家庭旅游英语怎么说 和家人旅游的英文

导读:家庭旅游英语怎么说 和家人旅游的英文 1. 和家人旅游的英文 2. 和家人旅游的英文怎么写 3. 和我的家人去旅游英文 4. 我打算和家人一起去旅游的英文 5. 我喜欢和家人一起旅游英文 6. 和家人旅游的英文翻译 7. 一家人去旅游的英文 8. 和家人去旅游英文 9. 和家人旅游的英文怎么说 10. 跟家人旅游的英文

1. 和家人旅游的英文

修学旅行 travel for study 修学旅行是日本小学、中学、高等教育的一环,它是文化教育交流的旅游行。


2. 和家人旅游的英文怎么写

我将要去海南旅游和父母I'm going to Hainan to travel with my parents.我将要去海南旅游和父母I'm going to Hainan to travel with my parents.

3. 和我的家人去旅游英文

没有help sb on sth 这个用法

help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事


I will help you with your housework.



  1.help+(to) 帮助,帮忙

  help 当动词用时,是指帮助、帮忙的意思。其后面可以接to,但通常也可省略。

  例:She helped her (to) sit up in bed so she could hold her baby.


  例:The drought has helped (to) make this a disastrous year for Somalia.


  2.help + (with) 帮助、帮忙


  例:Her parents gave her some help with her bank loan.


  3.help yourself 请自便

  例:”Might I have some more food?” “Please, help yourself!”


  4.so help me God 上帝作证、我发誓、不管你信不信

  例:So help me God, I am gonna get that job.


  5.can’t help but 忍不住

  can’t help but是指控制不住、忍不住的意思。

  例:He can’t help but dance when he hears that song!


  例:I can’t help crying when I see this movie.


4. 我打算和家人一起去旅游的英文

旅行的英语单词是travel,旅游的英语单词是tour。;单词解析:;一、travel;1、读音:;英 [ˈtrav(ə)l] 美 [ˈtrævəl];2、音译:;v.旅游;n.旅游;3、例句:;the vessel had been travelling from Libya to Ireland;船从利比亚开往爱尔兰;4、变形:;过去分词:travelled;现在分词:travelling;过去式:travelled;第三人称单数:travels;复数:travels;二、tour;1、读音:;英 [tʊə] 美 [tʊr];2、音译:;n.旅行;巡回演出;服役期;v.旅行;3、例句:;a motoring tour of Scotland.;苏格兰驾车游。;4、变形:;过去分词:toured;现在分词:touring;过去式:toured;第三人称单数:tours;复数:tours

5. 我喜欢和家人一起旅游英文

Last Saturday the weather was fine . Our fa mily went to the countryside to have a picnic . We drove about one hour and found a wide and open area to stop . We ate delicious food while we admired the scenery of the countryside .

6. 和家人旅游的英文翻译

Dear Mary, Thank you for inviting me to your party this Saturday. I am sorry to inform you that I cannot make it to your party. The reason I cannot attend is because on Saturday, I have to visit my aunt with my parents that morning, and an appointment with my doctor that afternoon. Also, I have to study that night. I am so sorry I cannot make it to your party. Thanks again for inviting me, Mary!

7. 一家人去旅游的英文

首先作为一个没有出过国的,我回答这个问题有可能不符合实际。但是我觉得吧,现在科技这么发达的,有好多的翻译仪器,还有好多的手机翻译软件都可以使用的。没必要说非得英语达到什么水平后才能出国旅游,只要你有手机,懂得上面的各种软件的操作就可以的 再就是在这祝大家第一次国外旅途愉快!

8. 和家人去旅游英文

I like traveling. My mother often buys me books about traveling. Traveling makes me happy. Traveling makes me learn a lot.

9. 和家人旅游的英文怎么说

You and I 和 you and me 都可以,都正确,问题是看用在什么场合。做主语的时候,是you and I。做宾语(宾格)的时候,是you and me。 作主语的时候,的确是有you and I 说法的。We可以包括很多人,但you and I特别强调你和我两个人。 举例: You and I were meant to travel to Europe last year. 你和我两人本来是打算去年要到欧洲旅行的。

(假如讲话的时候这两人(夫妻或情侣)正在吵架,就不会说we,而是you and I,有暂时划清界线的意思) You and me可以举出的例句多不胜数了。例如 I hope there is nothing wrong between you and me. 我希望你我两人什么矛盾也没有吧

10. 跟家人旅游的英文


注音:péi bàn




You just enjoy your beer and the company


What is she to him—daughter, wife, or simply someone hired to accompany him on his travels?


陪伴小狗 Accompany the dog ; Accompanying dogs ; accompany small dog

熟人陪伴 Support person

陪伴动物 companion animal


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