青海湖景点 青海湖景点英文介绍

导读:青海湖景点 青海湖景点英文介绍 1. 青海湖景点英文介绍 2. 青海景点英语介绍 3. 青海著名景点英文 4. 青海旅游景点的英语介绍 5. 青海湖的英文介绍 6. 青海湖的英文怎么说 7. 青海湖景点英文介绍简短 8. 用英文介绍青海湖著名的地方 9. 青海湖英文导游词

1. 青海湖景点英文介绍

青海湖 [Qinghai Lake] 中国最大的咸水湖。蒙语为“库库诺尔”,意即“青色的湖”。在青海省东北部大通山、日月山和青海南山之间。由断层陷落积水而成。面积4583平方公里,湖面海拔3195米,最深处32.8米。有布哈河等注入。湖中有4个小岛,海心山为最大,西部鸟岛上有大量鸟类和水禽,被列为自然保护区。湖水冬季结冰。湖中盛产青海湖裸鲤鱼。滨湖草原是良好的天然牧场

2. 青海景点英语介绍

Tar Lamasery

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3. 青海著名景点英文


4. 青海旅游景点的英语介绍

My home is in Qinghai, where he will see the blue sky clear water, you will feel the beauty of the Tibetan Plateau. Where there is a salt lake - that is the Qinghai Lake. Qinghai Lake is a famous tourist place. This is my beautiful home of Qinghai

5. 青海湖的英文介绍

The Tibetan antelopes live in family group, the normal size of a Tibetan antelops is with body length 120-130 cm, shoulder height 80-100 cm, tail length 18-30 cm and weight 25-35 kg. They are mainly distributed over Qinghai Province, Tibetan Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Autonomous Region in China. The life span of a Tibetan antelope is probably 10-15 years.这些介绍应该够了,而且语言比较简单,顺附中文对照如下:藏羚羊是群居动物,一头藏羚羊的常规大小为--身长120-130厘米,高80-100厘米,尾长18-30厘米,重约25-35公斤。他们主要分布在中国的青海、西藏和新疆,其寿命在10至15年。

6. 青海湖的英文怎么说

Qinghai Lake and Bird Island

Lying 180 km from Qinghai and 3 200 metres above sea level, Qinghai Lake is the largest salt water lake in Ch

not only that it is also the largest of all lakes,both salt water and fresh, in the whole country.

In Qing-hai Lake Bird Island is the most charming and attractive place.

Situated on the western shore of Qinghai Lake,the island has largely due to the receding of waters off its shores,been turned into a peninsul

Though it covers an area of slightly less than 1 000 square meters it attracts many migrating birds in spring and summer

To these hundreds of thousands of migrant birds,the island has become a very important bird sanctuary.

Thousands of birds of different species such as geese,gulls,sandpipers and cormorants,nest on the island and the sound of its calls,twitters is carried far and away.

For these birds as well as bird watching enthusiasts,the island represents nothing short of a piece of heaven.

Another attraction on the lake is Haixinshan where according to legend great horses were bred.

7. 青海湖景点英文介绍简短

The happy summer vacation camw again.In August,my parents and I took a train bound for the distance,and came to the highland lake,qinghai lake.I was stunned by ist beauty!

The blue sky,the green grass,the flocks and herds,and the cauliflower,like a golden sea.The water is crystal clear,sparkling,blsckyellow fish swimming in the water,seems to be happy with the tourists.

8. 用英文介绍青海湖著名的地方

Located in the northeast of the 4,500-meter-high Qinghai Tibet plateau, Qinghai Lake is a blue mirror nestled between snowy mountains and grasslands.


Measuring 4,400 square kilometers, it is the largest inland saltwater lake in China.


9. 青海湖英文导游词

九寨沟和青海湖两个地方我 去过,亲身感受。青海湖边是我出生的地方,在那生活了十六年,对青海湖有很深的感情,经历了她的一年四季,日出日落,青海湖的美是湖与山,湖与草原,湖与青藏高原的完美结合。九寨沟是旅游去过,一天多的行程,让我感受到了大自然的神奇,九寨沟的美是水与自然,水与树木的完美结合。所以有去过九寨


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