

eglishdmonly travel groups?

eglishdight a travel group

1. Tour guide – 导游erary – 行程

3. Passport – 护照

4. Visa – 签证g pass – 登机牌 – 登机手续

7. Security check – 安检

8. Gate – 登机口

9. Seat – 座位

10. Luggage – 行李

11. Hotel – 酒店 key – 房间钥匙

13. Breakfast – 早餐ch – 午餐ner – 晚餐ir – 纪念品

emunicating with the tour guide or the hotel staff?

emunicating with the tour guide or the hotel staff

ee? – 对不起,你能帮我吗?derstand. – 我不明白。


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