
For centuries, people have been puzzled and fascinated by mysterious places,
creatures and events. Is there really a monster living in Loch Ness? Did the
lost city of Atlantis ever exit? Are UFOs tricks of the light, or actually
vehicles from outer space? Who is responsible for the strange patterns called
crop circles——clever hoaxers or alien beings? Some of these mysteries have
baffled scientists, who have spent years trying to find the answer. But just
how far can science go? Can it really explain the seemingly unexplainable? Are
there some mysteries which science simply cannot solve? Read on, and make your
own mind upThis book tells you about the history of crop circles, Using eyewitness accounts and the scientific evidence found in crop circle sites it looks at the different theories about how crop circles form. What is a crop circle?
You have probably seen pictures of crop circles.They are circular patterns
which mysteriously appear in fields of crop, such as wheat and barley.Inside
the cirle the crop stalks are bent over, but at the circle';s edge the crops are
untouched. Cirles don';t last forever-they are destroyed when the crop is
harvested. Crop circles are not always single, perfect circles-often, two or
more crop circles appear at the same time. Some circles are elliptical (oval-
shaped); some are complicated designs that crop circle researchers call
pictograms.Crop circles first made the news in the early 1980';s, when dozens began to
appear around the world. Media interest was intense because of claims by
UFO enthusiasts that the circles were made by aliens. Crop circles are so
neat that they look artificial. In fact, most are, because they are
hoaxes! But there are still many which cannot be explained. Is there
anything science can do to solve the mystery?


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