
Drill conducted for sea territory protectionA drill of seven vessels, including China's largest fishery patrol ship, China Yuzheng 311, and a helicopter is held in Sanya, south China's Hainan province to mark the 5th signing anniversary of the Demarcation Agreement on Beibu Bay, signed by China and Vietnam, June 30, 2009. China will intensify patrols in the South China Sea to protect its fishermen amid a rising tide of disputes with neighboring countries, an official said Tuesday.Chinese fishery patrol vessels prepare to join a drill in Sanya, south China's Hainan province to mark the 5th signing anniversary of the Demarcation Agreement on Beibu Bay, signed by China and Vietnam, June 30, 2009. A Chinese fishery patrol vessel joins another one to help extinguish the fire on a fishing boat during a drill in Sanya, south China's Hainan province, June 30, 2009.A Chinese fishery patrol vessel prepares to extinguish the fire on a fishing boat during a drill in Sanya, south China's Hainan province, June 30, 2009.A Chinese fishery patrol vessel participates in a drill in Sanya, south China's Hainan province to mark the 5th signing anniversary of the Demarcation Agreement on Beibu Bay, signed by China and Vietnam, June 30, 2009.来自: 北部湾海域:海空联合救助演练下面来关注几条和今天有关的新闻。今天上午,中国渔政和海警部门组成的联合舰艇编队将开始在北部湾的进行巡航检查,以保护我国渔民的正常生产作业,打击非法侵渔以及海盗行为。昨天,农业部南海区渔政局和海警北部湾指挥部进行了一次海空联合救助演练。(记者:在我身后这片海域正在进行一次渔政和海警的联合海上演练,演习模拟一艘渔船在海上遭遇险情之后,渔政和海警的船只和直升飞机立刻赶往现场实施搜救。)首先赶到的是渔政1号直升飞机。飞机在现场盘旋数周之后很快发现了遇险渔船。渔船此时已经起火,冒出滚滚浓烟。渔政直升飞机随即指挥渔政302、46012船和海警46001、46002艇前往施救。渔政船赶到现场后,首先用高压水枪迅速扑灭了渔船上的大火,随后,经过海空协同,渔政、海警船很快找到并救起了事故中落水的渔民。险情解除,渔船顺利返航,演练宣告结束。(吴壮 农业部南海区渔政局局长:我们也积极为渔民,特别是海上作业渔民排忧解难,尤其是遇险遇难渔民,我们一旦接到报告,会马上赶赴现场,救助他们,减少他们的损失。)来自:有空再帮你找一篇!

1. 英语来源:CNN中文来源:新浪2.英文来源:CNN中文来源:京报网======================================希望能够对你有帮助~


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