中翻英历史文化景点 各个国家名胜古迹中英互译

导读:中翻英历史文化景点 各个国家名胜古迹中英互译 1. 各个国家名胜古迹中英互译 2. 各个国家的名胜古迹中英文对照 3. 各个国家的名胜古迹中文和英文 4. 古迹名胜英文 5. 地方名胜古迹汉译英 6. 中外名胜古迹英文 7. 各国的名胜古迹英文 8. 世界各地的名胜古迹英文翻译 9. 收集各个国家的名胜古迹中英对照

1. 各个国家名胜古迹中英互译

巨石阵(Stonehenge)大英博物馆(The British Museum)巴斯的温泉(Bath)格林威治天文台(Greenwich)伦敦塔(The Tower Of London)海德公园(Hyde Park)数学桥(Mathematics Bridge in Cambridge)Big BenLondon eyeWaterloo Station(以上三个都在伦敦)

2. 各个国家的名胜古迹中英文对照


3. 各个国家的名胜古迹中文和英文

名胜古迹 英文:1. places of interest2. places of historic interest and scenic beauty3. scenic spots and historical sites

4. 古迹名胜英文

中国名胜古迹的英文名:Forbidden City 故宫、Tiananmen Square 天安门、the West Lake 西湖、Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑、Greater Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔。

1、Forbidden City 故宫

英 [fə'bɪdn 'sɪti] ;美 [fə'bɪdn 'sɪti]  

例:We're going to visit the Forbidden city.去参观紫禁城。

例:But where is the Forbiden City,Madam Tang.可紫禁城在哪里。

2、Tiananmen Square 天安门


英 [skweə(r)] ;美 [skwer]    

例:The next stop is Tiananmen Square.


例:Which bus line leads to Tiananmen Square ?


3、the West Lake 西湖

英 [ðə west leɪk];美 [ðə west leɪk]

例:The west lake is noted for its scenery.


例:The West Lake was beautiful beyond description.


4、Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑

英 [ˌterə'kɔtə 'wɔriəz]; 美 [ˌterə'kɑtə 'wɔriəz]

例:Most of the terracotta warriors stand facing east.秦兵马俑大都是向东而立

5、Greater Wild Goose Pagoda 大雁塔

英 [ɡreɪtə waɪld ɡuːs pə'ɡəʊdə];美 [ɡreɪtə waɪld ɡuːs pə'ɡoʊdə]

例:This Greater Wild Goose Pagoda of its particular feature.


例:There was a very tall Greater Wild Goose Pagoda in the city.


5. 地方名胜古迹汉译英

Wuyi Mountain is located at the junction of Jiangxi and the northwestern provinces of Fujian. The northern section of the Wuyi Mountains has a total area of 999.75 square kilometers. 翻译:武夷山,武夷山位于江西与福建西北部两省交界处,武夷山脉北段东南麓总面积999.75平方公里。 It is a famous scenic tourist area and summer resort in China. It is a typical Danxia landform and is one of the first national key scenic spots. 翻译:是中国著名的风景旅游区和避暑胜地。属典型的丹霞地貌,是首批国家级重点风景名胜区之一。 Wuyi Mountain is a famous mountain of three religions. 翻译:武夷山是三教名山。 Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Wuyi Mountain has been the habitat of the plum-flowing Zen family, leaving many sites of the palace, the Taoist temple and the temple. Wuyishan was once the place where Confucian scholars advocated lectures. 翻译:自秦汉以来,武夷山就为羽流禅家栖息之地,留下了不少宫观、道院和庵堂故址。武夷山还曾是儒家学者倡道讲学之地。

6. 中外名胜古迹英文

tourist注重游览 例如,去某个景点游玩,跟团旅游之类的,游客们就叫做tourist 如There are so many tourists in Qingcheng Mountain 而traveller表示旅行 旅行,通常是比较长期的,路途遥远的,自由的。背包客就是典型的traveller 不是刻意去某个景点观光,而是一种状态

7. 各国的名胜古迹英文

therearesomanyplaceyoucangoinshenzhen.thebestishappyvally,youc angotherewithanyoneandyouwillfindthatissofun.youalsocangotothewindowoftheworldyoucanskiinginthereandtherearemanyfamousbuildingfromalloftheworld.finallyyoucangotothemirsbythecity,youwillseealotofoldthings100yearsago.goodluckforyourtravleinthebeautifulcity!

8. 世界各地的名胜古迹英文翻译


9. 收集各个国家的名胜古迹中英对照

国家重点风景名胜区 major national scenic spot 风景名胜区 scenic and historic area 国家重点文物保护单位 important cultural relic sites under state-level protection 国家历史文化名城 historical and cultural city of the state 中国优秀旅游城市 outstanding tourist cities of China 国家园林城市 national garden cities 国家级自然保护区 national reserves 世界生物圈保护区 world biosphere reserve 国家级博物馆 National Museum 国家湿地公园 National Wetland Park 世界地质公园 world geological park 国家地质公园 national geopark 国家森林公园 National forest park 国家AAAAA级旅游景区 National AAAAA tourist attractions 爱国主义教育基地 a base of patriotic and moral education 世界文化和自然遗产 world cultural and natural heritage


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