一日游英文 一日游的英语怎么说

导读:一日游英文 一日游的英语怎么说 一日游英语怎么说 一日游的英语怎么说 一日游英语作文 简单一点的 不要太深奥的 简单明了 杭州一日游,怎么用英语说。 五泉山一日游用英文写作文 公园一日游的英语怎么说


Day Tour

Day trip

one-day trip

one-day trip郊区一日游


1. I went on a day trip



问题一:旅行用英文怎么说 travel, journey, trip, tour, voyage. 都表示旅游。journey一般指时间和距离都较长的陆路旅行,不含有郸到原出发地的意思voyage指不论路程长短的水上或空中的“游历,旅行”travel常指到国外或某个遥远的地方去,不强调具体的目的地,指具体的旅行时常用复数,单数一般指“旅行”的抽象概念。trip 指短距离的旅行,常回到原出发地,不强调旅行的方式或目的。tour,指“周游”“巡回旅行”,常常是访问一系列地方后又回到原出发地,

问题二:景点用英语怎么说 景点 feature spot,view spot


tourist attraction

tourist destinationscenic spot

places of tourist attraction



问题三:旅游用英语怎么说? 旅游 [lǚ yóu] tour; touri *** : 例句: develop and supervise touri *** ;

发展与管理旅游事业 a round-the-world tour;

环球旅游 短语 1. 旅游班车 sightseeing bus; 2. 旅游标志 tourist symbol; 3. 旅游船 houseboat; 4. 旅游地理学 tourist geography; geography of touri *** ; 5. 旅游点 tourist spot; 6. 旅游环境 tourist environment; 7. 旅游纪念品 tourist souvenir; 8. 旅游界 the tourist circle; 9. 旅游林 tourist forest; 10. 旅游迷 great travel buff; 11. 旅游牧场 de ranch; 12. 旅游年 tourist year; 13. 旅游区 tourist area; 14. 旅游热 travel [tourist] boom; 15. 旅游山庄 tourists' mountain villa; 16. 旅游衫 outing shirt; 17. 旅游胜地 tourist attraction; 18. 旅游市场 tourist market; 19. 旅游事业 tourist instries; tourist trade; 20. 旅游图 tourist map; 21. 旅游团 tourist group; tourist team; 22. 旅游旺季 peak tourist season; tourist rush season; 23. 旅游文学 tourist literature; 24. 旅游污染 tourist pollution; 25. 旅游销售点 shops at tourist attractions; 26. 旅游鞋 sneakers; tourist shoes; 27. 旅游心理学 tourist psychology; 28. 旅游学校 touri *** school; travel school; 29. 旅游业 touri *** ; tourist instry; 30. 旅游运动 touri *** sports; 31. 旅游者 tourist; 32. 旅游证 tourist card; 33. 旅游指南 guidebook

问题四:旅游用英文怎么说 旅游





旅行, 游历, 旅游


旅行, 游历, 巡回, 漫游







A trip with visits to various places of interest for business, pleasure, or instruction.


A group organized for such a trip or for a shorter sightseeing excursion.


A brief trip to or through a place for the purpose of seeing it:


a tour of the house.


A journey to fulfill a round of engagements in several places:


a pianist on a concert tour.


A shift, as in a factory.


A period of ty at a single place or job.任职期:在某个地方或职务上的一段任期




To travel from place to place, especially for pleasure.


To travel among various places whi le fulfilling engagements.



To make a tour of:


toured Europe last summer; officials touring the scene of the disaster.


To present (a play, for example) on a tour.


问题五:旅游用英语怎么说 visit 游览某地

tr弧vel 旅游

trip 旅游名词 前加take 和冠词 a 则成短语

问题六:我喜欢旅游。英语怎么说 I like to travel




问题七:去某个地方游玩 用英语怎么说? go somewhere to play..

travel to伐somewhere.............

问题八:今天要出去游玩用英语怎么说? 今天要出去游玩


Want to go out to play today

问题九:观光旅行(用于短行程) 用英语怎么说 用trip





一日游英语作文 简单一点的 不要太深奥的 简单明了


Last month I went to Beijing to visit one of my friends, because we haven’t seen each other for about two years and I got a holiday meanwhile.

It is my first time to visit Beijing, which is always the dream city for all the Chinese.

All the information about the city came from the books and TV, now I could see and get know of it by myself, how excited I am!





A day trip in hangzhou



英 [tr?p]

美 [tr?p]

n. 旅行;绊倒;差错

vt. 绊倒;使犯错

vi. 绊倒;远足;犯错误;轻快地走

n. (Trip)人名;(荷)特里普

[ *** 短语]

trip 旅行,成行,之行

Trip Point 跳变点,启动点,跳脱点

field trip 实地考察,野外旅游,实地考察旅行


1. 求一篇介绍兰州五泉山的英语短文

Wuquan mountain lies in the northwest part of Gaolan Mountain, which stands in the south part of the downtown area in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. The wuquan park, the largest in Lanzhou, occupies 266,400 square meters on wuquan Mountain.There are always legends and stories behind beautiful scenic spots in China. Five Springs Park is no exception. In the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.- 24 A.D.), a famous general, Huo Qubing, was dispatched by the Emperor to go on a punitive expedition to the Hun people, a minority group who lived in the northwestern part of China at that time. Since the troops had traveled from Chang'an (now Xian ), General Huo and his soldiers were exhausted when they arrived at the foot of Gaolan Mountain. They couldn't find any water nearby, so General Huo forcefully jabbed his horsewhip five times into the ground. Abruptly five springs spurted water into the air. Thereafter the locals called the mountain the wuquan Mountain. While this story sounds surreal, the qua lity and the quantity of the five springs are true. They have flowed and served the locals for several thousand years. In 1955, it was officially opened as a park. Local authorities added a zoo, an amusement park for *** s and another for children.The Middle Peak of the Wuquan Mountain, the highest point in the park, reaches 1,600 meters . It serves as the park axis. Ganlu Spring, Juyue Spring, and Mozi Spring are distributed over the Middle Peak area. Meng Spring and Hui Spring are located on either side of Middle Peak.When you pass the Tibetan Buddhi *** Mani Temple, you will see the first spring, Ganlu Spring, on the top of the mountain. Ganlu means sweet dew or timely rain in English. Ancient Chinese emperors and officials often asked the god in charge of agriculture in heaven to bring rain to assure a harvest in the ing year. They prayed and offered sacrifices at an altar on the mountaintop. Thus when it rained, people considered it timely rain or sweet dew.Juyue Spring is the most magical one among the five springs because of its unique location. This spring is in the shape of a well. Ju means to hold something in o hands, while Yue means the moon. When bined, these o characters mean this spring could hold the moon in her hands. What a beautiful picture! Especially around the time of Middle Autumn Day, you can very clearly see the shadow of the moon reflecting in the spring.Mozi Spring means to touch or feel the stone to learn the gender of a fetus. Because a Buddha in charge of birth is worshiped in the Dizang Temple near the Mozi Spring, people believe the Mozi Spring can tell whether it will be a boy or a girl.The last o springs are located on the o sides of Middle Peak. The spring on the east side is Meng Spring. It is said that if people use the water from this spring to make Meng Tea, which is proced on Mt. Meng, Sichuan Province, the flavor will be extraordinary. The other spring was named Hui Spring. Hui means benefiting someone. The quantity of Hui Spring was so great that it even met local water supply needs, however today the flow is less.The five springs are not the only tourist mag, but also a famous scenic religious spot. Wenchang Temple, Butterfly Pavilion, Golden Buddha Temple, Mahavira Hall, Wanyuan Pavilion, Thousand Buddha Temple, etc., are arranged along a passage on Wuquan Mountain. Corridors and stone steps, which add artistic atmosphere to the park, and connect the buildings.The natural beauty of the five springs is enhanced by verdant groves while the temples make it a famous religious destination. Five Springs Park and wuquan mountain not only offer visitors a place to relax, but also provide a place to learn about Buddhi *** in china.。

2. 三台山一日游英语作文


刚来到蜜蜂班,老师便兴高采烈喊出一句:呀!同学们,今天老师呢,就带你们去三台山游一趟!同学们听了,异口同声的说,Ye!GO!GO!GO!说完,大家便狂牛一般冲出了教室,来到院子里,规规矩矩的排好队,于是在老师的一声命令下,我们出发了…… 一路上,阳光普照在我们孩子们的小脸上。不时还吹来几阵暖和的微风。

来 到三台山的山脚下,我们大家纷纷跑进商店里,买起水来。上山了,我们走的是陡峭的山路,一眼望上去,千千万万个石梯在等待着我们,我差点晕过去了!上山时 人们不时发出嘻闹声、欢笑声把这静静的空山震成了热闹非凡的大山。

一路上,一个又一个的同学发出叹息声(因为太多的石梯了,同学们十分的累)但是大伙还是 笑嘻嘻的。就在这时,我因为太注意周围的山水了,一不小心脚下一滑,差点就成了悟空一般,一个跟头,摔几千万米了…… 经过九牛二虎之力,我们成功登上了山顶,我们气叹吁吁,上气不接下气,都坐在了休息亭里。

不一会儿,我们开 始做游戏了,我们走到三台山的另一面,有的捉迷藏,有的玩起了卡片,还有的在石牌下心情的嘻闹…… 我们在这山上嘻闹了一个上午,该下山了,我们带着依依不舍、快乐的心情回家了。In this weather, a sunny weekend in spring and winter, I came to the majestic-looking bee position class.Just came to the bee class, the teacher will be happy to shout out a: ah! Students, today the teacher, take you to the three Taishan tour! Listening to the students, said by mon consent, Ye! GO! GO! GO! With that, we will be crazy cattle rushed out of the classroom, came to the yard, the rules of the row of good team, so in the teacher's mand, we set out。

Along the way, the sun shines in our children face. From time to time, a few warm breeze.Came to the foot of the mountain of Taishan three, we have run into the store, buy water to. Up the mountain, we go is a steep mountain road, a look at the mountain, a thousand stone steps waiting for us, I almost fainted! Mountain people chattering laughter issued from time to time, the quiet mountain earthquake became a bustling mountain. Along the way, a clas *** ate a sigh, because too much of the stone stairs, clas *** ates very tired) but everyone is *** iling. At this time, I because of too much attention to the surrounding landscape, accidentally slipped, almost became the monkey general, a somersault, throwing tens of meters。

After a Herculean effort, we managed to climb up to the top of the hill, we sigh pant, gas not connected under the gas, are sitting in a rest in the pavilion. Not and in a short while, we began to play games, we went to the three mountain on the other side, some hide and seek, some playing cards, and in the Shipai mood hee downtown。We in this mountain playing in a morning, the mountain, we brought home a happy mood, reluctant to part.。

3. 一日游英语作文 简单一点的 不要太深奥的 简单明了

My visit to the Yellow Mountain【By Kaiser3344】 The yellow mountain is one of the most famous mountains in china . it lies in the south of anhui . every year thousands of chinese and foreigners pay a visit there . It's not far from here . it takes you about three hours to get there by bus . you can also go there by train or by plane . while you are climbing the mountain , you can enjoy the sea of clouds ,wondrous pines and unique rocks around you . in the early morning when the sun rises ,the sky looks very beautiful . It's really a nice place to visit . 【楼主】完全按照要求来的,若不满意,请继续追问!!。

4. 英语作文宜昌一日游写出时间天气活动

I went to the zoo with my friends last Sunday.It was hot and sunny that day.It took us about o hours to get there by bus.There were thousands of people in the zoo.We saw lots of animals,such as,pandas,kangaroos,polar bears,gifaffes,elephants,tigers,wolves,snakes and so on.We also saw the elephant show.The elephants were so clever that they could do lots of things like us.At noon we had a picnic in the zoo.。

5. 急求~

Yesterday evening,we got on the long-distance buswhich was supposed to arrive at Shenzhen at about 6: 30 a.m. next day.

At first the bus went slowly, we all felt a little impatient.Though the seats which could change to deckers were soft,I still got a bit of turnness for the proceeded rolling of the bus. The ceiling had three bus-TV sets and was playing Hongkong films continuesly which made me sleepy and be wildered.

It had been a long time until the bus took another o pasengers from Shao'an at 24:00 。After that,the bus finally drive into the high-speed-road and then began to quicken. I clearly known everything happende because I was too excited to fall asleep—I had been preparing for this trip since I know when to go to Hongkong. It is accepted that Hongkong is knownto everyone as one of the most prosperous and expensive cities in the world. This would be my first time to visit HK, I hope that I coule enjoy this journe y as much as I like. Mom and Dad insistedt that we should take food and drinks as much as we can because the high consumer in Hongkong. It made our baggage very heavy. But maybe all the food will disappear when we e back—we will eat them out!

Up to the second morning I had just slept no more than 4 hours……Cheer up! We will arrive Hongkong soon!

6. 有关家长兰州的旅游英语作文200字左右,作文要体现吃,住,行,游

I love traveling. Traveling not only broadens my horizons but also opens my eyes to the world. What's more, it refreshes me. You can go to Disneyland and experience what it's like to be “a child again!” You can visit one of the “seven wonders of the world,” such as the Grand Canyon and feel the magnificence of nature! You can taste the “magicial” ice water on a glacier, which can help you bee more beautiful and make you live longer. Just fet all trifles and burdens that you have in your mind. Experience is a type of living knowledge. You'll be sure to experience many new things when traveling. You don't even need a tour guide if you long for more freedom. Just don't fet to bring your backpack!。

7. 野游的一天英语作文

Yesterday was Father's day. I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to GuiLin by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me:"LuYing, don't do anything halfway". So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.。

8. 英语作文家乡一日游的计划

My hometown in Quanzhou.Quanzhou is known as the cultural capital of East Asia, maritime Silk Road starting point, Seashore, the City of Light. "Look Xi'an underground, to the point of view of Quanzhou," walking in the middle of the city, the eternal legacy will still inadvertently flashed repeatedly, both restrained and unrestrained deep stretch again。


I will visit the park today



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