公园旅游日记英文 公园旅游日记英文翻译

导读:公园旅游日记英文 公园旅游日记英文翻译 1. 公园旅游日记英文翻译 2. 公园旅游日记英文翻译版 3. 公园游玩英语日记带翻译 4. 公园一日游英文 5. 公园旅游日记英文翻译简短 6. 一篇旅游日记英文翻译 7. 去公园日记英语 8. 公园游记的英文

1. 公园旅游日记英文翻译



I usually run to the playground with my best friend Jack.垍頭條萊

run to the playground,向操场跑去

2. 公园旅游日记英文翻译版

  在一个阳光明媚的夏日,我一早就来到公园。呼吸着新鲜空气,望着周围美丽的景色,真让人心旷神怡。  首先映入眼帘的是那花坛中郁郁葱葱的鲜花。五颜六色的花朵,争奇斗艳,就像一个个骄傲的小公主,互不服气地比试着各自的美丽。沁人心脾的花香扑鼻而来,令人陶醉。盛开的鲜花招来了许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶,围着她们飞来飞去。  走过花坛,一个小湖横在面前,清凌凌的湖水在阳光的照耀下闪着银光,被微风吹起波纹,圈圈荡漾矗开去。鱼儿昂着头摆着尾巴在湖水中悠闲地游来游去,好像是在自由自在地散步。天空中一只小鸟迎着太阳飞去,嘴里还叽叽喳喳地叫个不停,仿佛在歌唱夏天的美丽,又好像在向太阳公公问好。  湖岸的小山,一条小路直通山顶,一座凉亭矗立在山上。在朝阳的照耀下凉亭的琉璃瓦顶闪闪发光。山坡上,一棵苍松傲然挺立,好想一个威武卫士,日夜守护内的一草一木。  挂在半空中的太阳公公望着夏日美丽的景色,脸上露出了一张慈祥地笑脸,仿佛是在赞扬夏姑娘的美丽。  多么迷人的夏日,多么美好的清晨,我爱夏日,我爱清晨,我更爱夏日清晨那公园里美丽的景色。條萊垍頭

3. 公园游玩英语日记带翻译


4. 公园一日游英文

自然公园的英文写作:例句:Tens of thousands of deer are kept in the nature park. 在那座天然公园里养着数以万计的鹿。语法说明:nature名词作定语,修饰park词汇解释:垍頭條萊


|ˈneɪtʃə(r)|(often Nature) [不可数名词] all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people 自然界;大自然例句:nature conservation自然保护park

|pɑ:k; 美 pɑ:rk|[可数名词] an area of public land in a town or a city where people go to walk, play and relax 公园例句:We went for a walk in the park.我们去公园散了散步。

5. 公园旅游日记英文翻译简短

It's spring. The park is beautiful. Today, my parents took me to the park to enjoy the beautiful scenery and experience the spring. I came to the orchard in the west of the park. The fragrance of the soil was refreshing. What I saw was a green and yellow crisscross lawn. Some grass broke through the soil and sprouted green shoots, while others were withered and yellow. At this time, I suddenly saw a few colorful pearls on each grass. I leaned over to watch carefully. Oh, it turned out that the dewdrops dotted the leaf tips, crystal clear


6. 一篇旅游日记英文翻译

以下为相关回答:英文是blog.就是人们常说的博客 lognote基本解释 日志 log 例句 Onewhokeepsajournal. 记日志者记日志、日记的人 Torecordinajournal. 把记入日志(或日记帐) Apersonalrecordofoccurrences,experiences,andreflectionskeptonaregularbasis;adiary. 日志,日记对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志 logbook 航海日志 Acomputerlog;atriplog. 电脑日志;旅行日志頭條 垍

7. 去公园日记英语

There is a park near my home.There are a lot of beautiful trees,flowers and birds in the park.So many people go to the park to enjoy their weekends.They like walking or having a picnic in the park.But I like flying a kite with my sisiter there.

8. 公园游记的英文

描述一幅孩子们在公园游玩的场景Describe a scene of children playing in the park描述一幅孩子们在公园游玩的场景Describe a scene of children playing in the park


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