
导读:真心向有经验的朋友请教:“酒店资讯是”什么意思啊?应该怎么写? 中国酒店在电子商务的发展状况

酒店品牌 星级 地理位置 酒店特色 独特卖点 餐厅情况 会议厅情况 健身设施 服务情况等
段1 :XX大酒店,座落于XX市,XX层的大楼内拥有XX间豪华客房及套房。距XX机场仅X分钟车程,距XX火车站X分钟车程。近邻XX(商业区,景点等),交通极为便利。集完善的住宿环境、高端设施于一身,为宾客奉上最优质的入住体验。
段5:酒店休闲中心介绍(健身设备 泳池 SPA等)


The development of electronic commerce in China's hotels.
The development of electornic commerce in the international hotel industries.
Since the 1990s, with the crucial breakthough of the new technology, the internet is developing explosively. Making use of the electronic commerce in internet creates the gigantic profit space for companies. According to the data supported by the Deloitte consultation company, the income of the global electronic commerce increase sharply. Facing this opportunity, recently, America, Japan, west Europe and so on these hotels from developed countries and areas sharply pay attention to the applying internet, and all hotel companies and agencies establish their nets and homepages to be publizing, consulting, selling and customer service and so on, taking the lead in occupying the market in internet.
The development of the electronic commerce in internet and hotels in our country.
Recent a couple of years, the development of the electronic commerce in internet and hotels develops fast. With the wide application in broad band technology aspect,the problems which always interrupt the netizen to log in the internet due to the rate and are not expedite a couple of internets, which have figured out completely. According to some meterials to show, our country's netizen have already surpassed 1000 million, 17.38% persentage of netizen wish to get the finance, hotels and booking hotel services through internet.
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