酒店回复英文邮件地址 酒店回复信英文

导读:酒店回复英文邮件地址 酒店回复信英文 1. 酒店回复信英文 2. 酒店回复信英文怎么写 3. 酒店投诉回复信英文 4. 酒店回复预定英文邮件 5. 确认酒店预定的英文回信 6. 酒店回信英文信 7. 英文酒店投诉信回复函 8. 酒店英文感谢信

1. 酒店回复信英文

nice good

2. 酒店回复信英文怎么写


3. 酒店投诉回复信英文


4. 酒店回复预定英文邮件


We four persons are going to spend 3 nights( From Jan 29th to Feb 1st) at your hotel, and four bedrooms needed(不知你的大床房的要求是什么,我就按美国普通的房间写的,如果不是,可用delux 或者 suite). So we would like to know how much it's going to take and if the breakfast indcluded, if not, please let me know the price as well. Thanks!

5. 确认酒店预定的英文回信


称呼:Dear Mr.Surname:


正文:I have received your letter. My opinion is as the follows.

结语:Yours sincerely,

回信人名字:your name.

示范:介绍信 。

Dear Mr. / Ms.,

This is to introduce Mr. Frank Jones, our new marketing specialist who will be in London from April 5 to mid April on business.

We shall appreciate any help you can give Mr. Jones and will always be happy to reciprocate.

Yours , faithfully 译文:尊敬的先生/小姐, 现向您推荐我们的市场专家弗兰克•琼斯先生。他将因公务在四月15日到四月中旬期间停留伦敦。 我们将非常感谢您向琼斯先生提供的任何帮助,并非常高兴施以回报。您诚挚的。


6. 酒店回信英文信

Dear XXXYour order (reference No. xxxxxxx) was well received. We hereby confirm that we will deliver the goods in this order according to the agreement between us. Thank you for trusting us and look forward for future cooperation!Best regardsXXX

7. 英文酒店投诉信回复函


1.  I'msorrytohearthat,madam.  听到这件事我们真是很抱歉。  

2.I'msorry,it'sthepolicyofourhotel.Ihopeyouwillunderstand.  对不起,我们店也有这个规定,希望您能理解。  

3.I'mterriblysorry,madam.I'llattendtoitatonce.  非常抱歉,女士,我马上就去处理。  

4.Mr.Smith,wearesorrytohavekeptyouwaiting.  史密斯先生,实在对不起,让您久等了。  

5.I'mawfullysorryforthat.I'llspeaktothemanagerandhe'llseetoitrightaway.  实在对不起。我会报告给经理,他会马上处理的。  

6.Sorry,sir.Ihaveadviseyounottodoso.It'sagainstourregulations.  对不起,先生,去劝您别这样做,这违反我们的规定。  

7.I'msorrytohearthat.Wedoapologizefortheinconvenience.I'llhavetheshowerfixed,thetubcleaned,thefloordriedandtoiletitemssenttoyourroomimmediately.  我很抱歉给你造成的不便。我会找人把淋浴修好的,把浴盆擦干净,地板擦干,并尽快把浴室备品给您送到房间。

8. 酒店英文感谢信



二是用热情 亲切语言进行表扬,表明你的态度和心情。赞扬并鼓励。这部分自由发挥比较好吧!呵呵。结语:“向xxx学习。”之类的话。署名:发信人名字或发信单位名称。正文右下方。日期:成文日期。署名下方。(希望对你有所帮助~)


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