宁夏旅游景点英文 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍带翻译

导读:宁夏旅游景点英文 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍带翻译 1. 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍带翻译 2. 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍带翻译图片 3. 宁波旅游英文介绍 4. 介绍宁夏的导游词英文60字 5. 宁夏英文导游词 6. 宁夏英文介绍,带翻译 7. 宁夏旅游景点英文名称 8. 西安旅游英文介绍带翻译 9. 有关宁夏的介绍英语 10. 介绍宁夏景点英语作文带翻译

1. 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍带翻译


2. 宁夏旅游景点英文介绍带翻译图片



"Boom!" "Boom!" On the back Yancheng train, I lie on the sleeper, sleep, think of themselves more and more away from the defender, and my heart can not help some sadness. After all, the defender of the family and the scenery really let me difficult to let go!

Whenever, it will have deep affection and hearty laughter, there are lovely Pug "Pippi", how warm ah! While all the way back to the defender grandmother New Year, but we do not feel hard.

Chinese New Year, the big people kept toast blessing, children casual eating, laughing, talking about anything and still be gathered before the television gleefully watch the show.

Ningxia snow is so beautiful. We went to ski skiing slope slid down from the high, wind "whirring" wind in my ears, I'm a wrestling around a person, through a small ice stand, joy mixed with fear dot, red to the bottom line, 380 degrees brakes, cool!

Made me forget the skiing, we went to karaoke OK. We divided into two sets, a group of people singing and dancing group of people happy. I did not expect the computer to sing the song actually hit 100! OK hall although not small, can be filled with laughter and song and dance! How nice! While we like the singer's voice so nice, but still enjoy the open throat singing In the family to appeal the release of the happy mood.

Zhongwei is a good place. Taohua Tan thousand feet deep, filled with affectionate do not heartless. How can I not miss it!

3. 宁波旅游英文介绍

Ningbo, located in the Yangtze River Delta, near Shanghai because, in recent years rapid economic development. Ningbo as a national civilized cities, as well as five national economy one of the listed cities. Town beautiful environment, three Jiang throughout downtown. Ningbo NPC southeastern have all the most ancient books -- Tianyi Pavilion, and Qi Jiguang's coastal defenses against Japanese pirate sites. Ningbo cuisine with cookouts, levigation pudding, a rich variety of seafood.

4. 介绍宁夏的导游词英文60字

我的家乡宁夏川,春天百花争艳,夏天绿树成荫,秋天金叶盖地,冬天白满苍穹。 我的家乡宁夏川,枸杞红而软,发菜黑而细,甘草壮而黄,贺兰石光而滑,二毛皮白而亮。


我的家乡宁夏川,金川银川米粮川。金黄的土地,银色的湖泊,牛羊成群,田地相连。古朴的水车伴着淙淙流水悠闲自在地转着;羊皮筏子无忧无虑地漂在水上;风吹沙坡,细沙轰鸣。 我的家乡宁夏川,山满坡,水满原,林满川。雁儿飞越玛瑙般的绿地时,身儿落了;人儿经过宝地般的宁夏川时,心儿留了……..

5. 宁夏英文导游词


6. 宁夏英文介绍,带翻译


GuangxiZhuangAutonomousRegion(桂,广西壮族自 区,南宁)





7. 宁夏旅游景点英文名称

沙坡头是宁夏有名的旅游景点区Shapotou is a famous tourist attraction in Ningxia.famous英 [ˈfeɪməs] 美 [ˈfeməs] adj.著名的,出名的;〈古〉一流的,极好的attraction英 [əˈtrækʃn] 美 [əˈtrækʃən] n.吸引;景点;魅力;[物]引力;引人注意的东西,有趣的东西

8. 西安旅游英文介绍带翻译



9. 有关宁夏的介绍英语

Welcome to my hometown!

  My home town is a good place .

  It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food.

  There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too.

  There is little air pollution,because cars can't go into the centre of the town.

  Peple here are very friendly and helpful .

  I think my home town is a wonderful place to live.

  I love my home town!

10. 介绍宁夏景点英语作文带翻译

早上,天空虽然飘着蒙蒙细雨,但并没有影响到我们满腔的期待和满心的兴奋。登上大巴,好一会儿都没有将激动的心情平静下来。不过,在上午已经游览了磨头机场及熔盛船厂之后,到达长青沙养生生态园时,兴致未免被磨得差不多了。  不过,在踏入园林的那时,长途奔波、颠簸所带来的疲惫却已经被一扫而空。清新的空气铺面而来,渗透进每一个毛孔,每一寸皮肤,深呼吸,拖沓的脚步都变得轻盈起来。然后扬起头,就看见了两排高耸入云的水杉。  小道向前延伸,从几米宽变成窄窄的尖端,眼前一片蓬勃而盎然的,水杉的树干笔直,一开始还能看出被认为修整过的树干和那质感蓬松轻盈的树叶,在往前看,就已经汇成了一片模糊的的绿,像蒙上了一层雾气一样,看不真切。巧妙的视觉落差制造出近大远小的别样效果,却是说不出来的和谐。两排树木夹着头顶上的天空,此时天已经放晴,点点的阳光从那个狭长的三角形中泻下来,让眼前的这番景色更加活跃起来。  在往前走,有一种深入密林的感觉,恍如回归到了大自然一般,古色古香的木头小屋,小桥,流水,都会让我们新奇地观望好一阵。怎么看,都想是远离喧嚣的城市,不被任何事物所惊扰的世外桃源。  在大概走了三分之一后,我们看到了令人欣喜的景象。潺潺流淌的河水,因为刚刚拂过的轻风而泛起道道的浅浅波纹,慢慢漾开,最终渐淡,无处可寻,河水又变得波澜不惊。有人站在河边的低矮栏杆后,手执钓竿,淡淡地凝望着宁静的水面,我们如此庞大的行军队伍也未引起他们的注意。而河水上的一景更是让我们惊喜地叫出了声:“天鹅!”的确,两点一尘不染的白点缀在绿色的湖水中,悠悠地飘着,不急不缓,不慌不忙,闲逸又高傲。  已经走到小路的尽头,我们转身,开始原路返回。这时,所目睹的景象又略有些不同。路旁有一块块高大的石头,上面刻着各种有韵味的名字。水杉后的丛林被改造得郁郁葱葱,草木中央有着石椅石凳,还有不 一点装饰的小木屋坐落在期间,古色古香,让人不禁陷入遐想,如果能住在这里,那该多好啊。  最后,我们在一片草坪上合影。小草绿茸茸的,不带一丝杂色,因为刚刚下过雨,所以草叶上还带着点点的水珠,别有一番情趣。水杉高耸入云,草地绿意盎然,木屋古色古香,还有远处石头上刚劲的“放飞亭”三个字,我们的灿烂笑容定格在这令人心旷神怡的景色中。  踏上大巴,夕阳西沉,我们第一天的军训生活结束了,可心情还久久没有平静……


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