四川景点吃的英文 四川的美食有哪些?英文

导读:四川景点吃的英文 四川的美食有哪些?英文 1. 四川的美食有哪些?英文 2. 四川美食的英语怎么说 3. 四川特色美食英文介绍翻译 4. 四川的美食有哪些?英文介绍 5. 四川的食物的英文 6. 四川的美食有哪些?英文翻译 7. 四川美食的英文翻译 8. 四川的美食有哪些?英文作文 9. 四川的食物多么美味啊英文 10. 介绍四川美食英文

1. 四川的美食有哪些?英文




开水白菜(英文名:Steamed Chinese Cabbage in Supreme Soup)是一道四川名菜,原系川菜名厨黄敬临在清宫御膳房时创制,后来由川菜大师罗国荣发扬光大,成为国宴上的一道精品。


口水鸡是中国四川传统特色菜肴,属于川菜系中的凉菜,佐料丰富,集麻辣鲜香嫩爽于一身。 在烹制时,煮鸡用的汤料很有讲究,需要恰到好处,这样可以最大限度地保存鸡的可溶性蛋白,增加鸡肉的鲜美程度,又能具备其特有的香型和滋味。



夫妻肺片(Sliced beef and ox organs in chili sauce),是一道四川成都名菜,由郭朝华、张田政夫妻创制而成。通常以牛头皮、牛心、牛舌、牛肚、牛肉为主料,进行卤制,而后切片。再配以辣椒油、花椒面等辅料制成红油浇在上面。其制作精细,色泽美观,质嫩味鲜,麻辣浓香,非常适口。

2017年5月,美国《GQ》杂志发布了餐饮品赏大师BrettMartin最新出炉的“美国2017餐饮排行榜”,位于休斯敦的PepperTwins双椒川菜馆的招牌凉菜“夫妻肺片”荣登榜首,被评选为“年度开胃菜”(Appetizer of the Year)。这道菜的英文名被翻译成“史密斯夫妇”(Mr and Mrs Smith)。

2. 四川美食的英语怎么说

Sichuan cuisine, dishes diversity, taste fresh and strong and, to make good use of spicy, and with its unique cooking methods and full-bodied local flavor, is one of China's four big cuisines.

Chengdu famous snack has pengzhou recuperat GuoKui, pengzhou nine feet, shuangliu rabbit head control, sliced beef and ox tongue in chili sauce, Dan Dan noodles, dragon reading hands, zhong dumplings, Korea's steamed stuffed bun, three guns, rice dumplings, a root surface,and so on.

3. 四川特色美食英文介绍翻译


4. 四川的美食有哪些?英文介绍

Usually fried or roasted,food cooked in Sichuan Cuisine boasts a variety of flavours and diversified culinary styles.


Chilli,pepper, Chinese prickly ash and ginger are most frequently used condiments. So Sichuan Cuisine styled food tastes hot,tongue-numbing,sour and delicious.


With Chengdu flavour as the orthodox, it includes Chongqing cuisine,Dongshan cuisine,Zigong cuisine,etc. It is said that as early as more than 1 000 years ago Sichuan Cuisine was already very unique.


Some of the famous dishes are Fish-Flavored Pork Threads,Fuqi Ox Lung Slice, Mapo Bean Curd and Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts.


Fuqi Ox Lung Slice was made by marinating ox lung,beef or chopped entrails,eye-pleasing, tender and spicy.It is said that in the 1930's, Guo Chaohua,a native of Chengdu,and his wife sold ox lung slices for a living. Due to its elaborate cookery and distinctive flavor, it was very popular with the mass consumers, hence its name Fuqi,meaning a couple,that is,the dish was cooked and sold by a couple or husband and wife.

5. 四川的食物的英文

Sichuan cuisine, dishes diversity, taste fresh and strong and, to make good use of spicy, and with its unique cooking methods and full-bodied local flavor, is one of China's four big cuisines.

Chengdu famous snack has pengzhou recuperat GuoKui, pengzhou nine feet, shuangliu rabbit head control, sliced beef and ox tongue in chili sauce, Dan Dan noodles, dragon reading hands, zhong dumplings, Korea's steamed stuffed bun, three guns, rice dumplings, a root surface,and so on.

6. 四川的美食有哪些?英文翻译


7. 四川美食的英文翻译





5.蜀酒浓无敌,江鱼美可求。 6.青青竹笋迎船出,日日江鱼入馔来。


8.霜余蔬甲淡中甜,春近录苗嫩不蔹。采掇归来便堪煮,半铢盐酪不须添。 9.一菜一格、百菜百味。

10.霜余蔬甲淡中甜,春近录苗嫩不蔹。采掇归来便堪煮,半铢盐酪不须添。 11.我爱吃川菜, 更爱独特的古蜀文化。

8. 四川的美食有哪些?英文作文

Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people.

Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places.

The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various.

Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced.

After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.





9. 四川的食物多么美味啊英文

我的家乡是天府之国四川,四川美食好吃且享誉世界四川菜英文介绍。 My hmetwn sichuan is a land f abundance , sichuan fd is delicius and famus in the wrld.

有一道菜我特别爱吃,叫做粉蒸肉,是一种用土豆和猪肉再加上某种调味粉蒸煮。这道菜口感比较柔滑,以香和咸为主。 I especially lve t eat a dish,peple call steamed prk with rice flur,It is a kind f dish with ptates and prk add sme kind f seasning pwder, cking.


This dish tastes mre smth, give pririty t with sweet and salty,yu will cant

10. 介绍四川美食英文

Chengdu is the capital of "Heavenly State" , habitat of giant pandas and city of cotton-rose hibiscus.

Located in the west of Sichuan Basin and in the center of Chengdu Plain, Chengdu covers a total area of 12.3 thousand square kilometres with a population of over 11 million.Benefiting from Dujiangyan Irrigation Project which was constructed in 256 B.C., Sichuan Province is reputed as "Tian Fu Zhi Guo", literally a place richly endowed with natural resources.

Chengdu, as the capital, is extremely productive. The Min and Tuo Rivers, two branches of the Yangtze River, connected to forty other rivers, supply an irrigation area of more than 700 square kilometres with 150-180 million kilowatts of water. Consisting of abundant mineral resources, the land is extremely fertile.


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