是美国芝加哥著名的SOM设计事务所。设计师以创新的设计思想,巧妙地将世界最新建筑潮流与中国传统建筑风格结合起来,成功设计出世界级的,跨世纪的经典之作,成为海派建筑的里程碑,并已成为上海著名的标志性建筑物,1998年6月荣获伊利诺斯世界建筑结构大奖。1999年10月容膺新中国50周年上海十大经典建筑金奖首奖.商务办公金茂大厦塔楼1-2层是气势雄伟,宽敞明亮,净高达10.1米的商务办公区大堂,不仅有激动人心的体量,而且高格调,高档次,高科技的室内装修给人以庄严典雅,心旷神怡的特殊感受。造型优美的咨询服务台,配以高大醒目的电子显示屛,给人以热情周到的快捷服务。大堂内的办公区专用候梯厅造型独特,犹如金碧辉煌的古埃及金字塔。专为办公设置的五组26台高速电梯采用独特的玻璃轿厢,玻璃门厅,宽敞明亮,可迅速而又舒适地把客人送达各办公楼层而又不必中转。每十层5-6部电梯的配置可保证客人在上下班高峰时,候梯时间不超过35秒,给人以便捷的交通。办公区的电梯还有一个创新的空中对接自救功能,一旦在半途发生故障,远程控制系统GRT将指令相邻的电梯迅速依旁停靠,电梯轿厢的侧门将自动打开,使客人迅速脱离困境。金茂大厦办公区在塔楼的3-50层,建筑面积为122,871平方米,均为无柱大空间,层高4米,净高达2.7米,租户可根据自身的需要任意进行分隔和布置.办公区的统长采光窗宽敞明亮,自然采光达到最佳状态。照明嵌装式灯罩,1.5米×1.5米均匀布置,光照均匀,光线柔和,照度达450-500LUX,对电脑荧光屏无反光,不刺眼,有利于电脑时代眼保健。金茂大厦办公区的空调选用世界先进的低温送风的变风量机组,新风量.5升/秒/人,每层办公区还设有24只手动温控器,可使室温在19摄氏度-29摄氏度范围内任意调节。在空调系统的末端设有消音设备,为客人提供安静的办公环境。金茂大厦的空调设计已获美国供暖、制冷及空气调节工程师协会 优秀设计奖。每层办公区还设有茶水间,24小时免费提供经砂过滤器、活性炭过滤器、紫外光消毒三级过滤的饮用水和开水,免费为客人提供清洁卫生的饮用水。豪华酒店金茂大厦塔楼53-87层为世界上离地面最高、设施最齐全、装修最豪华的金茂凯悦大酒店。酒店拥有全豪华客房等555间/套,设在58-85层,其中78-85层为酒店行政楼(7个层面),并在82层设有 佳宾轩,内有贵宾接待处,专用会议室,商务中心,会客厅,并提供贵宾早餐休息服务。客房类型共有九种,比例为双人床间37%,单人床间55%,套房8%。53层的钢琴吧和玲珑吧舒适休闲,可供108位客人饮酒、观光和娱乐。54层为空中大堂,设有咖啡餐厅,并提供早、中、晚自助餐。55层粤珍轩占了一个层面,拥有琼台仙阁式的雅座和各式包房,同时供200位客人用餐。位于56层的食在56,提供正宗的意大利比萨饼、意式西菜、美洲烧烤和日本料理,同时供给275位宾客用餐。食在56的特点是一律明炉,别具一格的场景和氛围,使每位宾人感到即是美食休闲,又是文化交往。当您进入56层中庭酒吧,更是别有洞天,抬头仰望世界独一无二的酒店中庭,扶摇直上152米,迷人的光环,似层峦叠嶂。舞台正面是一幅色彩斑斓、气势宏大的巨幅油画,油画上面的玻璃幕墙里高速电梯上上下下,若隐若现,钢琴手正在为您演奏世界名曲,您会感到这里胜似人间天堂。位于57层健身中心,拥有室内温控游泳池,为男女老少分设了水浴设施,健身器材,健美,舞蹈以及按摩美容,理发,医务室等。金茂大厦86层是上海最豪华的会员制俱乐部,内设中餐包房4间、西餐厅1间,还有台球室、桑拿房、按摩室、酒吧间、KTV包房等。九重天酒廊位于87层和87夹层,可同时供248位宾客享用各式饮品,休闲和欣赏浦江两岸的美丽风光。中国金茂(集团)委托享誉世界的凯悦酒店国际集团经营和管理金茂凯悦酒店。裙房功能裙房共有6层,建筑面积达32270平方米。裙房一层备有700平方米展览厅,可容纳380座位的演示厅及小型会议室、多功能厅。演示厅配有同声传译和顶级视听设备,可举行新闻发布会、学术报告会、国际会议等等。裙房3-6层原设计为大型购物商场,其实,内部结构的精美,袒露着与建筑小品的高度和谐统一。您瞧哪,横跨裙房中庭的九曲桥,拱桥;若信步其上,仿佛来到了上海豫园,又象到了苏州,可以堪称遥远西方的蓬皮杜文化艺术中心第二。您若不信,欢迎您来走一走,看一看。裙房二楼拥有千人大宴会厅、750人规模的水晶厅,以及诸多的嘉宾厅、会议厅、多功能厅。裙房3-4楼面向上海浦东世纪大道的北端,是浦劲娱乐中心,设有丰富多彩的舞台表演厅、舞池、酒吧和美食,以及KTV包房。是您一天繁忙紧张工作之余或闲假日轻松玩赏休闲的好去处。地下车库金茂大厦地下室共有3层,局部4层,建筑面积达到57151平方米,设有800个泊车位的停车场,2000辆自行车库。停车场的收费系统,根据不同需求的停车客人,准备有月、季、年租泊车位智慧卡,或者随机取定时票停车。800个泊车位的停车场安装了车位信息指示导引系统,每时每刻实时的显示和统计指示导引每层每个区域的车位情况。每层每个区域监视着的360度旋转云台摄像机,每时每刻照顾着您的代步伴侣,您尽可放心地把车停泊在金茂大厦的地下车库内。Shanghai Jinmao Tower profiles early 1999, Shanghai has a landmark proudly stands bank of the Huangpu Jiang, the long-awaited third in the world, China's first 88-Jinmao Tower finally into the market, building sets of modern office buildings, luxury five-star hotels, commercial exhibition, high-grade banquet, sightseeing, entertainment, shopping centres and other facilities in an integrated, Deep rich connotations of the culture of the Chinese nation, converging Western art intelligent building skyscrapers, has become the most convenient and comfortable Hushang, the most flexible security office, finance, commerce, entertainment and catering ideal venues. Jinmao Tower on December 17, 1992 were approved, on May 10, 1994 for completion August 28, 1997 st ructure needed to March 18, 1999 opened for business, then the overall business August 28. Jinmao Tower occupies 2.3 hectares, 420.5 meters high towers with a total construction area of 290,000 square metres. Jinmao Tower is located in Pudong 1,302 tunnel portal century Great Road, located in Pudong core areas -- Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone Center, adjacent to the downtown scene Pudong New Area, Shanghai and Huangpu River West gaze afar the quiet and elegant landscape, South Pudong Zhangyanglu to commercial trade, 100,000 square metres east central green. Buildings surrounding road network developed areas very convenient, Guo Jiang Tunnel and No. 2 subway line access. Deputies from the Jinmao Tower to the downtown neighbourhood, a tunnel only two minutes to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport to Pudong International Airport and only 30 minutes journey time, the geographical position. Jinmao Tower designers are famous Som Chicago design firm. Designers to design innovative thinking shifts in the world with the latest architectural trends traditional Chinese architectural style combined successfully design world-class, cross-century classic, a sophisticated architectural landmark, and Shanghai has become famous landmark buildings in June 1998 was awarded an Illinois architectural structure of the World Award. October 1999 : 50th anniversary of New China Shanghai taking 10 classic architectural award first prize.business office tower 1-2 at the Jinmao Tower is momentum majestic, spacious bright net up 10.1 metres business district office lobby, not only exciting sports volume, but high-quality, high-grade, high-tech interior decoration given to the solemn beauty, relaxing special feelings. Shapes beautiful Advisory Desk, coupled with tall striking electronic display 屛, gives quick to warm and thoughtful service. Lobby area dedicated office within the Office of pending staircase unique shape, like a resplendent in gold and jade green ancient Egyptian pyramid. Office set up specifically for the five groups of 26 high-speed lifts Jiaoxiang use unique glass, glass lobby, spacious bright, rapidly and comfort to the guests who have served on the office floor transit. 5-6 lifts every 10 floors configuration ensures that guests in the evening peak, pending staircase time not exceeding 35 seconds, gives a convenient traffic. District office lift is an innovative Air docking - Functional, once in mid malfunction, remote control systems GRT will be instructed to promptly parked adjacent elevator, the door will automatically open the elevator Jiaoxiang to guests quickly out of the predicament. Jinmao Tower office towers in the 3-50 district level, the construction area of 122,871 square metres, are no pillars big space-storey four metres, the net as much as 2.7 metres, tenants may be separated according to their own needs and arbitrary layout.District-long office window spacious bright lighting, natural lighting optimum state. Lighting inlay with a louvre, 1.5 metres x 1.5 metres uniform layout, uniform illumination, soft lighting, illumination of 450-500LUX, not reflective of the computer screen does not cause and is conducive to the computer era eye care. Jinmao Tower office zone air conditioning use of the world's advanced low-temperature blast of wind change units Xinfengliang.5 litres / s /, is a 24 story office zone manual temperature devices only allow room temperature of 19 degrees -29 degrees Celsius in the context of arbitrary regulation. The bottom of a device in the air-conditioning system equipment for the guests with quiet office environment. Jinmao Tower air-conditioning design has been America Heating, refrigeration and air-conditioning Engineers Outstanding design award. Each zone also has a tea office, 24 hours gratis by sand filters, activated charcoal filters, ultra-violet disinfection of drinking water and water-filtration, sanitation provide free drinking water for the guests. Luxury hotel towers 53-87 Jinmao Tower in the world from the ground level to the highest, most complete facilities, the most luxurious decoration of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Luxury hotel rooms, all have between 555 / pack, to be located in 58-85 layer, which for the 78-85 tier hotel administration building (7 levels), and in 82 layers with open porch, with a VIP reception, special conference rooms, business center, sitting room, breakfast and VIP rest. A total of nine types of rooms, a 37% ratio for the artist, single bed between 55%, 8% suite. 53-piano bars and exquisite? Comfortable leisure for 108 guests drinking, sightseeing and entertainment. 54 air-to lobby, a coffee restaurants, and provide early, middle and late buffet. 55% of Hin - Guangdong said a level with Hainan Taiwan Xiange style cafes and assorted bought and meals for 200 guests. At the level 56 Fresh in 56 Provide authentic Italian pizza, and Italian-style Western cuisine, American barbecue and Japanese Restaurant and food supply 275 guests. Fresh in 56 Characterized by flat-stoves, unique scenes and atmosphere so that each guest feel that is good leisure and cultural exchanges. When you enter the 56-Atrium bar is amazing, the world turns its unique hotel Atrium, moved 152 metres, charming ring, it may several overlapping cliff. Is a positive stage lights, a huge oil painting momentum ambitious, oil paintings above the curtain walls of the high-speed lift from the leadership to the masses, indeed, the pianist is world famous for your music, you will feel `a paradise here. At 57-fitness center with indoor swimming pool temperature for men, women and children into the water bath facilities, fitness equipment, classes, dances and beauty parlors, barber, clinic. Shanghai Jinmao Tower is the most luxurious 86-membership club, established Chinese meal bought four, restaurants one, and billiards room, sauna rooms, massage room, dining, KTV包房. Seventh day Lounge At 87-and 87 double deck may also enjoy all kinds of drinks for 248 guests, leisure and appreciate the beautiful scenery of eastern strait. Chinese Vice (Group) commissioned world-renowned Hyatt Hotel International Group operation and management Grand Hyatt Hotel. Qunfang functional Qunfang six storeys, construction area of 32,270 square metres. Qunfang floor with 700 square metres of exhibition hall, which can accommodate 380 seats in the Office of the display and small conference rooms, multi-purpose room. Office equipped with simultaneous interpretation and demonstration of top audio-visual equipment, may hold press conferences, colloquia and international conferences, and so on. Qunfang 3-6 at the original design for large shopping malls, in fact, the internal structure of the attractive, short exposure with the construction of the high harmony and unity. You look at what, across Qunfang Chinese Chamber of Jiuquqiao, arched bridge;If its within walking distance, as Temple came to Shanghai, and Suzhou like to, the West could be the Pompidou arts center distant second. Let you, and we welcome you to look around so. Qunfang second floor with 1,000 large ballroom, the crystal size of 750 offices, and many guests Office, the Chamber, multifunctional office. Qunfang 3-4, the Shanghai Pudong Century Avenue North, Pu Jin entertainment center, a colorful theatrical performances, offices, dance floor, bars and cuisine, and KTV包房. Your day is busy holiday relaxed tension in his spare time enjoying leisure time or a place. A total of three underground garage Jinmao Tower basement level, local four-tier construction area to 57151 square metres, with 800 parking spaces in the car park for 2,000 vehicles bicycles. Parking fees system, according to the different needs of customers parking for a month, quarter, annual parking smart cards, or random regularly votes to stop. 800 parking spaces in the car park information signs installed guidance system, and every real-time statistics show that the parking spaces in each region each direction guidance. Each of the 360 degrees in each region-Goldwin surveillance cameras, instead of walking every care of your partner, you may rest assured, the car parked in the underground garage of the Jinma o Tower.



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