写深圳景点英语 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文

导读:写深圳景点英语 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文 1. 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文 2. 英语介绍深圳著名景点 3. 关于深圳英语小短文 4. 深圳有许多景点可以游玩的英语 5. 深圳景点英语表达 6. 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文作文 7. 介绍深圳的景点英语作文 8. 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文初一

1. 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文

  Shenzhen is a beautiful city   Shenzhen is a beautiful costal city. There are friendly people and scenic places here.   What’s more, you can see a lot of high buildings and restaurants here. You can have a view of the whole city on top of the Diwang Building. You can also taste delicious food from all over China.  Finally, there are many tourist attractions here such as Window to the World, Happy Vally and Splendid China.

2. 英语介绍深圳著名景点





3. 关于深圳英语小短文

I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother will go to Shenzhen by bus. In the morning we will climb the mountain. we wilI see wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We will climb up the hill along the mountain path. I will go to shenzhen with my parents on May Day.We are going to spend three days in shenzhen.We will go there by plane.We will visit .......We are going to visit the ......because I hear it is a beautiful park.We are going to taste the local food and buy lots of souvenious.

4. 深圳有许多景点可以游玩的英语


5. 深圳景点英语表达

Shenzhen is a very attractive city. From spring to winter, she is always beautiful. Except summer, it's too hot, you will feel comfortable in spring, autumn and winter.

6. 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文作文




7. 介绍深圳的景点英语作文

世界之窗于1994年6月18日开园,世界之窗是中国著名的缩微景区,位于深圳湾畔,以弘扬世界文化为宗旨,是一个把世界奇观、历史遗迹、古今名胜、民间歌舞表演融为一体的人造主题公园。公园中的各个景点都按不同比例自由仿建。深圳世界之窗,英文:Window of the world.世界之窗是位于中国广东省深圳市南山区华 侨城的大型文化旅游景区,是深圳最为著名的旅游景点之一。深圳世界之窗文化旅游景区,占地48万平方米。集世界奇观、自然风光、民俗风情、民间歌舞于一园,再现了一个美妙的世界。世界广场、世界雕塑园、巴黎之春购物街和侏罗纪天地共同构成千姿万态、美妙绝伦,让人惊叹的人造主题公园。

8. 介绍深圳景点的英语小短文初一

the winter in shenzhen is always make us feel nice.it seems like the big city wears a soft and slim clothe.it will melt,turn to a piece of water.the tree,the top of the town,the wire,the floor,all of these are white.i like these,


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