欧洲旅游介绍英文 欧洲旅游介绍英文版

导读:欧洲旅游介绍英文 欧洲旅游介绍英文版 1. 欧洲旅游介绍英文版 2. 欧洲之旅的英文 3. 希腊旅游介绍英文 4. 英国旅游介绍英文版 5. 英文旅游指南 6. 欧洲旅游介绍英文版翻译 7. 欧洲旅游介绍英文版简短 8. 欧洲旅游景点英文介绍 9. 欧洲旅行英文

1. 欧洲旅游介绍英文版

The story takes place in medieval Europe (14th century). King Stephen and King Leah gave birth to little princess aurora. People all over the country congratulated the king and queen for this.


At the baptism ceremony of the birth of the princess, there are three good fairies. They are huala fairies, jade fairies and blue sky fairies. They take turns to give the little princess good wishes.


After the blessing of the second fairy, the evil black witch Mel faysant suddenly appeared in the hall and cursed the princess in the name of blessing.


After melfercent left with a wild smile, everyone was frightened. But the third fairy had not blessed the princess. She changed the curse of death to the curse of deep sleep. The princess had to get the prince's kiss of true love to wake up.


But unexpectedly, even if three fairies tried their best to help, the curse could not be avoided, so Princess Aurora could not wake up.


Finally, Prince Philip, who is in love with the princess, conquers all kinds of difficulties and defeats melfisant, and goes to the top of the tower to break the princess's curse with the kiss of true love.

最后,与公主互生情愫的菲利普王子为爱劈荆斩棘、克服万难、打败梅尔菲森特,登上塔顶用真爱之吻破解了公主的魔咒 。

2. 欧洲之旅的英文

“Europe” 英 ['jʊrəp] 美 ['jʊrəp] “Europe” 一、读音:英 ['jʊrəp] 美 ['jʊrəp] 二、解释:n. 欧洲 三、短语:1.Southern Europe 南欧 ; 欧洲南部 2.Europe Day 欧洲日3.Federal Europe 联邦欧洲 四、例句:1. I believe this treaty will pave the way to peace in Europe. 我相信这个条约将为欧洲的和平铺平道路。 2. I toured through Europe last summer. 去年夏天我周游了欧洲。 3. It's cheaper for you to hire a flat when you stay in Europe. 你在欧洲停留期间,租借一套公寓住可省一些钱。

3. 希腊旅游介绍英文


4. 英国旅游介绍英文版

Britain is a multicultural place, the food is fresh, beautiful scenery, the British house, has a unique flavor of the west. There are many places of historic interest in Britain, for example, the British museum, the inside of the portrait, revealed the history, all kinds of porcelain carving is very delicate. Britain's book is also very famous, "oliver twist" let a person can't help but leave deep impression! This is the British, beautiful English!

5. 英文旅游指南

Welcome to China. Have you ever been to Beijing? It is the capital city of China. It is one of the oldest cities in China. It has millions of population. It is a political and cultural center in China. It has many places of interest. For example, Tian''anmen Square,Palace Museum,Great Wall. They are very interesting. If you have a t rip to China,you will be very happy.

This is Shijiazhuang. It is my hometown. It's one of the most beautiful cities in China. It has changed greatly. There are many tall buildings in the city everywhere. There are many shops ,restraunts on both sides of the streets. Big supermarket,For example Beiguo Supermarkets are very famous. It has many places of interest,too. such as Zhaozhou Stone Bridge ,Tuoliang and so on.

Welcome to China. It is a surprise for you.

6. 欧洲旅游介绍英文版翻译


英 ['jʊrəp] 美 ['jʊrəp]

n. 欧洲


ESCP Europe 巴黎高等商业学院 ; ESCP欧洲商学院 ; 欧洲管理学院 ; 欧洲高等商学院

Europe Day 欧洲日

Federal Europe 联邦欧洲

Southern Europe 南欧 ; 欧洲南部 ; 风情南欧 ; 北欧

Fortress Europe 欧洲堡垒 ; 堡垒欧洲 ; 欧洲壁垒




英 [ˌjʊərəˈpɪən] 美 ['jʊrə'piən]

adj. 欧洲的;欧洲人的

n. 欧洲人


European Pharmacopoeia 欧洲药典 ; 欧州薬局方 ; 版欧洲药典

European Robin 欧亚鸲 ; 知更鸟 ; 欧洲循环

European Hare 欧洲野兔 ; 欧兔

EUROPEAN RABBIT 穴兔 ; 兔子 ; 穴兔属


1、The European: But how do we distinguish progress from good progress?


2、Only the European Space Agency and the US have previously sent probes there.


3、Well, if you could travel through only one European country, which would you choose?


7. 欧洲旅游介绍英文版简短










8. 欧洲旅游景点英文介绍

Westminster AbbeyA resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. It's a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. The roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特教堂是英国王室休息的地方,在基督教中是访问量最大的教堂。这是一个美丽的建筑,里面有很多墓和纪念碑,喝诗班的男童清清他们的喉咙发出的音乐像是深入到你的脊髓。唱名表决的死者和荣幸,让利己主义者和华丽的记念品都为之逊色。

9. 欧洲旅行英文

西方游客,无论方式,形态,心态,和我们国人出国游都大相径庭,先说说西方 的年轻人,他们平时利用业余时间打工,比如送外卖,替别遛狗,作临时保姆,作家教等,挣到零花钱,用于日后出国旅游用,国外的孩子崇尚冒险,把日用品和睡袋打包,带上护照就出国了,叫背包客,他们般对住食要求不高,多为自由行,以观光览胜为主,读万卷书,行万里路,探索大自然,追求新知,上下求索,他们饿了啃面包,困了住民宿,青年旅社,或直接野外用睡袋,他们西方年轻旅游,有点象军训,培养吃苦耐老的精神,而西方中产阶级或有钱一族,他们一般岁数比较大,参团游,住高级酒店,吃大餐,这些游客,大多人手一本旅游手册,专心听导游讲解,对风味餐很讲究,象北京烤鸭,对外国传统文化感兴趣,来京一定看京剧,坐三轮车逛后海,购买国外特色旅游商品,来京最感兴趣景泰兰和玉雕,西方人旅游,总结一句话,多为文化旅游,而我们国人出国游,更看重休息和购物,方式方法上确有大不同之处。我觉得西方人很讲契约精神,他们都是直肠子,有一说一,很直,好交友,刚认识不久,就能和你称兄道弟,这种文化比日本人強,你别看日本人当面满面笑容,向你鞠躬,暗里正策划怎么坑你,到西方人家里作客,他问你渴了吗,要喝什么酒或饮料,咱们中国人,礼仪之邦,天朝风度,我们虽想喝饮料,但却说还不渴,还不急,好啦,老外心真,认为你真不渴,一杯水都不给你,吃饭时,问你要不要添饭或上点甜食,你假客气,那只能吃个半饱回家。这种直肠子性格,是西方人娘胎带来的,他们对契约式生活很敏感,很认真,因此与西方游客签旅游合同,一定认真仔细,有一说一,能完成作好的项目,一定保质保量完成,西方人喜欢和诚实守信人作生意,既使价高些,他们也不在乎,但感觉他们受骗了,他们一定会告你,这种守信契约精神,对我们有百益而无害。为什么我对西方老外游客这么了解呢,说起来,还真算有缘,我闺女的大学,最近迎来一批老外留学生,为使他们尽快融入北京人的生活,家在北京学生,每家领养两老外,分派到我家的是两个美国女孩,很漂亮,黄发碧眼,因我大学学过英文,虽不熟练,当日常交流会话不成问题,我觉的这两美国女孩很有趣,她们作息很守到,没戴表,干什么随时看手机时间,跟我约时,几乎要准确到秒,吃饭象恶狼,吃饺子从不客气,大盘大盘地塞,直到吃撑,穿着随意,不要求显眼,但一律棉制品,天天自己拿本旅游手册,四处乱转,到处拍照,她们很爱中国文化,让我带她们看京戏,游后海,逛荣宝斋,吃爆肚儿,喝豆汁,还好来我家时间不长,不然我得累死,从这俩美国女孩身上,我看到西方人跟我们国人旅游文化方式习惯的大不同


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