旅游好去处的城市有哪些 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文

导读:旅游好去处的城市有哪些 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文 1. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文 2. 很好的旅游景点英文 3. 适合旅游的地方英文 4. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文翻译 5. 你去过哪些地方旅游英文 6. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文怎么说 7. 城市旅游的英语 8. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文表达 9. 著名的旅游城市英文

1. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文

LONDON, England. A capital city full of art and history. An important political centre. A huge financial market place.


Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is very different from living there. Each part of London has its own character. Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better housing.


It is difficult to be general about London. The city is made up of a "collection of villages", each area with its own character and community.


Put them all together, and you have London, a cosmopolitan capital.


2. 很好的旅游景点英文

The Yellow Mountain (黄山)

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.

大意: 位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地.每年有大批的中国游客和外国游客前去观光旅游.可以乘汽车,也可以乘火车或飞机去.登山便可以领略云海,奇松,怪石等秀丽的风景及其清晨美丽的日出.

3. 适合旅游的地方英文


  Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you

  We first came to the main - the finger peak of the jinggang mountains. It has five peaks just like five fingers. Five peaks refers to the peak in CiPing six kilometers to the southwest, is 1586 meters above sea level. Waterfall scenic hills overlapping peaks, ravines crossbar, exhibition chain, especially rich plant and animal species, is a mountain, water, forests, caves, birds and animals of the original dark show scenic spots.

  To the left of the nozzle in the finger peak and CiPing nine kilometers. Where there are beautiful scenery, fresh air, especially in quxi rhododendron forest valley, bitan overlapping peaks, and to win. Attractions shuikou river valley, Taurus paddle, hundred fold springs, rainbow organ (dragon), lock longtan waterfall, hidden rock star, longmen, etc. Organ is one of the most spectacular is the dragon, dragon waterfall waterfall from more than 70 meters of cloth of cascades down, line became the impact of water flow. I will take you visit here, see you next time!

4. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文翻译




蒙特利尔是一个繁荣的国际大都市,具有浓郁的拉丁气息。自1642年法国殖民者踏 入以来,是英国商人最先使其发展变化为兴旺发达的贸易中心,最终成为今天这样一个多种文化的聚集地,辛勤劳动得到的富裕,以及各大洲移民带来的不同传统。她是世界上最大的双语言城市。主要语言是法语,不过英语 仍然是最常用的语言之一。由于这里的居民来自至少80个不同的国家,因而他们使用着35种不同的语言;信仰着30种不同的宗教。

温哥华人口 180 万,是加拿大仅次于多伦多、蒙特利尔的第三大城市,位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省南端,三面环山,一面傍海。也是加拿大西部最大的工商、金融、科技和文化中心。温哥华虽处于和我国黑龙江省相近的高纬度,但南面受太平洋季风和暖流影响,东北部有纵贯北美大陆的落基山作屏障,终年气候温和、湿润,环境宜人,是加拿大著名的旅游胜地。温哥华曾多次被评为世界最佳居住城市,2005 年再次当选。

5. 你去过哪些地方旅游英文





1) He is my brother but he doesn't like me. 他是我哥哥,但是他并不喜欢我。

2) He has a girlfriend. 他有一个女朋友。

3) He said he will send me a book. 他说他会给我寄一本书。



1) I send a book to him. 我寄了一本书给他。

2) His girlfriend broke up with him. 他女朋友跟他分手了。

3) This is so hard to him. 这对他来说太难了。



1) His mama loves him very much. 他妈妈非常爱他。

2) This is his book,I don't know what it's about. 这是他的书,我不知道这是关于什么的书。

3) We can borrow his car to travel. 我们可以借他的车去旅行。

6. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文怎么说


(1) 专门从事某种学业或职业。

(2) 专门的学问。

(3) 高等学校或中等专业学校所分的学业门类。

(4) 产业部门的各业务部分。

(5) 是指一种物质或某种作业的作用范围。扩展资料:专业释义:;


(2) 生产部门的各业务部门;


7. 城市旅游的英语

tourist注重游览 例如,去某个景点游玩,跟团旅游之类的,游客们就叫做tourist 如There are so many tourists in Qingcheng Mountain 而traveller表示旅行 旅行,通常是比较长期的,路途遥远的,自由的。背包客就是典型的traveller 不是刻意去某个景点观光,而是一种状态

8. 旅游好去处的城市有哪些英文表达


读音:英 [mæp] 美 [mæp]

n. 地图

vt. 绘制地图;计划


1、city map市内地图

2、operation map作战地图

3、relief map 立体地图

4、world map世界地图


1、He held up the map so it could be seen more clearly.


2、Where can I buy a map of the country?


3、On the back wall there is a map of China.


4、He drew a sketch map of that town.




map, atlas都可表示“地图”,其区别是:

1、map特指“地球表面或一陆地的图”,尤指陆地、城市交通图等,表示某些地方的地理 位置、形势、大小形状等。

例句:A map of the city shows streets and parks.



例句:The reef that ship struck is on the chart.


9. 著名的旅游城市英文


主要城市 英文名称

哥伦布 Columbus

克利夫兰 Cleveland

辛辛那提 Cincinnati

托莱多 Toledo

阿克伦 Akron

斯普林菲尔德 Springfield

代顿 Dayton

坎顿 Canton

曼斯菲尔德 Mansfield

帕尔马 Parma

洛雷恩 Lorain

欧几里德 Euclid

莱克伍德 Lakewood

扬斯敦 Youngstown

沃伦 Warren

哈密尔顿 Hamilton



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