
导读:用英语介绍的景点著名景点英文名称 介绍 *** 风景的英语短文 带翻译 *** 著名景点英文名称 *** 景点英语简介 *** 东京迪士尼英语介绍。 *** 又哪些景点 (中英文互译的) *** 各大景点用英文怎么说?

介绍 *** 风景的英语短文 带翻译


Japan's major port city.A potential Iraq Bay.Because in Tokyo and Kyoto (Xijing) between,commonly known as the Beijing.Population 2116000.Nagoya,Aichi is the seat of the county government.Second only to Tokyo,Osaka and Yokohama of Japan's fourth largest city.Located in the central parts of western Honshu,endangered Iraq Potential Bay.An area of 328 square kilometers.The city is divided into 16 administrative region.Central District,the geothermal field,as well as its adjacent areas is the town center.Land,sea and air transport hub and business center.The core instrial zone in Beijing,early in the textile instry,ceramics manufacture mainly after developing the automotive,steel,electronics,aircraft,printing,chemical,and other instries.Natural port for the nation's third-largest trading port and one of the world Chittagong.

这是介绍 *** 的名古屋.

*** 主要港口城市.一个潜在的伊拉克湾.因为在东京和京都(西京)之间,俗称北京.人口为2116000.爱知县 *** 坐落在名古屋.是仅次于东京,大阪和横滨的 *** 第四大城市.位于中央部分,本州岛西部,濒临伊势湾.面积328平方公里.全市划分为16个行政区.中心区,地温场,以及邻近地区的城镇中心.陆地,海上和空中的交通枢纽和商贸中心.核心工业区在北京,早期以纺织工业,陶瓷制造为主,后发展汽车,钢铁,电子,航空,化工,印刷,和其他行业.天然港口,为全国第三大贸易港口之一和世界大港.

*** 著名景点英文名称

*** 著名景点有以下:

富士山Mount Fuji;迪士尼乐园Disneyland;皇宫palace;东京国立博物馆Tokyo national museum;明治神宫The Meiji ShenGong;浅草寺sensoji;上野公园Ueno park;箱根hakone;新宿御苑YuYuan shinjuku;银座Ginza。


富士山( *** :富士山/ふじさん,英文:Fujisan),是 *** 国内更高峰, *** 重要国家象征之一。横跨静冈县和山梨县的活火山,接近太平洋岸,东京西南方约80公里。富士山被 *** 人民誉为“圣岳”,是 *** 民族的象征。作为 *** 的国家象征之一,在全球享有盛誉。它也经常被称作“芙蓉峰”或“富岳”以及“不二的高岭”。


浅草寺是东京都内最古老的寺庙。相传,在推古天皇三十六年(公元628年),有两个渔民在宫户川捕鱼,捞起了一座高5.5厘米的金观音像,附近人家就集资修建了一座庙宇供奉这尊佛像,这就是浅草寺。其后该寺屡遭火灾,数次被毁。到江户初期,德川家康重建浅草寺,使它变成一座大寺院,并成为附近江户市民的游乐之地。除浅草寺内堂外,浅草寺院内的五重塔等著名建筑物和史迹、观赏景点数不胜数。每年元旦前后,前来朝拜的香客,人山人海。寺院的大门叫“雷门”,正式名称是“风雷神门”,是 *** 的门脸、浅草的象征。


东京国立博物馆收藏并陈列着 *** 及整个东洋地区的重要文化遗产。该馆的藏品多达8万9000件,其中有近100件国宝,500多件国家指定的重要文物。博物馆的主体建筑由象征 *** 历史的建筑物构成,历来被称之为"美术馆建筑与博物馆建筑的博物馆"。主馆中分类展出了 *** 美术品、出土文物、工艺品。东洋馆中陈列着亚洲、埃及等地的美术品和考古文物。另外法隆寺宝物馆中收藏有7至8世纪奈良法隆寺中的宝物约300件。馆内时常举办以某一专题为中心的"专题展览"以及跨学科的展览。

*** 景点英语简介

*** “圣岳”——富士山

Fuji stands tall in the central and southern Honshu (Fujisan) is the highest mountain in Japan, with an elevation of 3,776 meters peaks in the clouds, the mountains or snow snow.

Mt by the Japanese people as " sacred mountain" is the symbol of the Japanese nation. It is about 80 kilometers west of Tokyo, Shizuoka across, Yamanashi counties, with an area of 90.76 square kilometers. And roughly conical shape the entire mountain with their source, the fan is like a vacant savings, the Japanese poet has used the "overhang East Yushan days", "Fuji snow reflects the sun," a poem praising it. Mt surrounded Jianfeng, white mountains and long sushi Yue, Dainichigatake, Izu-yueh, achievements Yue, Mitake Komagatake and other "Fuji 8 summit."

Mount Fuji is a dormant volcano. Rumor is formed by earthquakes in 2500 286 years. Since the year 1781, there are written records, a total of 18 meetings eruption, the last time in 1707, and later became dormant volcanoes. Due to the mouth of the volcano's eruption, in the foothills of Mount Fuji to create the numerous mountain caves there are still some jet phenomenon. Wind Cave Tomioka beautiful full unity on the wall like icicle stalactites to be found, all year round, as a rare spectacle. Peak size of a volcanic fire Pass, about 800 meters in diameter and 200 meters deep. The weather was fine, in the Peak watching the sunrise and watch clouds Japanese tourists to the rest of the world is indispensable to visit projects.

Mt Fuji is the northern foothills and lakes. From east to west of the mountain lakes, sights, the West Lake, it is necessary to lakes and the amphibious Lake. Yamanaka-ko largest area of 6.75 square kilometers. Lake has many sports facilities, tennis and water-skiing, fishing, camping and other human-powered boats. Nomura patient southeast of the lake, Chung Chi, mirror pool eight ponds, collectively known as "forbearance eight wild sea," Yamanaka-ko and the same. Kawaguchi is the first development of the five lakes, the traffic is here to facilitate touri *** , the center has become lakes. Pelican island in the middle of the lake, the lake is only five islands. An island with a special blessing pregnant proction shrine. There are over 1,260 meters across the lake in the Lake Bridge. Kawaguchi, as reflected by the reflection of Mount Fuji, known as the Mt wonders of the world.

West Lake, also known as the west, is the most quiet of a lake, the five lakes. Reportedly, Xihu Lake was connected with the launch, which is divided into two after the eruption of Mt lake, but both are still linked to the lakebed. Taiwan shore Hongye, Aoki original tree sea ice Nakisawa points and feet Wadayama and other scenic areas. Fujitsu sophistication Lake is the *** allest among the five lakes lake, but its most unique style, the banks have many tall cliffs and the terrain complicated. Resting most of the water, the depths of 126 meters. Lake ice all year round, is dark blue, the look is so unpredictable and ever-mysterious.

Mount Fuji is a substantial body of water in the highlands of the south, green grass and pastures for cattle and sheep flocks of tourists. Hill south of the West famous waterfall between the white and sounded only waterfalls. The 26-meter gap between white waterfall, a dozen of the *** all streams into rock faces, like countless Bailian defense heavens, forming a 130-meter wide of the rain, which is quite spectacular. Sounded just like a waterfall shock wave from height columns, as thunderous sound, the vibrations of the initiative. Mt say it is a natural botanical garden, as many as 2,000 species of plants of the mountains.

Susono in Shizuoka Prefecture city of Fuji foothills, either included Fuji safari park, with an area of 740,000 square meters, with 40 1,000 multi-feed wild animals, the Lions reached only 30 multiple. Visitors can drive a car, watch the restocking of animals in the park.

In addition, the area also have illusions travel Fuji Museum, the Museum of insects, and natural sciences department, and the fantasy of the museum, Fuji Museum, the Science Museum large, gardens and bird park, a pet monkeys parks and sports and entertainment venues and so on.

Temple is located at the top of the long sushi shrine -- and Asama shrine Fuji Hakone Izu National Park, the main scenic spots, as well as regular visitors to the land. Peak to the shrine every summer thousands of tourists both domestic and foreign tourists.

*** 东京迪斯尼乐园介绍

The first amusement park in Asia, Tokyo Disneyland is the world's largest existing five blocks of a Disney park. Five consecutive years from 1994 to 1999 the number of visitors more than Disneyland in the United States.

There are two main reasons : its successful experience First, "everything is dynamic." Tokyo Disneyland theme park : Victoria Dynasty five times the world market style streetscape, a sense of adventure and legendary adventure theme park and the development of the West's Western Paradise, dreams and fairy tale dream land, the future, science parks and the future of the universe. A total of five major theme park 35 brilliant performances, is the common feature of all the activities are, the game. Strange, new and thrilling, intense scenes and figures tourists will forget reality into another world. So that it will become possible, the Japanese developed their own "electronic sound devices action." In such a device driven, in 2000 the total number of park over the figures and animals each room, reaching into alts to the extent that they are as people.

Second, "do not always build the Disney theme park." From opening to now, Tokyo Disneyland constantly added to the introction of a new playground equipment and services and the way to attract tourists and visitors come off the business strategy afresh. The Paradise original investment of 1,500 billion yen (about one billion U.S. dollars). 18 years, the theme park to build a super audio equipment and 35 playgrounds they have invested 120 billion yen. It is understood that within the next five years to build new projects, the Paradise prepared to invest 65 billion yen. This will enable visitors are always new fun and a new experience, the Disney theme park is maintained so great charm.


Nagoya is a symbol of Nagoya Castle, Nagoya, the first tourists arrived at the station. Castle was built in 1612, it was a piece of the park buildings around a *** all teahouse, a traditional Japanese garden. Castle is the most prominent feature of the two decorated eaves golden dolphins. Castle was damaged ring the Second World War, the 1959 renewal. Now, it is the art museum. More than 2,000 strains of brook spring blooming trees and verdant. Then the Nagoya Castle is the most beautiful.

寿司 Sushi

普茶 Putin tea

卓袱 Zhuo burden

三文鱼 Salmon

生鱼片 Sashimi


*** 东京迪士尼英语介绍。

Tokyo Disney Resort is split into two different theme parks: Tokyo Disney Land and Tokyo Disney Sea.It was first opened on April 15th, 1983 and has since earned many positive reviews.Both of the theme parks open at 9 am in the morning and closes at 10 pm in the evening.

The most amazing things about this resort is that is is revolved around the Disney Dream theme, and involves a lot of simple yet attractive rides for kids. The Disney parade every Saturday afternoon is also a huge event involving puppet shows, dress ups, princess competitions and many more.



*** 又哪些景点 (中英文互译的)




大涌谷(Owakudani)是箱根最著名的旅游景点。在绿树环抱的箱根中惟独此处山岩 *** ,岩缝间喷出的地热蒸气雾气腾腾,令人感到地球的生命运动,尉为壮观。由此可眺望富士山和箱根群山的美丽景色。




东京迪斯尼有两大主题乐园,七座舒适的大饭店,以及其它购物娱乐设施所组成的欢乐世界。是大人找回童真,小孩寻找快 的地方。





Tower)位于东京市内,建成于1958年,塔高333米,这座 *** 更高的独立铁塔上部装有东京都7个电视台、21个电视中转台和广播台等的无线电发射天线。在250米高的地方,也设有一个特别展望台。展望台四边都是落地的大玻璃窗,窗向外倾斜。





Mountain)位于本州岛中南部,海拔3776米,是 *** 更高峰, *** 人奉之为“圣山”,是 *** 民族的象征,距东京约80公里,跨静冈、山梨两县,面积为90.76平方公里。整个山体呈圆锥状,山顶终年积雪。





Temple)位于奈良市的唐招提寺是由中国唐代高僧鉴真和尚亲手兴建的,是 *** 佛教律宗的总寺院,这座具有中国盛唐建筑风格的建筑物被确定为 *** 国宝。

*** 各大景点用英文怎么说?

*** 各大景点,英语是:Major scenic spots in Japan.


major 英[?me?d??(r)] 美[?med??]

adj. 主要的; 重要的; 大调的; 主修的(课程);

n. 主修科目; 大调; 陆军少校; 成年的;

vi. <美>主修,专攻; [美国英语][教育学]主修(in); 专攻;

[例句]The major factor in the decision to stay or to leave was usually professional


scenic spots

[词典] 景点;

[例句]We visited some of the city's scenic spots.



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