出国旅游哪国最好 坐飞机不要超过10小时

导读:出国旅游哪国最好 坐飞机不要超过10小时 曾今在第一剧场看的一部影片叫 想你爱你恋你 网上找不到相关资源想知道英文名

Search the web of National Geographic Travelers. In 2000, there was a special issue of 50 places in the world, under different categories.

You didn't say what you like to do for your vacation, so can't tell you too much, except:

1. For romance, go to Venice, Italy with your girlfriend, not your wife.

2. For Muslim culture, go to Istanbul, Turkey.

3. For Catholic culture, go to Vatican, Italy.

4. For gambling, Las Vegas, or Macao. Bring plenty of cash.

5. For swimming with dophine and stingray, go to Cayman Island.

6. To eat, go to Italy or France. The best is Shanghai. Trust me.

7. To shop (luxury), Rome, Paris, New York and Hong Kong.

8. To shop (non luxury), any factory outlet mall in USA.

9. For one night stand, Highway 55 in Germany, or just go to ShenZhen.

The best I like in the world: hilly towns in Tuscany (Tocana in Italian) in Italy.

Fresh today for your consideration. Florence is in Tuscany.

曾今在第一剧场看的一部影片叫 想你爱你恋你 网上找不到相关资源想知道英文名

《 Love Affair》《爱情事件》 又名《金玉盟》

编剧: 德尔默 戴夫斯 (Delmer Daves) / Donald Ogden Stewart / 麦凯里 (Leo McCarey)
导演: 格伦 戈登 卡伦 (Glenn Gordon Caron)
主演: Warren Beatty / Annette Bening / Katharine Hepburn

制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: English
又名: 爱你,想你,恋你 / 浪漫爱情故事

剧情简介 · · · · · ·
  前足球运动员迈克(Warren Beatty 华伦•比提 饰)在飞往悉尼的班机上邂逅美丽的泰瑞(Annette Bening 安妮特•本宁 饰)。途中飞机遭遇险情,迫降在一座珊瑚岛上。两人携手度过此次难关,对彼此都有了深深的好感。邮轮搭载乘客前往目的地。在船上相处的日子里,迈克和泰瑞的感情日益加深,但碍于各自的婚约无法逾越。旅程结束后,两人相约各自解除婚约,3个月后在纽约大厦相会。并承诺如果一方未出现,另一方将不再打扰对方的生活。


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