十大红色旅游景点介绍 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语

导读:十大红色旅游景点介绍 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语 1. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语 2. 红色旅游景点英语怎么说 3. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语版 4. 英语著名景点介绍 5. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语翻译 6. 红色景点导游词英文 7. 红色旅游景点 英语 8. 红色旅游 英语 9. 关于红色旅游的英文有哪些 10. 英文介绍红色旅游景点 11. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语作文

1. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语

“红色”的英语:red,发音:英 [red] 美 [rɛd]。释义:n. 红色,红颜料;赤字adj. 红色的;红肿的,充血的n. (Red)人名;(英、德)雷德例句:

1.If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor. 如果皮肤发红、瘙痒或脱皮,要向医生咨询。

2.His exercise books were full of well deserved red ticks. 他的练习本上尽是些红钩钩,都是他应得的。

3.Bake some big red peppers and hollow them out. 将几个大红甜椒烤一烤,再把它们掏空。扩展资料词组:in the red 负债,亏损;赤字in red 穿红衣red wine 红葡萄酒red cross n. 红十字会red army n. 红军red blood 血性red light 危险信号,红灯bright red 鲜红;亮红色into the red 负债;财政情况欠佳red sea n. 红海(印度洋西北的长形内海,在亚洲阿拉伯半岛同非洲东北部之间)

2. 红色旅游景点英语怎么说

red:英 [red] 美 [rɛd]

n. 红色,红颜料;赤字

adj. 红色的;红肿的,充血的

n. (Red)人名;(英、德)雷德

[ 过去式 redded 过去分词 redded 现在分词 redding 比较级 redder 最高级 reddest ]


red bean 红豆 ; 方大同 ; 赤豆 ; 红小豆

Red Square 红场 ; 莫斯科红场 ; 红广场 ; 红色广场

red pulp [组织] 红髓 ; 脾髓 ; 和红髓 ; 红髓英语

red tourism 红色旅游

Red Bay 红湾 ; 红海湾 ; 雷德贝 ; 杨梅

Strawberry red 草莓红 ; 草莓红色

Red brown 红棕色 ; 酒红色 ; 红棕

Red Forest 红色森林

Red Widow 血玫瑰 ; 红寡妇 ; 第一季



in the red 负债,亏损;赤字

in red 穿红衣

red wine 红葡萄酒

red cross n. 红十字会

red army n. 红军

red blood 血性

red light 危险信号,红灯

bright red 鲜红;亮红色

into the red 负债;财政情况欠佳

red sea n. 红海(印度洋西北的长形内海,在亚洲阿拉伯半岛同非洲东北部之间)

ruby red 宝石红

deep red 深红色

red rose n. 红玫瑰;[史]英国兰开斯特家族族徽

red carpet (迎接贵宾用的)红地毯;隆重的接待

dark red 深红色,暗红色

red pigment 红色颜料,红颜料

red meat 红色肉类(牛肉,羊肉等)

see red 突然发怒,大怒

red soil 红壤;红土

red mud 赤泥;红泥


1、Do you like the red one?


2、What about the red one?


3、What / How about this red one?


3. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语版

In my heart,my hero is LeiFeng.頭條萊垍

LeiFeng is a person who are very famous in chinese history.In the past,many people knew him as a moral model.Because LeiFeng has a good heart in helping people,especially in old people and children.He likes helping each other.And he did many good things in his short life and leave a great impression on many people for good.

4. 英语著名景点介绍


金门大桥 The Golden Gate Bridge

华尔街 Wall Street

自由女神 Statue of Liberty

第五大道 Fifth Avenue

帝国大厦 The Empire State Building

白宫 The White House

美国大峡谷 The Grand Canyon

5. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语翻译

Promoting the teaching of "two courses" by means of "the resources of red spirit";


6. 红色景点导游词英文

Ancient Chinese Scholartree,

Also called Hongdong Grand Scholartree, it stands in Guhuai (Ancient Schol- Park. Legend has it that the Chinese scholartree was planted in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), later died. Then anew one was planted. Now the scholartree, 13 meters tall, still flourishes.

The big ancient Chinese scholartree in Hongdong County of Shanxi , which is also a sacred place for people from central plains of China to seek their roots and worship their ancestors because it once was a famous immigration site in the Ming Dynasty , the common saying“If you ask where my ancestors are , the big Chinese scholar tree in Hongdong County , Shanxi Province gives full proof ”can be used as an evidence of immigration history

7. 红色旅游景点 英语


  Welcome to here! I am your tour guide, my name is x, you can call me little x. For a fun filled visit to in order to facilitate everyone, let me first introduce you

  We first came to the main - the finger peak of the jinggang mountains. It has five peaks just like five fingers. Five peaks refers to the peak in CiPing six kilometers to the southwest, is 1586 meters above sea level. Waterfall scenic hills overlapping peaks, ravines crossbar, exhibition chain, especially rich plant and animal species, is a mountain, water, forests, caves, birds and animals of the original dark show scenic spots.

  To the left of the nozzle in the finger peak and CiPing nine kilometers. Where there are beautiful scenery, fresh air, especially in quxi rhododendron forest valley, bitan overlapping peaks, and to win. Attractions shuikou river valley, Taurus paddle, hundred fold springs, rainbow organ (dragon), lock longtan waterfall, hidden rock star, longmen, etc. Organ is one of the most spectacular is the dragon, dragon waterfall waterfall from more than 70 meters of cloth of cascades down, line became the impact of water flow. I will take you visit here, see you next time!

8. 红色旅游 英语

red and yellow红色和黄色 双语例句1Genus of mallows characterized by red and yellow flowers often placed in other genera.锦葵植物的一个属,其特征为花红色或黄色,常归入其它属。 2Many finches are brightly coloured, often with shades of red and yellow.许多雀类羽色鲜艳,常有深浅不同的红色和黄色。

9. 关于红色旅游的英文有哪些

revolutionary tourism 红色旅游(这项事业)revolutionary tour 红色旅游(仅仅是某次观光)这里的红色是指的我们的革命历史,所以是革命的旅游.我个人觉得就直接用red tour也可以.每次旅行团出去的时候,导游都告诉旅行者,红色象征着中国的革命.旅行者不仅记住了这次旅行,还记了红色的革命中国.您觉得呢?

10. 英文介绍红色旅游景点

My home in Yunnan,the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon,Pentium river flow,waves Green Wave dense forest,bright red hills of Yamahana burning.幽深的峡谷雄奇壮丽,奔腾的江河川流不息,茂密的森林绿波荡漾,艳丽的山花燃红山岗.The legend of the beautiful ancient sounds,day and night,singing songs of Haofang,a large number of national unity,friendship,and happiness to their homes happy auspicious.古老的传说优美动听,豪放的山歌日夜欢唱,众多的民族团结友爱,幸福的家园美满吉祥.Lijiang,Yunnan,Xishuangbanna is beautiful云南的丽江,西双版纳很漂亮Welcome to Yunnan,the most beautiful place欢迎来到云南,最美丽的地方 My hometown is a remote south yunnan province town - GongHeXian,it is famous hometown.My hometown is the beauty of mountains,where water show live yi,haney,yao,dai minority.My hometown is well-known for tropical fruit has a banana,litchi,mango,watermelon...

11. 十大红色旅游景点介绍英语作文



Today was August 2nd,it was a sunny day,and it made me feel comfortable.My father and I have decided to go to the Imperial Palace(故 宫).So we went to there by car in this morning.

The Imperial Palace was so wonderful that we would never forget it.And it was the most famous buildings in the world,there were many visitors came to here to visit it every year.

In short,we took many photos,we were very enjoyable.


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