
塔城市城市发展战略思考  摘要:随着新一轮援疆工作的展开,沈阳市对口支援新疆塔城市的工作在市委、市政府的统筹安排下,积极、顺利的开展起来。曾维书记在对塔城市的考察调研中指出“十年援疆,规划先行”,并对塔城市的城市发展框架指出了方向。本文作者在经历了半年之久的塔城援助后,在深入领会各级领导对塔城市发展所做的指引条件后,深入分析了塔城市的发展环境以及发展特征,提出其发展的战略构想,希翼对塔城市的健康、有序发展提供一定的建设性的意见。  Abstract:With a new round of Xinjiang supporting work,the counterpart support of Shenyang to Tacheng is carried out actively and smoothly under the arrangement of the municipal party committee and municipal government. Secretary Zengwei puts forward the importance of planning work and points out the development direction of Tacheng. The author has taken part in the supporting work for half a year and has understood the guiding conditions made by the leaders. This paper analyzes the environment and characteristics of the development of Tacheng,and proposes the strategic development idea,in order to provide some constructive suggestions for the healthy and orderly development of Tacheng.  关键词:塔城市;战略;空间;产业  Key words:Tacheng


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