想一想你的暑假旅行计划 并把它写出来

导读:想一想你的暑假旅行计划 并把它写出来 求2010年暑假杭州旅游的详细计划!

My summer holidayThis summer holiday I plan to go to the beach. I will go there with my parents and cousins. We'll stay there for three days at the local hotel. The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had. Because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night. I'm really looking foward to it.


早7:00人民广场大剧 院门口发车,旅游大巴赴杭州,乘船游西湖(约40分钟)、观三潭印月、苏堤春晓、花港观鱼(约30分钟)、 龙井问茶(茶乡人家约40分钟)、灵隐飞来峰(因宗教信仰门票自理、灵隐寺香花券30元/人自理约60分钟)、黄龙洞或万松书院(约30分钟)、参观江南丝绸(蚕博约50分钟),结束后(约18:00)返沪。


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