宁夏景点介绍英语 介绍宁夏的英文

导读:宁夏景点介绍英语 介绍宁夏的英文 1. 介绍宁夏的英文 2. 宁夏的介绍英文和翻译 3. 宁夏银川英文介绍 4. 宁夏 英文 5. 介绍宁夏的英文句子 6. 宁夏的英文怎么写 7. 介绍宁夏的英文ppt

1. 介绍宁夏的英文

著名的万里长城,像一条矫健的巨龙,蜿蜒曲折,蟠伏在中华大地上。万里长城,气势磅礴,雄伟壮观,是我国古代劳动人民创造的奇迹,是世界上最宏伟的建筑工程,是人类历史上独一无二、举世无双的。   万里长城东起河北省的山海关,西到甘肃省的嘉峪关。它纵横河北、北京、山西、内蒙古、宁夏、陕西、甘肃等七个省市自治区,曲折绵延长达6700公里,约有1.3万华里,所以被称为“万里长城”。英译:The famous the Great Wall, like a vigorous dragon, winding coil volt in china. Great wall, the magnificent, magnificent, is our country ancient times the working people created a miracle, is the world's most ambitious construction project, is the history of mankind unique, unique in the world. The Great Wall east of Hebei in Shanhaiguan Province, to the west of Gansu in Jiayuguan province. It the seven provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions of Hebei, Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Gansu and other aspect, winding stretched 6700 kilometers, about 1.3 million kilometers, so called "the Great Wall".

2. 宁夏的介绍英文和翻译

YinChun City,NingXia province,China

3. 宁夏银川英文介绍



"Boom!" "Boom!" On the back Yancheng train, I lie on the sleeper, sleep, think of themselves more and more away from the defender, and my heart can not help some sadness. After all, the defender of the family and the scenery really let me difficult to let go!

Whenever, it will have deep affection and hearty laughter, there are lovely Pug "Pippi", how warm ah! While all the way back to the defender grandmother New Year, but we do not feel hard.

Chinese New Year, the big people kept toast blessing, children casual eating, laughing, talking about anything and still be gathered before the television gleefully watch the show.

Ningxia snow is so beautiful. We went to ski skiing slope slid down from the high, wind "whirring" wind in my ears, I'm a wrestling around a person, through a small ice stand, joy mixed with fear dot, red to the bottom line, 380 degrees brakes, cool!

Made me forget the skiing, we went to karaoke OK. We divided into two sets, a group of people singing and dancing group of people happy. I did not expect the computer to sing the song actually hit 100! OK hall although not small, can be filled with laughter and song and dance! How nice! While we like the singer's voice so nice, but still enjoy the open throat singing In the family to appeal the release of the happy mood.

Zhongwei is a good place. Taohua Tan thousand feet deep, filled with affectionate do not heartless. How can I not miss it!

4. 宁夏 英文



茂名的英文写法是:Maoming (茂名)

中文名 国际惯用名(旧英文名) 新中国官方用名(拼音英文名)

中国 Cathay Zhongguo

北京 Peking Beijing

杨子江/长江 Yangtze Changjiang River

井冈山 Chingkang Mountains Jinggang Mtn.

西宁(青海省) Hsin.king Xining

新疆 Sinkiang Xinjiang

西藏 Tibet/Sitsang Xizang

呼和浩特 Huhehot Hohhot

包头 Paotou/Paotow Baotou

银川 Yinchwan Yinchuan

宁夏 Ningsia Ningxia

营口 Yingkow Yingkou

江西 Kiangsi Jiangxi

江苏 Kiangsu Jiangsu

厦门 Amoy Xiamen

广州 Kwangchow/Canton Guangzhou

广西 Kwangsi Guangxi

广东 Kwangtung Guangdong

上海 Shanghai Shanghai

兰州 Lanchow Lanzhou

南京 Nanking Nanjing

杭州 Hangchow Hangzhou

松江 Sungkiang Songjiang

宁波 Ningpo Ningbo

福州 Foochow Fuzhou

重庆 Chungking Chongqing

太原 Tai-Yuen Taiyuan

贵州 Kweichow Guizhou

桂林 Kweilin Guilin

郑州 Chengchow Zhengzhou

贵阳 Kweiyang Guiyang

承德 Chengteh Chengde

成都 Chengtu Chengdu

湘潭(湖南省)Siangtan Xiangtan

满洲(我国东北) Manchuria /

乌苏里江 Ussuri Wusuli

黑龙江 Heilungkiang/Heilung/Amur Heilongjiang

松花江 Sungari/Sunghua Songhuajiang

茂名的英文写法是:Maoming (茂名)

5. 介绍宁夏的英文句子

沙坡头是宁夏有名的旅游景点区Shapotou is a famous tourist attraction in Ningxia.famous英 [ˈfeɪməs] 美 [ˈfeməs] adj.著名的,出名的;〈古〉一流的,极好的attraction英 [əˈtrækʃn] 美 [əˈtrækʃən] n.吸引;景点;魅力;[物]引力;引人注意的东西,有趣的东西

6. 宁夏的英文怎么写

内蒙古英文名:Inner Mongolia(Nei Mongol)。


7. 介绍宁夏的英文ppt








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