外国的著名景点英语 外国的著名景点英语介绍

导读:外国的著名景点英语 外国的著名景点英语介绍 1. 外国的著名景点英语介绍 2. 国内外著名景点的英文 3. 外国的著名景点英语介绍带翻译 4. 国外景点英文介绍 5. 外国著名景点英文介绍 6. 世界著名景点英语介绍 7. 英语介绍世界著名景点 8. 中外著名旅游景点英语 9. 外国旅游景点英语介绍 10. 外国名胜古迹景点介绍英文 11. 外国景点介绍英文

1. 外国的著名景点英语介绍

The world famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia was listed in the list of world protected heritage as early as 1981.

The Great Barrier Reef, located in the coral sea of northeastern Australia, is the largest coral reef group in the world, stretching over 2000 kilometers.

There are not only the largest coral reefs and islands in the world, but also more than 400 kinds of marine mollusks and 1500 kinds of fish, many of which are endangered species in the world.

Beautiful Keynes is the only way to the Great Barrier Reef.





2. 国内外著名景点的英文

1,富士山( Mount Fuji)富士山,是一座跨越在日本静冈县(富士宫市、裾野市、富士市、御殿场市、骏东郡小山町)与山梨县(富士吉田市、南都留郡鸣沢村)之间的活火山。

2,东京塔(Tokyo Tower)东京塔是东京地标性建筑物,位于东京都港区芝公园,高332.6米。东京塔除主要用于发送电视、广播等各种无线电波外、还在大地震发生时发送JR列车停止信号,兼有航标、风向风速测量、温度测量等功能。

3,阿苏山(ASU mountain)阿苏山是日本著名活火山。位于九州岛熊本县东北部,是熊本的象征,以具有大型破火山口的复式火山闻名于世。略呈椭圆形,南北长24公里,东西宽18公里,周围约120公里,面积250平方公里。

4,唐招提寺(Tōshōdai Temple)唐招提寺,日本佛教律宗建筑群。简称为招提寺 。在日本奈良市西京五条。由中国唐朝鉴真主持,于公元759年建成,与东大寺的戒坛院并为传布和研究律学的两大道场。

5,鹿苑寺(Deer temple)鹿苑寺(ろくおんじ),是位于日本京都市北区的临济宗相国寺派的寺院。其中,内外都贴满了金箔的三层楼阁建筑(舍利殿)也被称为金阁,包括舍利殿在内的寺院整体也被称为金阁寺(きんかくじ)。该寺为相国寺的山外塔头寺院。

3. 外国的著名景点英语介绍带翻译

The old tower has a long history of 2000 years. 古塔有两千年的历史。

Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 埃及是一个具有悠久历史的阿拉伯国家。

The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.这座古城建于十七世纪后期。

Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas.四川省是由一个盆地和山区组成。

This area is covered with glrassland. 这个地区为草原所覆盖。

Hainan Province consists of Hainan Island and neighbouring isles as well as wide sea areas.海南省由海南岛和附近的小岛及广阔的海域组成。

There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xi’an, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,the old City Wall and so on. 西安有许多名胜,比如兵马俑、古城墙等。

Beijing has many places of interest, among whith is the Forbidden City.北京有许多名胜,其中就有紫禁城。

Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake.杭州以它美丽的西湖而著名。

Tibet lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level.西藏平均海拔4000公尺。

The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake. 这个村子坐落在群山之中。

4. 国外景点英文介绍

  ChengDu is a wonderful place located in Sichuan province.This city is well decorated and designed which attrects lots of tourists ev ery year.

  Chengdu has large amounts of tourist spots such as Wangjiang Park,Dujiang Dam and so on.Such spots are all easy to get and they don't cost much.What'more ,with the rapidly developing economy,Chengdu has become an international metropolis.

  Why not come to this amazing city to get a rest and have a look of these beautiful sceneries.Just cherish this hardly-get chance.Don't hestitate.

5. 外国著名景点英文介绍


6. 世界著名景点英语介绍


Hangzhou,the capital of Zhejiang Province, is famous for many places of interest. The West Lake is the best among them. It is one of the most beautiful lakes in China,even in the world.Everyone will fall in love with it as soon as they get here.


The West Lake National Park in Hangzhou is a harmonious blend of the natural beauty in the elegant and graceful lake and hills, profound and splendid cultural relics and historic sites, and brilliant culture and arts.


Covering an area of about 60km clusive of 60km inclusive of 6.5km of waters, West Lake boasts over 100 tourist attractions featured.


7. 英语介绍世界著名景点

  I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road.

  Its the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought two T-shirts and two pairs of trousers for the coming summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes.

  On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didnt forget to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday

8. 中外著名旅游景点英语

The Yellow Mountain (黄山)

The Yellow Mountain is one of the most famous mountians in China.It lies in the south of the Anhui. Every year thousands of Chinses and foreigners pay a visit there. It's not far from here. It takes you get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of the clouds, wonderous pines and unique rocks aroud you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. It's really a nice place to visit.

大意: 位于安徽省南部,是中国著名的旅游胜地.每年有大批的中国游客和外国游客前去观光旅游.可以乘汽车,也可以乘火车或飞机去.登山便可以领略云海,奇松,怪石等秀丽的风景及其清晨美丽的日出.

9. 外国旅游景点英语介绍

Today , I and my father , my mother , aunt , sister to go with Ssangyong Gorge . At the station met Sibo , we set off on the ride . We sat in a small train into the Shuanglong Gorge , the side of the train is a cliff , one side is the mountain. There is a dragon in the mountains of black and green tail dragonf

10. 外国名胜古迹景点介绍英文

Fairy Mountain(仙女山)

Fairy Mountain National Forest Park is the top ten tourist attractions in Chongqing, the state AAAAA level scenic areas. It is in the north Shore of Wujiang in Wulong Country and belongs to Wuling ridge. Its total area is 8910 hectares, average altitude is 1900 meters and highest peak is 2033 meters.

11. 外国景点介绍英文

Gulangyu — A fairyland in the worldGulangyu is a small island of Xiamen.It’s like a garden on the water.Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon.When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on.The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits.


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