
导读:土地扭转项目申请 初中必背英语单词



初中最常用必须会拼写的单词(777 词)1. 衣物(37)clothes, skirt, T-shirt, shirt, shoes, boot, running shoes, leather shoes, tie, slipper, cap, hat, pants(裤子), trousers(长裤), shorts(短裤), dress, jacket, coat, blouse, scarf, jeans, overcoat, sportswear(运动装), sneakers(运动鞋), socks, glove, uniform, suit(一套衣服), plain clothes(简朴的衣服), uniform, raincoat, sweater, handbag, stocking(长袜)2.称呼(26) family, grandparents, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma, granny, grandson, granddaughter, parents, father, dad, mother, mom, mum, husband, wife, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin(堂兄弟,堂姐妹;表兄弟,表姐妹), nephew(侄子,外甥),niece (侄女,甥女)brother, sister.3. 颜色(16) red, white, brown, black, yellow, pink, blue, gray/grey, green, orange, purple, gold, light, dark, colored, colourful4. 职业(68) captain, chairman, chairwoman, fisherman, postman, actor, doctor, educator, sailor, director, hunter, leader, teacher, worker, driver, farmer, cleaner, player, dancer, runner, singer, engineer, interpreter, speaker, reporter, explorer, server, gatekeeper, officer, headmaster, soldier, firefighter, manager, programmer(节目制作者), programmer(程序设计员), carver, gardener, painter, waiter, barber(理发师), photographer(摄影师), pilot, police, model, nurse, servant, athlete, official, boss, artist, dentist, journalist, scientist, host, coach, astronaut, clerk, secretary, volunteer, musician, cook, pupil, student, principal, president, peasant, assistant, customer 5. 公共场所(35) school , zoo, park, bedroom, living room, sitting room, classroom, waiting room, lab, school, home, library, kitchen, doorbell,playground, hill, mountain, desert, forest, plain, bookshop/bookstore, building, bus stop, railway/train station, cinema, hospital, market, museum, office, park, garden, post office, shop/store, toilet 6. 动词(37) 持续性动词live,run,stay,clean,play,hold,watch,teach,read,study,teach,eat,drink,write,dance, sing, smoke等。瞬间性动词begin, arrive, borrow, buy, break, close, come, fall, finish, go, leave, lend, marry, reach, receive, open, sell, start, stop, take off等7. 动物(40) sheep, bear, ant, wolf, lamb, horse, worm(蠕虫), cat, chicken, dog, elephant, lion, monkey, mouse, panda, pig, tiger, butterfly, cow, duck, fox, goose, snake, camel, fly, giraffe, hare, rabbit, tortoise, bird, hen, frog, bee, rabbit, dragon, fish, phoenix, turkey, insect, whale.8. 科目(14) Chinese, Math, English, Politics, Geography, History, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Science, Art, Computer, P.E. Music.9. 天气(20) rain, rainy; snow, snowy; wind, windy; sun, sunny; ice, icy; fog, foggy; cloud, cloudy; hot; cold; warm; dry; wet, cool10.疾病(9)cold, cough, headache, backache, toothache, fever, flu, sore throat, cancer, near-sighted11.身体部位(31) hair, head, eye, ear, nose, mouth, tooth, neck, throat, face, shoulder, hand, arm, elbow, leg, foot, chest, finger, fingernail, stomach, back, knee, lap, heart, lung, blood, bone, skin, toe, thumb, tongue.12.交通工具(12)bus,train,boat,ship,jeep, motorbike, plane, car, train, truck, bicycle, bike13.生活用品(27)bag, basket, bed, brush, chair, candle, clock, cup, desk, fireplace, fridge, glass, handbag, knife, ladder, key, light, line, mirror, pan, phone, plate, pot, table, teapot, bowl, TV14.情绪情感(9) happy, sad, excited, tired, bored, unhappy, angry, worried, pleased15.信息(22) computer, email, network, password,message,online,enter, member,news, information, article, writing, text, passage, title, topic, idea, view, opinion, suggestion, question, weather report16.水 果(8) apple, pear, banana, strawberry, tomato, watermelon, grape, orange17.学习用品(11) pencil-box, pen, pencil, eraser/rubber, schoolbag, ink, notebook, book, knife, dictionary, ruler18.体育项目(8) basketball, tennis, surfing, swimming, skating, table-tennis, football, skiing19. 不定代词(29) some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither20. 饮食(45) honey, biscuit, flour, cheese, pie, cookie, curry, porridge, coke (可乐),pizza, pork, ham, butter, potato, tofu, salad, egg, honey, cocoa, sugar, salt, chips, candy, ice cream, sandwich, bread, cake, chicken, fish, hamburger, noodle, chocolate, dumpling, beef, steak, Roast Duck,breakfast, lunch, supper/dinner, tea, drink, wine, water, diet21. 世纪、年、月、日(25) century, year,month, day, yesterday, the day before yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, November, December. 22.星期(7) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.23.四季及时刻(9) Spring, Summer, Fall/Autumn, Winter,hour, quarter, minute, second, 24.方位(33) east, south, west, north, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast, up, down, upon, between, among, under, beside, near, above, by, behind, before, right, left, close to, across from, next to, in the middle of, in the center of, in the front of, in front of, at the back of, on, at, in25.基数词(31) 1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred 1000 a thousand 1,000,000 a million 10,000,000 ten million 100,000,000 a hundred million 1,000,000,000 a billion26. 序数词(30) first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth thousandth 27. 蔬菜(6) carrot tomato potato onion cabbage eggplant28. 国家,首都(32) China, America, Australia, Britain, Canada, England, France, Germany, India, Japan, London, New York, New Zealand, Paris, PRC. Russia, Sydeny, Tokyo, Toronto, Washington, the United States, the United Nations(联合国, Macao, Mexico, Hong Kong, Egypt, Korea, Italy, Asia, Africa29.民族/语言(18) Chinese, American, Australian, Canadian, Englishman, Englishmen, English, French, Frenchman,Frenchmen,German, Indian, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Italian, Asian, African30.材料(6) wood, cotton, silk, plastic, metal, glass, 31.不规则形容词或副词(28) good/well好 better best ;bad/badly坏的 worse worst ;many/much多(形容不可数名词) more most ;little少 less least ;many多 (形容可数名词)more most ;far farther farthest远(具体);far further furthest深远的(抽象),比如further education高等教育 ;old老,年纪较长 older/elder oldest/eldest
32.没有比较和最高级的形容词(12) empty , wrong , perfect , unique , extreme , excellent , favourite (GB)/ favorite (GA) , true , right , correct , extremely 33.最常用的形容词(36) small ; big ; hungry; full; little; high; short; tall; long; old(老的,旧的); new;young; beautiful; nice; early; late; right ; wrong; busy; free; lazy; bored; heavy; light; blind ;special(特别的); kind(善良的); happy; sad; fast; fun(有趣的); scary(吓人的);different(不同的); the same(同样的); round (圆的); great(伟大的),cheap; expensive



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